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Arjun's POV

"That girl cannot hold her clothes together, much less a conversation." Turning around, I find Dadi approaching me. Here we go again. Good God, when will the enmity between Dadi and Anusha come to an end? 

"You know, Dadi, you should at least ty to give Anusha a chance." I suggest, watching the latter disappear down the hallway, with a stride that yells the opposite of fatigue. "I'm sure, then, you'll realise that she's not so bad." 

"You're right, Arjun," Dadi agrees, nodding her head. "I'll come to the conclusion that she's horrid." Pursing my lips, I decide to keep the remainder of my thoughts concealed. Frankly, arguing with Dadi as far as Anusha is concerned is a lost cause. All my good old grandmother sees is a woman lacking a brain, who caters to my physical needs. I, on the other hand, am well aware that this is not the case. Anusha is my friend, too, just like Rohit. She simply has some added benefits alongside the conventional bond that we share. 

"Walk with me." Dadi orders, as she heads past me, without awaiting my reply. If there's one woman in this entire rotten universe who can treat me in this manner, it's Dadi. Although, I must admit that somewhere along the way, Arohi has now begun to share this post with my grandmother. After all, she, too, overlooks my title and treats me like a nobody. But on the one hand, I don't mind Dadi treating me in this manner, whereas Arohi's callous attitude is most certainly not approved by me. 

"I apologised to Arohi on your behalf, Arjun." Dadi says, her words knocking me back into the present. Hurriedly, I jog towards Dadi, so as to catch up to her. Why the hell would my grandmother feel the need to do so? Frankly, I don't remember committing a mistake. 

"Dadi - "

"I did what you should've, my son." Dadi interrupts, fixating me with a stern look that I had first gotten acquainted with in my childhood. "In all honesty, your vile actions demand for much more than an apology, but it's a start, and the least that I could do."

"W-Why would you do that, Dadi?" I protest, splaying my hands out in front of me. "I'm not apologetic for all that I've done to her."

"You may not be, but I am, Arjun!" Dadi exclaims, her eyes clouded over with fury. Frankly, I doubt that I've ever seen my grandmother this enraged before. "I didn't say anything to you before because I feared that I would cross a line in my emotional state. Moreover, I thought that I should meet Arohi, and see what a horrid personality she has. I mean to say, I assumed that it would've been pretty terrible to force you into taking such a drastically cruel step." The anger has now seeped out of Dadi's eyes, and is replaced with raw disappointment. "And now that I've met her, Arjun, I can swear on whatever life I have left that you had no right to do what you did." 

For the first time, I don't wish to argue with Dadi because I'm unsure as to the reaction that I'll receive. It's quite evident that she's in no mood to play. Biting down on my tongue, I hang my head, silently receiving Dadi's blows. 

"Now don't you dare defend your actions, Arjun. You don't want to force me into forgetting that you are more of this kingdom's ruler than my grandson and so I have no right to slap you like I should. Maybe by doing so, I shall have knocked some sense into you." Dadi continues, as I fold my hands in front of me, submissively accepting her shower of words. A few seconds of silence pass by, as Dadi and I continue to make our way down the hallway, and towards her chambers. As I look up towards my grandmother, I find her facing away from me, almost as if she cannot so much as bear the mere sight of me. 

"I've thought about this many times before," Dadi begins. "But I never voiced it out loud. This empty vessel that you've become, Arjun...It's all my fault. After your father died, I solely focused on holding together the younger members of our family." Shaking her head, Dadi allows a painful smile to crinkle the corners of her eyes. "I thought that you'd manage just fine on your own. So I didn't oversee your tutoring, or keep a close check on your life." Sighing, Dadi gestures at me with her hand. "And now look at what you've become: a brainwashed, power hungry king." My lips part, as I inhale a sharp breath. In truth, I never would've once guessed that these are Dadi's thoughts regarding the man I've become because she's right; she's never voiced all this out loud. On the contrary, every time I'd return from war, she'd pat me with pride upon learning that I've laid claim on yet another kingdom. So whatever's the matter with Dadi tonight? 

"You may be materialistically successful, Arjun, but you aren't prosperous." Dadi says, each word of hers taking me more and more by surprise. "Unlike your father, you can't hold your head high with pride." As Dadi meets my gaze, I realise that her eyes have clouded over with sympathy for me. Since when has she begun to think so little of me?

"So I'm sure you must've sung my praises to Arohi, too?" I blurt out, before I can rein my tongue in. "What I mean to say is, that's how you must've been coercing her to forgive me, right? For a deed that I find nothing wrong in." I shake my head in disbelief. "Otherwise why else would she do all that she did tonight for us?" 

"It's unfortunate that you still find no harm in your actions." Dadi says, scrunching up her face with disgust, or pity, I'm unsure. Frankly, in this given moment - after hearing all that I have - I'm unsure about everything, and if the woman beside me is truly even my grandmother, or some doppelgänger. "And for your kind information, I did nothing of the sort, Arjun. Relationships cannot be formed with the help of external guiding hands, and so I won't say anything in favour of you. Or so much as even try to bring you two together in any way, for that will be a union of force, and relationships must take their respective turns on their own. I don't know what fate has in store for you two, but after what you've done, I doubt it's much more than blatant hate from Arohi's end." 

Folding her arms across her chest, Dadi glances away from me once again. Good God, why is she unable to look me in the eye and have this conversation? I sure as hell wasn't this great of a disappointment until today morning. 

"But your wife - Arohi - has a heart unlike any I've seen before." Yet again Dadi piles on praises for Arohi. God, I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes and laugh at this picture-perfect image that my grandmother is painting of her. "Keeping aside the differences that you both share, she went out of her way in ensuring that tonight is worth everyone's time. I must admit that gathering everyone for dinner, so as to introduce them to Arohi was my idea, but she suggested requesting the cooks to make everyone's favourable platters. Then once she had them all listed down, she personally went to supervise the process in the kitchen." 

Upon hearing Dadi's words, my skin begins to crawl with the mere feeling of being indebted to Arohi. I - Arjun Singhania - don't believe in seeking favours from my own blood, much less an enemy of mine. 

"Arjun, I also want you to ensure that the rest of the family members do not find out about this foolish stunt that you've pulled. In their eyes, you and Arohi are a match made in heaven. Do you understand me?" Dadi asks, her tone not even the least bit questioning. Clenching my jaw, I refuse to give my grandmother an answer. What in God's name is she asking of me? 

"I don't want Arohi's forgiveness," I blurt out. God knows as to why I voiced this thought out loud, or where it's even originated from. 

"You married Arohi for the sake of this kingdom - or so you think - and so I won't interfere between the two of you. I've even told the rest of the family members to follow the same rule, regardless of what they see, or don't," Dadi says. "Years ago, I'd promised you that your role as a king is yours for the keeping and so you may do whatever you please with it. I won't so much as drop a hint for the direction that you should steer in, or the path that you should repulse from." I nod my head in appreciation at Dadi's dedication to fulfilling this promise, for if she decides to go against it, given the current situation, my life would become quite difficult.

"And we've arrived." I announce, gesturing towards Dadi's chambers. Without biding me goodnight, as she usually does, Dadi steps towards the door, pressing down on the handle.

"One last thing before I go, Arjun." She says, glancing at me over her shoulder. "I just want you to remember that what I couldn't do, what you failed at, and what our entire family was unsuccessful in doing - that is, bringing our family together - this girl, your wife, has achieved successfully. Maybe Arohi is a blessing in disguise." I watch as the corner of Dadi's lips tug upwards into a smile. "I hope to see you in the dining hall for tomorrow's breakfast." 

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