His Truth

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"I'm all done." Singhania says, knitting his brows together in confusion as he stares into the now-empty mug, almost as if he cannot believe that his drink is finished. Clearing my throat, I nod my head at him.

"Good," I say, taking the mug from his grasp before this poor item is chucked against a wall as well. "Singhania, I obliged by your wishes, and got you a drink. So now it's time that you listen to me. Let's head home." 

"Yes, Madame." Singhania replies obediently, offering me a salute. Rolling my eyes, I get to my feet. However, Singhania isn't as quick to rise as I am. Amused, I watch as he struggles to find his balance. 

"Let me help you," I offer, extending my hand towards Singhania. Hesitantly, he eyes my palm. 

"Princess, you won't drop me, right?" Singhania asks, as his dubious brown orbs make contact with mine for reassurance. Pursing my lips, I shake my head. 

"I'm not you, Singhania." I reply curtly, nodding towards my hand. Once again, like an obedient child, Singhania obliges by my words, and grasps my hand in his. Thankfully the drunkard is on his feet in one go. 

"Can I ask you something, Princess?" Singhania asks, as we exit the pub and head towards my horse. 

"Will saying no help my case?" I question in return, offering Singhania a quick glance through the corner of my eye. Sighing, I watch as he stumbles over his own two feet in a desperate attempt to keep up with my surefooted pace. 

"Why are you here?" Singhania slurs out, as he staggers into my side. "What I mean to say, Princess, is that we sure as hell are not friends. You hate me. I hate you. This is a hate story," he rambles on, shaking his index finger between our bodies. "Then why?" 

"I'm here for the people of our land," I say honestly. "I mean, you couldn't care less about them, so one of us has to." Unfortunately, this is the truth. Sighing, I halt in front of our ride. However, Singhania continues to head past me, as if he doesn't see the four-legged animal who's awaiting our company. 

"Where are you going?" I call out, wounding the horse's reigns around my fist. 

"We're walking, Princess." Singhania says, as he confidently continues to stride away from me. 

"Most definitely not, Singhania!" I yell, glaring at his receding behind. "Come back here right this instant!" Alas, my words seem to have no effect, whatsoever, on Singhania. Huffing, I slip my foot into the stirrup. Truth be told, Singhania can have the walk of his life. However, I bear absolutely no interest in accompanying him at all. 

Although, what if he begins to cause a ruckus again? Squeezing the leather in my fist, I stamp my foot against the gravel. Lord, I cannot believe that I'm following a drunkard. I swear to the heavens above that Rohit deserves no less of a punishment than to become my slave for an entire lifetime. With our ride trailing close beside me, I begin to trace Singhania's footsteps. 

"No!" He yells, his arm shooting upwards. Puzzled, I watch Singhania poke his index finger out towards the sky. "I am a gentleman." He adds in a respectful tone, halting in place. "And so I shall walk beside my lady." 

"Gentleman, my foot." I murmur, as I catch up to Singhania. Once we both are in stride, he begins to march beside me, his arms swinging back and forth with great enthusiasm. Shaking my head at Singhania's childish behaviour, I begin to kick at the pebbles near the toes of my boots. This is going to be a long walk. 

"You know, Princess, it's been years since I made a new friend." Singhania's words take me by surprise as they fill the silence around us. 

"I couldn't care less, Singhania." I say truthfully, hoping that my enemy can sense the dismissal in my tone. Truth be told, this walk would be less torturous if Singhania keeps his mouth shut for the entirety of the journey. 

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