Her Joy

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A/N: Is it double update day already? Well, perhaps, it is. Happy reading xx

Arjun's POV 

"Because isn't that what a lady does? Make a home out of a house for men who would rather spend their time, wealth and sweetness quota on third parties, who are also popularly known as, 'Home-wreckers.'"

Unblinking, I continue to stare at a spot on a pillar in front of me, as if Arohi's words are engraved on it. When she said these words to me - a mere while back - I could sense the helplessness in her tone. But I'm also well aware that Arohi was simply not voicing out her struggle. On the contrary, I could tell that this is the story of every other household which she has the courage to voice out loud and wish to fight against. How would I feel if the one I love and wish to invest my entire life in decides to share their precious time with another? That, too, right in front of my very eyes. 

Fortunately, though, Father was never such a disgusting man. As far as I'm aware, not once did he go behind Mother's back, and fool around with another lady. Frankly, this was a blessing for my family. Knitting my brows together, I sit up. Why the hell should a situation in which a lady is being treated with respect, and equality, be a blessing? Should it not be a right for them all? If being disrespected is an anomaly for me - since I am a man - then why is being respected an out of the blue phenomenon for them? 

"Stop," I blurt out, my hand firmly pressing down onto the back of Anusha's. Casting my gaze down towards my chest, I take in the partially unbuttoned black shirt that I'm wearing; Anusha's fingers poised above its buttons to take this task to completion.

"Is everything alright, Your Highness?" She asks, raising her eyebrows questioningly. 

"No," I murmur, shrugging her hands off my chest. "This is wrong," I announce, as I rise from the chair. 

"Oh, perhaps you wish for me to start with your lower half this time?" Anusha questions, as she gets onto her feet too. 

"What?" Furrowing my brows together, I stare at Anusha in confusion. Where in God's name is her mind at? "No, I mean to say, us...together...it's wrong." Turning away from Anusha, I shut my eyes. Good God, how the hell am I supposed to explain my thoughts to her when I, myself, fail to make sense of them? Pinching the bridge of my nose, I tilt my head back. 

"Your Highness, do pardon me if I'm overstepping," Anusha snaps. Sighing, I mentally prepare myself for another futile argument. "But ever since that wife of yours has stepped foot into our house, you haven't spent a single night with me. To be honest, Your Highness, if the two of you are going to play a game of loyalty towards each other, then please do inform me about your intentions. I'll more than willingly pack my trunks and leave." Upon hearing Anusha's words, my eyes fly open at once.  

"What do you possibly mean by that?" I ask, swivelling around to face her. "Is that all you and I share? A merely physical relationship?" Raising my eyebrows, I seek an answer from her. "I thought we were friends, Anusha." Although the woman in front of me opens her mouth to defend her case, I raise my palm so as to stop her from doing so. 

"I'll show myself out," I say. 


Tinkling laughter floats into the study through the partially open door. Knitting my brows together, I tilt my head in the direction of the sound. In an attempt to resist the urge to march out, I dig my fingers into the leather handles of the chair I'm seated on. 

"Are you feeling alright, Your Highness?" Anusha asks. But I'm unable to look away from the door, and focus my attention on her. 

"Who's Princess conversing with outside?" I voice my thoughts out loud. "She should be in here - working - instead of having the time of her life out there." 

"Your Highness, there are only two lonely souls who bond in this palace." Anusha replies. Judging from her tone, I can tell that she's quite bored of this conversation, and not the least bit interested in it either. I, on the other hand, most certainly am. "Rohit, and your wife. She must be out in the hallway with him." Before I am so much as able to think my actions through, I find my feet carrying me towards the door. 

"Where are you going, Your Highness?" Anusha asks from behind me. Irritated, I flick my wrist at her dismissively. Eagerly, I pry the door open a few more inches, so as to allow my eyes to sneak a quick peek at the ongoings in the hallway. Sure enough, as per Anusha's words, Arohi and Rohit are casually lingering at the far end of the corridor. Oddly, though, the mere sight in front of me causes something in the pit of my stomach to lurch downwards. 

"Why doesn't she smile like that with me?" I murmur, as I watch Arohi's lips adorn themselves into a shy smile. It most certainly hasn't escaped my notice that she, on most occasions, is almost reluctant to showcase a laugh, or a small smile, at the very least. Why, though? Frankly, in my opinion, the lady's got a breathtaking smile, which amplifies her beauty to its epitome when it breaks out into an outright grin. 

The sound of Arohi's loud laughter brings me back to the present. How the hell did Rohit manage to acquire two laughs in the span of a few minutes? And since when did my friend become such a lucky man? Purposefully torturing myself, I watch as Arohi tosses her head back ever so slightly, a grin permanently etched onto her face. Well, if she can share these expressions with Rohit so openly, then where the hell do they hideaway when I'm in the picture? It wouldn't cost her a fortune to look at me with such mirth, that's for sure.

I want her to smile like that with me, I wish. Even if it is for the briefest of seconds. Regardless of what it will take. 

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