Misplaced Prejudice

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"I did my part, and now it is your turn to share." Singhania says, as I chuck yet another mango at him. Once again, he manages to catch it with utter ease. I can tell that the Lord has picked sides, and I'm clearly not His favorite. 

"Share?" I echo, once again taken aback at my enemy's uncalled interest in me. I asked him about his family because that's a matter I take personal pleasure in. However, why is the same question being reciprocated towards me? "You don't have to redirect this topic towards me just for formality's sake. It's quite alright." 

"Princess, don't say that." Singhania tsks from below me. "I genuinely wish to know. Swear!" Good Lord, my enemy is a two year old, in the shoes of a fully grown man. 

"There's not much to share," I reply curtly. "And I'm bored of this topic now, so let's move past it." Holding a conversation about another's family is just fine. However, I am simply not comfortable when it comes to revealing information regarding mine. Especially when I know that the other person is the least bit interested, and they're merely holding a conversation with me for the sake of doing so. 

"Okay, fine, one last question and we are through," Singhania says. Sighing dramatically, I gesture for him to go ahead. "All of a sudden, why'd you bring up the topic of family?" 

"Um," I hesitate, unsure of what to say. I can most definitely not tell Singhania the truth about my masochist nature, regarding how I love hearing about others families, simply because I fail to have one of my own. "Um...You mentioned your mother," I say. "So I just thought of asking about your family as a whole." To be honest, I am not entirely lying. 

"Right," Singhania says, nodding to himself. "You know what I've learnt today, Princess?" 

"Hmm?" I'm now distracted by a mango that's hanging on a branch, which is just beyond the reach of my fingertips. Truth be told, it seems to be taunting me. 

"I'm not the only bad liar here today," he comments. Moments ago, I was utterly concentrated on cautiously rising to the challenge I'm currently facing, that is, grabbing ahold of the fruit. However, now I wish to turn on Singhania, and demand an answer for this false observation of his.

"And what makes you - " I'm cut off by my own cry, as the heel of my boot slips off the branch, causing me to lose my footing. "Shit!" I cuss, the wind whistling past my ears, as I hurtle towards the ground. This will be a fall to remember. Squeezing my eyes shut, I submit myself to whatever is in store for me. A grunt escapes my lips as my back makes contact with the ground. Although, truth be told, it is softer than I had imagined it to be.

"Fuck," a voice below me hisses. I understand the fall was not pretty for me, but was it so bad that the ground has begun to cry out in protest? "I'm sure you're highly grateful to me for breaking your fall, Princess, and I'd love for you to thank me by firstly getting off of me. You aren't exactly as light as a feather." 

My eyes fly open as I realize that I have landed on Singhania, instead of the hard ground. At once, I push myself off the man, and rise to my feet. Turning around, I find Singhania lying on the ground, his arm wound around his front, as he rolls onto his side.

"What is wrong with you?" I exclaim. 

"That's a nice, unique way of saying thank you." Singhania mutters, as he manages to push himself up in a sitting position. 

"Bad luck and you go hand in hand for me, Singhania." I state, exasperated, as I comb my fingers through my entangled hair. "Before you, I had not lost a single duel in my life. Then you come along, and voila! Oh, but that's not it. I've been climbing this very tree since the age of ten, Singhania, and not once have I landed on my behind in this manner. Yet, here you come today, and boom!" In response to my highly exasperated state, Singhania just stares back at me in confusion, which is morphed with pain on his face. 

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