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Laboured breaths escape my lips as I lock eyes with my opponent. For the first time in a long time, someone has been able enough to exhaust me during a duel. However, what matters is that his sword is in my left hand, while my own weapon rests in my right. It is a lost battle for my opponent and a victory I have been craving for since the day he stepped foot into my kingdom.

"Do you yield?" I ask, a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. "You may as well, while your honour is still intact."

"Oh darling, always underestimating me." He tsks, shaking his head. Confusion clouds in my brain as I see a flicker of amusement ignite in those mischievous orbs of his. My grip tightens around the hilts of the swords. It infuriates me that I can comprehend and judge everyone and anyone around me, except him. With this man it always seems as if I'm turning around a blind corner.

"Your weapon is mine," I state proudly. "How do you plan on fighting in a sword fight without a sword?" I cock an eyebrow at him challengingly.

"It's not over until I say it is." Smirking in return, he turns around to face the gathered spectators, spreading his arms wide. What in the world is this man up to? "Congratulations to all who bet against me." I raise my sword, ready to aim it at his heart if he gets any closer. "For you will lose," he adds, re-igniting the confusion in my head. Without further delay, he kicks at the ground, causing plumes of smoke to rise into the air. Squinting my eyes shut, I look away from the particles. Simultaneously, the weapon in my left hand gets snatched out of my grip. Hurriedly, I step backwards, moving away from the site of danger.

"Not so fast, love." He whispers, tugging at my left hand and spinning me around. The dust that has managed to enter my eyes is a great source of discomfort as I try to regain my bearings.

"We don't play dirty in my kingdom." I growl, as he spins me around and presses me against his front. My breath catches in my throat as his sword makes contact with my neck.

"Aw, is Her Royal uptight Highness afraid to get her hands dirty? Quite literally." My fist clenches itself at my side as I feel him smirk behind me. With a ghost-like touch, my opponent slides his palm along the curve of my waist. Had I not been solely focused on him, I could be well capable of missing out on this feather-like movement. 

"Do not overstep your boundaries," I hiss, through gritted teeth. "I am no mundane opponent. I am a princess." 

"And I, a king." He whispers, placing his lips against my ear. A feeling that I would rather not dwell upon causes my stomach to drop, as his breath fans against the bare skin at the crook of my neck. Is the King of Naiq trying to seduce me into defeat? 

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