Jarring Proposal

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"Your Grace." A guard says, approaching me from behind as I pocket the key of the library. Knowing that my war strategies are once again safely locked away behind this door is providing me with great relief. 

"Yes?" I ask, turning around to face him. 

"His Highness has summoned you," the man replies. 

"Understood. Thank you." Confused, I begin to make my way towards Father's chambers. Didn't Singhania just head there? So why in the world is my old man seeking the both of our company at the same time? He's never done so before. 

"I'm here, Father." I announce, as I enter his chambers. Upon seeing Singhania stationed near the window, my hand pauses itself on the door handle. So I was right; Father has summoned the both of us together. Once I've shut the door, I cast a questioning look towards Singhania. Straight-faced, he nods towards Father. Okay, so my old man and friend are clearly onto something. 

"What's going on?" I ask, heading towards Father's bed. "I hope everything's alright?" 

"Most certainly, yes." Father replies, looking towards Singhania. In order to figure out what's going on, I follow his line of sight. It almost seems as if Father is asking Singhania for his permission. Without uttering a word, the latter nods his head, silently urging my old man to do whatever it is that they've got cooking amongst themselves.

"I'm feeling extremely left out." I announce truthfully, lowering myself onto my designated seat. "What's happening, you two?" My eyes flit from Father to Singhania. However, the both of them seem hesitant from unveiling whatever secret they are sharing. 

"Arohi, dear, you're going to listen to me very carefully." Father begins, spacing out each word quite cautiously. Narrowing my eyes at him, I start to conjure the worst of possibilities in my head. The last time Father spoke to me in this manner, he had announced the passing away of Mother. "Only once I am done speaking are you allowed to say anything, alright? Even then, I don't wish for you to overreact, or give us an answer without first thinking it through. Are you comprehending what I'm saying?" 

Moistening my lips, I once again divert my gaze towards Singhania. However, he has turned his back towards us and is now facing the window. Is Singhania trying to avoid me? 

"I can't promise anything before you let me in on whatever it is that you and Singhania have to tell me." I say, as I fidget with my fingers in my lap. The sooner Father brings me up to date the better because I absolutely despise being kept in the dark in this manner. 

"You're my daughter, Arohi," Father says. "Hence, I want you to know that I'd never take a hasty, or wrongful decision where you're concerned. Neither do I tell you anything without first properly thinking it through many a times before." Father looks at me questioningly, perhaps to see whether or not I'm following him so far. Like an obedient student, I nod my head. "Good. I'm not going to lie to you, Arohi, I was ready to take this decision without your permission. Arjun would've gotten a yes, or no, from me, but he insisted that I must first consult with you." Once again, I divert my gaze towards Singhania. However, he's still got his back turned towards us, almost as if he's deaf to the discussion that is ongoing. 

"I know this much, though, my daughter will never go against her father's wishes. Am I right in thinking so, Arohi?" Father questions, his tone solemn. Where in the world is my old man taking this conversation? 

"Of course, Father." I agree, without a second's delay. "Could you get to the point, please? Truth be told, I'm growing a little uneasy now," I admit. 

"If you say so," Father says, nodding his head at me. "Singhania has asked for your hand in marriage, and I have given him my blessings. I am most definitely in agreement with this union, and I wish for you to agree to it as well." For a minute, or so, I continue to stare blankly at Father's face. For some reason, his words don't quite register in my head. 

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