Weakening Defenses

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"You ride fairly decently for a lady," Singhania comments, as we halt at our desired destination. "Quite like a gentleman, I'd say." He adds, a glint of mischief twinkling in his brown orbs. Is he trying to irk me? 

"Father will be proud to hear that," I reply truthfully, thwarting aside Singhania's attempt. Recovering from his momentary disappointment, my enemy makes his way over to me, offering me his hand. Frowning, I stare down at it, unsure of what to do. No one's offered to help me off my ride before, or ever adhered to the chivalrous protocol where I'm concerned. Surely, I have witnessed Sur receiving this treatment, and rightly so. However, I have never quite been on the receiving end of it myself. 

"A gentleman also knows how to get off his ride just fine, without anyone's assistance." I say, as I jump off my horse, smoothly landing on my feet. For a fraction of a second, however, I must admit, I almost did take ahold of Singhania's outstretched hand. Although, had I done so, it would have solely been for the sake of the experience, so as to know how it will feel to be treated like an ordinary lady. 

"Very well, then." Singhania says, offering me a small nod, as he retracts his hand. Furrowing my brow, I continue to watch his face, quizically. This man always looks at me in a particular way, almost as if he's cracking a mental joke at my expense; the permanent ghost of an amused smile lingering on his lips. 

"Do you come to this spot often?" Singhania asks, as on instinct my eyes travel up to the canopy of the tree under which we are currently stationed. Bullseye! An involuntary grin lifts my cheeks upwards, as I eye the ripe mangoes that are sitting amongst the branches, almost as if they are awaiting my attack. 

"Princess?" Singhania calls out, drawing my attention back towards him. 

"You talk too much," I comment, distractedly, as I shove my horse's reigns into his hand. "Here, tie Jade up." I instruct, as I eye the perfect route, which will guide me straight towards my victims, that are, the most delectable mangoes of them all. 

"I so do apologize, but you have most certainly confused me for your footman." Singhania says, refusing to move a muscle. Placing my hands on my hips, I turn around to face the stubborn mule. 

"Since I've been such a pleasant and cooperative host, I believe you do owe me this in return. Tie up our rides, and lay out the contents of the picnic basket, while I shall venture up and grab us some dessert." I explain, nodding upwards towards the mangoes. Singhania's gaze follows mine, his eyes landing on my desired targets. "Unless," I begin, a light bulb illuminating in my head. "You wish to be a chivalrous gentleman, instead?" Confused, Singhania raises his eyebrows at me questioningly. 

"What I mean to say is," I continue, "Climb up on this very tree, and pick out a handful of the juiciest mangoes for us." As if we are old pals from the beginning of time, I rest my hand against the bark of the said tree, wiggling my eyebrows at its lush green canopy. Although I take personal pleasure in tracing out a path, and venturing up on this tree, I do so hope Singhania will accept my offer today. After all, from personal experience, I can absolutely vouch that this isn't the easiest tree to climb. In fact, many a times before, I have seen my palace staff falling off it, like dry leaves, and crash landing on their behinds. However, over the years, through trial and error, I have learnt the art of climbing this old friend of mine.

"Y-You want me to climb that tree?" Singhania stutters, jabbing an accusatory finger in its direction. 

"Oh please, cut the melodrama," I say impatiently. "It's just a tree, not a river of lava that I'm urging you to make your way across." Moistening his lips, Singhania's gaze travels up the bark of the tree. Dear Lord, the man is terrified! Scoffing, I bite down on my lower lip, as I suppress my laughter. "Is there a problem?" I question innocently, taking great pleasure in Singhania's fear-morphed face. I can bet my life that he is trying to cook up some sort of an excuse, so as to prevent the climb. 

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