Ease Your Nerves

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Arjun's POV

"Arjun, would you please stop glaring at the innocent creatures?" Rohit asks, as he steps into my line of sight, thereby blocking my view of the turtles. 

"I swear to God, Rohit, those wretched turtles are laughing at me." I say, as I lean towards my left only to offer them a brief scowl, alongside an accusatory jab in thin air. "You know what? I can bet Princess had a nice confidential conversation with them before her departure. And so I swear to you that they know about her whereabouts." Instead of Rohit's response, my words are closely followed by the splintering of wood. Frowning, I glance down at my hand. The pencil that I was using just a while back is now uselessly lying in my palm, mercilessly snapped in half.

"Arjun, may I suggest that you cordon yourself off in an empty space until Arohi returns." Rohit says, as he eyes the pencil splinters. "Just for the well being of the items in this house, and the people who reside in it." 

"This isn't..." But, before I can justify my actions to Rohit, and explain as to how my behaviour is absolutely not linked to Arohi's disappearance, a trumpet sounds off in the distance. At once, I rise from my seat with a jerk. As per custom, the guards have been instructed to blow the trumpet every time a member of this house returns from a journey, so as to alert the other members of the family. When I'd returned with Arohi, of course I'd ordered them against doing so because I didn't wish for my family to make a big fuss out of our marriage, and her arrival. 

"Princess," I whisper, my gaze landing on Rohit at once for reassurance that he, too, has heard the sound. 

"Arohi's back," Rohit confirms, grinning like a a Cheshire cat. Without allowing for even a second to pass by, I watch as he bolts for the door. Yanking it open, my friend rushes out - to greet Arohi, I'm sure - as if there's a fire blazing close on his heels. Why is he so excited? On the contrary, I should be the one who should be welcoming Arohi back. After all, being the ruler of my lands, this is my duty to fulfil.

But after taking a single step in the direction of the door, I halt. Why the hell should I go and greet Arohi at all? Frankly, I wasn't awaiting her return, and neither am I ecstatic about it. So what's the whole point of meeting her at the entrance's threshold? Nodding to myself, I take a step back. 

"I knew you'd do it!" Rohit yells, his voice proving to be louder than the trumpet. Do what? Did Arohi manage to find a cure? Scoffing, I shake my head. Of course not! If the most respected, and experienced physicians of my land couldn't do so, then what'll an ignorant lady accomplish? Turning around, I begin to head back towards my chair. After all, unlike Rohit, I cannot afford distractions to digress my attention from the tasks I've to accomplish before the sun sets. 

But I should head downstairs, and briefly meet Arohi. For crying out loud, Rohit didn't even warn her regarding the perilous paths that she must avoid at all costs, and so the least I can do is ask her as to how she faired on the journey. For God's sake, the lady could be hurt. Smiling, I shake my head, as if to correct myself at this foolish thought. In truth, whoever would've tried to mess with Arohi on the way must've surely gotten bruised black and blue, but the lady, herself, will be in perfect condition, and I can guarantee this. 

But yet again, just as my foot turns in the direction of the door, I halt myself. What do I care? Since when have I grown interested in that woman's life? She could beat up a hundred men for all I care, and receive a few blows in return; although I'd much prefer for the latter to be avoided. Pursing my lips, I stalk towards my chair and lower myself into it before my mind - which for the first time seems to be highly indecisive - causes me to oscillate back and forth between the door and my work table once again.


"She did it!" Rohit pants, as he barges into the study. Momentarily, my index finger hovers over the parchment in front of me. Did Arohi fulfil her promise? Impossible. Clearing my throat, I feign utter nonchalance towards Rohit's words. 

"Pardon?" I say, refusing to look up from the writing in front of me. 

"Arohi has come through for all of us," Rohit exclaims, slapping his palms against the table, as he bends over it. Although my heart begins to ram against my chest, I continue to stubbornly stare at the treaty in front of me, which no longer has my attention. Heck, who am I kidding? No task - big or small, official or unofficial - has been able to hold my attention since Arohi's sudden departure. "She's found a cure for Dadi, Arjun." 

"And how are you aware of this in such a short span of time?" I question, as I meet Rohit's gaze, which is dancing with excitement. 

"Because, Arjun, Dadi's regained consciousness." Rohit informs me, the grin on his face acting as proof of his words. 

"Don't joke with me, Rohit." I warn, but my feet are already carrying me towards the door. 

"I wouldn't dare." My friend replies, closely following behind my heels. "Your so called top notch physicians are all marvelling at this unexpected improvement in Dadi's vitals. In their words, Arohi's brought back a miracle herb." 

"Damn right she has," I murmur, as I break into a jog towards Dadi's chambers. Frowning, I bring myself to a jerking halt. Splaying my arm out at my side, I force Rohit to come to an immediate stop at my side too. 

"Princess is not in there with Dadi, right?" I ask my friend. 

"Ay, come on, Arjun," Rohit says, scrunching up his face in disbelief. "Are you really going to go down that path again? Especially after all that Arohi's done?" Tsking, I shake my head in irritation. 

"Just answer the goddamn question, Rohit," I urge impatiently. Pursing his lips, Rohit shakes his head in response to my query. 

"No, Arjun, she's not." He says, bending underneath my arm and continuing on his way. 

"Oh for fuck's sake, Rohit," I call out from behind him. "I didn't ask that because of what you think. I...I simply have to do something before meeting Princess," I admit. Glancing at me over his shoulder, Rohit narrows his eyes at me curiously. 

"Could I ask what this cryptic task of yours is?" Rohit questions.

"You wish," I say. "But before we go, I have one more question to ask." Sighing, Rohit gestures for me to go ahead, and voice my thoughts out loud. "Princess...She's okay, right? I mean to say, she didn't encounter any unexpected bumps on her journey, I hope?" Raising my eyebrows, I seek an answer from Rohit. Smiling, he shakes his head at me.

"Ease your nerves, Arjun." Rohit replies, seemingly pleased with me for once. In truth, this is a rare sight because Rohit and I may be the best of companions, but we barely see eye to eye on matters that surround us. "Arohi's perfectly alright. She didn't come across any hardships on her journey, and it was quite smooth sailing, she says." 

"Good," I say. Frankly, a breath that I didn't know was choked in my throat releases on its own volition as a sigh of relief. Frowning, I stare at Rohit's back. Ease my nerves? What the hell did he mean by that? I am perfectly relaxed, and at ease. For God's sake, of all the women in this land, I won't be at edge, worrying myself about Arohi. 

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