Mongrel Versus Lioness

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"Hey," Rohit says, as he matches his ride's pace with mine. Truth be told, I am not interested in having a conversation with Singhania, or this lackey of his. "I fully understand if you're not in the mood to talk to me." 

"Damn right," I murmur, urging my horse to break into a trot. 

"Ay," Rohit calls from behind me. "After ruining my friend's mood for a good while now, the least you can do is give a bored man some company, Arohi." 

"Did I now?" I ask, my interest piqued at the mere mention of gaining a victory against Singhania. 

"Ay, without a doubt." Rohit agrees, letting out a chuckle. "I'm sure he's going to hate me for telling you this, but believe it or not, you're the first lady who's been able to silence Arjun." Turning my head away from Rohit, I allow a small smile of triumph to grace my lips. 

"I usually used to hand out my friendly advices to Singhania, but just this once, I have one for you." I say, as Rohit once again manages to catch up to my horse's pace. "Your friend won't appreciate the fact that you're having a friendly conversation with me." 

"Rest assured, Arjun is too busy sulking to care much about what I do at this given moment," Rohit replies. However, I catch him swiftly peeking a glance towards the front of the entourage. "By the way, isn't wearing black on your wedding day supposed to bring bad luck?" 

"What could be worst luck than marrying Singhania?" I scoff, shrugging my shoulders. "Truth be told, I couldn't care less now, Rohit. Also, white isn't my colour, and I can't remember the last time that I wore it. Black defines me, and I have Singhania to thank for reminding me who I am." 

"Arohi, he's not so bad, if you ask me," Rohit says. If looks could kill, I can swear upon the heavens that my death glare would have dropped Rohit from his horse. Eyes wide, he spurs his ride on, escaping into the folds of the entourage. 


"So, Arohi, what're your thoughts on our humble abode?" Rohit asks, as I dismount my ride. Pursing my lips, I glance towards the unknown palace that's awaiting my presence. Truth be told, I am intimidated by its mere appearance. However, it's not the size of it that I'm affected by, but the unfamiliarity of it. After all, I am completely oblivious to what lies inside it. How shall I reach my chambers? What if I get lost? Who's going to guide me? My stomach plummets to the ground as I realise that not only is this palace unknown to me. However, the people in it are also mere strangers to me. Lord, I have walked into enemy territory willingly.

"I've seen better," I reply, shrugging nonchalantly. 

"You're here!" A woman squeals, drawing my attention towards the source of her voice. Frowning, I watch as a woman - who has more jewels on her body than skin - launches herself off the entrance steps and into Singhania's arms. I clear my throat as her chest pushes against his front; her bust struggling to break free from the poor excuse of a dress that she has on. Instinctively, I wrinkle my nose in disgust the second Singhania's lips collide against hers. That is most certainly not a kiss of affection. On the contrary, they're mauling each other's lips off. 

"That is - " 

"I'm not interested in knowing." I snap, cutting Rohit off. Clenching my jaw, I turn on my heels. Truth be told, I have no desire to watch Singhania salivate all over that woman's lips. It is an utterly disgusting sight to behold. However, I can't deny the pinch that tightened my chest mere seconds ago. Oh well, just like all battle wounds, the pain of this one will dull as well. As it is, I have already grown numb to it. 


"Your Highness, the breakfast hall is at the end of this corridor." Celeste guides me, as we stroll through the foreign hallways. At least I'm still a foreigner in this palace. Celeste, on the other hand, has been quick to memorise her way around, and for that I am grateful. After all, she is my eyes and ears in this maze. Over the years I've surely learnt one thing: even the finest of spies are no competition for the palace staff. Hence, upon our arrival, last night, I instructed Celeste regarding her duty to learn up on any necessary information, which will aid me in the upcoming days, alongside mastering her way through these deceiving hallways. Truth be told, every other corner in this palace looks the same to me. 

"And what do we have here?" I question, as I halt in my tracks. To my left, on a grand terrace, Singhania is immersed in a duel. He's clad in all white; a sight that would've pleased me had I not been well acquainted with the abyss of a soul that this man possesses. 

"Your Highness, this is where his High Highness usually practices," Celeste explains. "Please excuse me, Your Grace, for I have to head into the breakfast hall and do a quick check on the arrangements for your meal." Nodding my head, I dismiss Celeste. Scoffing, I watch as Singhania stumbles over his own two feet. 

"Over confident fool," I murmur to myself. 

"His Highness is a man of many talents." Frowning, I turn my head to find yesterday's squealing mouse materialise beside me. "Both, in public and private." Raising my eyebrows, I do a quick once-over of the woman beside me. Similar to yesterday, she's wearing a dress whose front half is barely clinging on to her overflowing bust. Truth be told, I fear that any second now I shall hear the weak threads snap in place, as her red outfit falls apart because of the strain. I guess this woman is desperately trying to prove her gender to the world. Amused, I allow my gaze to travel up towards her face. Truth be told, I'm taken aback by the pair of green eyes that greet me in return. Perhaps if her twin assets weren't the centre of attention, I'd have noticed them first. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." The woman says, offering me a small curtsy. However, unlike all the others, she doesn't bow her head. On the contrary, this lady refuses to break eye contact from me, almost as if she's offering me a silent challenge. Nodding my head at her in acknowledgement, I fold my arms in front of my chest, as I square my shoulders. 

"You are...?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. Smiling, the woman tosses her hair over her shoulder. Amused, I watch as a dimple indents her cheek. 

"Right," she says, understandingly. "You don't know me and how could you? At the end of the day, you are an outsider here." Although she says this with a smile plastered on her face, I cannot help but grow alert at this woman's words. Her eyes suddenly remind me of a snake lurking in the grass, with glowing, beady, coloured eyes. 

"Or perhaps because you're merely unimportant." I suggest, shrugging my shoulders. Momentarily, I watch as the woman's eyes grow cold. However, she's quick to recover from the blow of my words.

"Anusha, Your Highness, that's who I am." Anusha introduces herself, with a tone of entitlement that makes it seem as if I should be well aware of her identity. Smiling, she glances towards Singhania. "His Highness' closest companion." As Anusha meets my gaze, all signs of friendliness evaporate from her demeanour. "In every which sense," she adds. "If I may also add, Your Highness, I am very possessive about His Highness." 

"Good for you," I say, scoffing. Lord, Anusha is staking her claim on Singhania as if I'm the least bit interested in acquiring her spineless property. "Rest assured, I am not here to replace you, or so much as try to do so." Pursing my lips, I nod in Singhania's direction. "You can keep your pet."

"Good," Anusha nods. "As long as we're in agreement." 

"Besides," I add, taking a step in her direction. "Had I wanted to do so, these baseless threats of yours would fall like wooden arrows against a bronze shield. So I suggest you quit this act of intimidation." Plastering the fakest smile on my face that the world has seen, I place my hand on Anusha's shoulder. "Mongrels shouldn't bark at lionesses." As Anusha's face falls, I can tell that she most certainly did not expect such a response from me. 

"Y-You can't change a thing even if you tried." She stutters, as she takes a step away from me. 

"Oh, darling, I'd suggest you thank the heavens above that I'm not interested in your stale leftovers." Offering Anusha one last pat of reassurance on the shoulder, I head past her. 

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