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"Look who's decided to grace us with his presence," Rohit exclaims, drawing our attention towards him. Following his trail of sight, every pair of eyes seated at the breakfast table stares at the man who is marching his way into the hall.

"Thank you for the announcement, Rohit." Arjun says, tugging at the lapels of his coat in an evident display of discomfort because of all this attention that's trained on him.

"So the ghost has returned." I murmur, shoving a piece of watermelon into my mouth to suppress any other wayward thoughts from escaping. Pulling out the chair that's adjacent to mine, Arjun lowers himself into his designated seat at the head of the table. 

Refusing to so much as glance in his direction, I continue to dig into the mountain of food that I can't help but pile on my plate as of late. Ever since last week, my appetite has grown tenfold. In fact, I'm now concerned that I may be giving birth to an obese babe, what with all this food quantity I'm consuming.

The skin on the side of my neck begins to prickle. At once, I jerk my head to my right, only to find Arjun watching me with narrowed eyes. Lips pursed, his gaze flits towards my plate for the briefest of seconds before he reaches out for the bread basket, and begins to fill his own plate. 

Frowning, I divert my gaze back to the food in front of me. I know that look. After all, I can read Arjun like a book, and mere seconds ago, he was judging me. Tightening my hold around the fork in my hand, I shove its tines into another piece of watermelon. How dare this man materialise after days and weeks of absences only to judge me? Especially when he doesn't know an ounce of what I'm enduring during these times.

By the time breakfast draws to an end, Arjun and I haven't spoken a word to each other, even though he has communicated with everyone else seated at the table. Placing my napkin beside my plate, I begin to rise. However, before I can do so, a warm palm - whose contours I have memorised by heart - places itself above my right hand. 

"We need to talk," Arjun whispers, his fingers wrapping around my hand. Taken aback by his unexpected action, all I can do is stare at our joint hands. However, then the clattering of a steel utensil invades my ears, knocking a wave of sense back into me. Clenching my teeth, I make an attempt to yank my hand out from underneath Arjun's. Alas, my efforts are in vain because his grip simply tightens.

"We need to talk, Princess." Arjun repeats, refusing to budge with his hold.

"No, we don't." I spit out through gritted teeth, giving my hand another hard jerk. But Arjun's hand has an iron tight grip around mine.

"We do, and we will," Arjun says stubbornly. At the commanding tone in his voice, my eyes fly towards his face, but he's not the least bit interested in watching me. Instead, Arjun is staring at the food in his plate as he idly tosses it around.

"Make me," I challenge, pushing my chair away from the table. With a jerk, I rise to my feet, my hand sliding out from underneath Arjun's. Scoffing, I swivel around on my heels and stride away from the table. How dare Arjun assume that he can simply waltz in one day and order me around as if nothing of consequence has transpired between the two of us in recent days?


Lost in my own world of thoughts, I allow my feet to instinctively guide me towards my chambers. However, just as I'm about to turn the corner, a shrill screech jerks me to a halt.

"What in the world..." I murmur, my train of thoughts trailing away into nothingness as I take in the sight to my left. Two guards are lowering the sliding iron grills in front of the windows that line the hallway wall. Systematically, like two men who have been trained time and again for the task, they perform this mundane routine with one window, and then the next, making their way down the length of the hallway.

"What're you doing that for?" I call out, my narrowed eyes following their movements. Both of the men halt their actions at once and carry forth low bows before answering my query.

"His Highness has ordered for all the iron barriers to be lowered in front of every door in the palace, and every window." One of the guard's replies. Alas, his words fail to eradicate my confusion. 

Why in the world would Arjun issue such a bizarre command unless a grave war situation was upon us? And as far as I'm aware, we aren't in such dire straits. And then there's only one other instance in which such a missive is issued. If Arjun isn't trying to keep outsiders out of the palace walls, then he's attempting to keep someone caged in; to prevent them from escaping, or leaving. Who?


Turning over, I reach out for the lantern on my bedside table. It's about time I tuck myself into the covers, or else I won't be able to keep my eyes open tomorrow. As it is, the pregnancy has brought in its fair share of unnecessary fatigue along with the insatiable appetite. But just as my fingers are about to turn the dial on the lantern, a loud insistent rapping against my chamber door has my fingers hovering in mid air instead. Instinctively, I reach for the dagger that's lying beside me on the bedside table.

"Who's there?" I yell, kicking my legs off the bed, the hilt of the dagger firmly gripped within my clenched fist. "Arjun?" I call out, his name coming to the forefront of my mind. After all, who else would dare to disturb me at this ungodly hour in this manner? 

"Your Grace, please wake up." A muffled male voice seeps in through the door. Sebastian. Still clutching the dagger with indomitable force, I unlock the door and pull it open for my unexpected guest. At the same time, I take a step back, my dagger aimed at Sebastian's stomach as I hold it inches away from my hip.

"What're you doing here at this hour?" I ask, my eyes flitting over his shoulder to check for any company behind him. However, he's come alone.

"You must leave, Your Grace." Sebastian hisses, his eyes wide with panic.

"Why? What's wrong?" I can gauge by Sebastian's heaving chest that he's either extremely frightened, or he's come running to my chamber.

"H-History is going to repeat itself i-if you d-don't." Sebastian stammers, his eyes glazed over. Shaking his head, he casts a glance over his shoulder before pinning me with his crazed orbs once again. "His Highness, h-he's up to no good. He is planning to kill y-your child t-tonight." 

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