Warrior Princess

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"A king, you say." I toss this new piece of information over in my head. "Why all of a sudden?"

"Word has spread high and low about the Warrior Princess," Celeste says. "So it is merely natural for the best to desire a good competition, Your Grace." I halt.

"Celeste, do not fool yourself. I am the best," I say, staring at her pointedly. 

"Pardon, Your Grace." She offers me a small bow as an apology. 

"Okay. Accept the invitation, and prepare the second floor's bed chambers for him," I instruct. It amuses me how this guest-to-be of ours, deems himself worthy enough to challenge me. 

"Should we not clean out the spare king's chambers for him?" Celeste suggests. "Do pardon my words if they offend," she hastily adds.

"Not at all," I say, flicking my wrist. "The king's chambers are specially reserved for our nation's king, not for our guests, regardless of who they are. So please do as I say."

"Of course, Your Grace." 

"Thank you." I nod my head in gratitude at the lady, who has, over time, become my right hand. Without Celeste at my side, I doubt any event at the palace would be deemed a success. 

"Arohi!" Sur's ever excited voice calls out to me from the left. I turn around to find my younger sister bounding down the hall, her heels creating quite the ruckus against the tiles.

"Calm down, Sur," I say, as she halts herself with the help of my shoulders. "Whatever's the matter with you?" I ask, grinning. An audible gasp escapes a guard's lips, who is positioned a short distance away from us. It is understandable, of course, considering third parties rarely see any emotion touch my face. Through the tensed atmosphere that surrounds me on a daily basis, it is the sight and sound of Sur that provides me with any semblance of relief. "Let's talk inside my chambers." I lead my sister towards my room. 

"You've got great news for me, I've heard." Sur blurts out, the second I shut the chamber doors behind us. 

"Which is..." I trail off, unsure of the direction in which my sister's taking this conversation.

"That Arjun Singhania is coming, of course!" She exclaims, grinning like a ditzy, young girl. 

"And who is this fine young man?" I question, eyebrows raised. "A famous court jester, perhaps?" 

"Only the most desirable bachelor in all of Naiq. You know what? To the dungeons with Naiq, I say on this entire rotten planet." I watch Sur with great amusement. It is not a hidden fact to me that young lads excite my sister. However, I have never seen her behave in such a passionate manner for anyone before.

"You still have not answered my query, Sur, and I fear this is also the cause for your gutter worthy grades in literature." 

"Oh God," she groans. It is quite visible to me that I am now frustrating my sister. If only she was aware of how much this said activity entertained me. "I mean, the king who has challenged you for our next tournament. He's Arjun Singhania." I roll my eyes, now fully comprehending my sister's cause of bubbling, uncontrollable excitement. 

"Sur," I take her name sternly. "You shall not strike up an affair with this Arjun boy." She scoffs, crossing her arms across her chest.

"I'm not the town dumbo, Arohi. All I'll do is stare," she jokes, giggling. "And silently steal his loins." Unable to bring myself to thwart my sister's petty, childish happiness, I silently hear her ramble on about a boy, who is not even aware of her mere existence. 

At times, I envy Sur. She is six years younger to me, and so when we lost our mother, I bore the brunt of the misfortune. Father loved our mother far too much to remarry, and so began my training to become the heir to the throne. Of course a fragile lady could not assume that position, especially not with the world's kingdoms eyeing our throne. Hence, I was brought up as a prince should be, and not a princess. 

As clear as day, I remember that morning when the help filed into my room, and exited with all the garments which portrayed me as feminine, only to replace them with those that were fit for a king in the making. Frankly, I can't seem to recollect the last time I adorned a gown. At first, as every immature child would, I failed to take up these responsibilities as seriously as I should have. However, then it came to my knowledge that father was not keeping well, due to the departure of my mother. She had somehow taken a piece of his heart with her underground, and till today, he has never seemed to fully recover from it. I'm unsure of what changed inside me that day, but I began to shoulder all the responsibilities of this kingdom from then onwards. Whether it was the role of a mother to Sur, or that to serve my people, I have fulfilled it to the best of my abilities. Therefore, I have no time for petty crushes, and girly giggling. Neither can I permit myself even a day off the clock, when I can make some time for a personal life. 

The sun on my horizon rises with the crown on my head, and sinks with a pile of treaties awaiting to be read over and signed by me. Regardless, I do not wish to complain. I am blessed with this duty, and so I shall fulfil it till my dying breath, and do my father proud. Truth be told, I am glad as well, that Sur can experience the life of a princess. It is the one she deserves. Therefore, I will never let her be so much as scratched by the happenings of this kingdom. My sister has been brought up by me in a fantasy bubble which I fully intend on up-keeping through thick and thin. I am the Warrior Princess, and it is my goal in life to ensure that my family, kingdom and the people who reside in it, are kept out of harm's way. However, at the back of my mind, my instincts are alerting me of a possible threat: Arjun Singhania. Perhaps he solely desires to challenge me, but a nagging sensation tells me that for the betterment of my kingdom, I must keep an eye on him when he arrives here. Regardless of whatever womanly qualities I have thwarted away, I do keep my womanly intuition close by. 

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