Master Knot

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"Arohi, dear, before anything else, I would like to sincerely apologise on my foolish grandson's behalf." Reaching reaching out across the table, Singhania's grandmother takes my hands into hers. Furrowing my brows, I stare at our joint hands in utter puzzlement. 

"W-Why are you apologising, Mrs. Singhania?" I ask, tugging at my hands ever so slightly. Truth be told, I am still not entirely comfortable with another's touch, especially not when it takes me off guard. However, Singhania's grandmother has no intentions, whatsoever, to release her hold from around me. On the contrary, her grip tightens. 

"Please, call me Dadi," she says, scooting closer towards the table. "You're right, Arohi, apologising is the least that I can do. In all honesty, I should bring Arjun in here, and slap some sense into him right before your very eyes." My eyes widen as the woman in front of me continues to surprise me with her words. Releasing a sigh of frustration, Dadi bows her head towards the floor. "I'm so ashamed, Arohi." Is this woman truly siding with me over her own grandson? No...This can't be right. Perhaps this is another stunt that Singhania has jointly planned with his Dadi. Nonetheless, I find myself standing up and lowering myself onto the floor beside Singhania's grandmother. 

"Singhania told you everything?" I ask hesitantly. "I-I mean, the entire honest truth?" Letting go of my hands, Dadi cups my face in between her palms. 

"He did, dear," she admits, nodding her head. "I'm unsure whether or not anyone's asked you this since it all happened, but...are you okay, Arohi?" 

Are you okay, Arohi? Dadi's words echo in my head. When has anyone truly asked me this question before? Surely, Singhania showed a certain level of interest in me a while back. However, I now know that his concern was all a facade; an act to wed me for the sake of his sweet revenge, and power. Am I okay? 

"Am I okay?" I repeat in a whisper, my voice breaking. As if the answer lies on the ground beneath my feet, my eyes begin to flit across it desperately. "Married life...It's been treating me great." Moistening my lips, I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. "My husband despises me. I bear mutual feelings towards him. He doesn't want to be tied down in this marriage union, and nor do I. He has a lover within the very walls which are supposed to make our home. Yes, in fact, I'm quite okay." Shrugging my shoulders, I plaster on a smile as I look up at Dadi. My lips part in surprise as tears cloud her eyes. Without saying a word, she passes her hand over my head. 

"P-Please don't look at me like that, Mrs. Singhania. I-I don't want your pity," I say, shaking my head. 

"It's not pity that I feel for you, dear." Dadi says, as she continues to grace my head with her touch. "It's admiration." Smiling, she spreads her arms out. Like a desert traveler would collapse beside an oasis at the first sight of it, after a whole day of struggling to find so much as a drop of water, I allow myself to crash into Dadi's arms. 

"You're not alone, Arohi." Dadi says, as she holds me close to her chest. Shutting my eyes, I take in her welcoming scent. Truth be told, if the sun could be encompassed into the shape of a woman, I'd say that it would be Dadi. Since the time she offered me tea to right now, I have begun to feel and hope that this palace could be more than just a prisoner camp for me.


"Arohi, dear, I fell in love with you the second I learnt that you'd gotten rid of that rotten girl." Dadi says, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the mere mention of Anusha. "I simply cannot stand that woman. Only He knows as to why Arjun keeps her around as a companion." 

"Well," I say, shrugging my shoulders. "I've seen her chest, and right there you have two pretty solid reasons for his fondness towards her." Upon my words, Dadi's shoulders begin to shake with laughter. 

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