Favour Seeking

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A/N: God bless all the spare time I have nowadays. Cheers to another double update day! Happy reading xx

"Since you couldn't make it for our scheduled date," I say, lowering myself onto the bed beside Dadi. "I decided to change the venue." Adorning a weak excuse for a smile, I glance around Dadi's chambers. For the first time since I've been coming here, the interior of this room is shrouded in darkness, the curtains drawn shut. On a normal day, Dadi would never allow for anyone to block out the light from her room, regardless of the sun's strength. However, today - as she lies unconscious under the heavy influence of medicinal herbs - I guess the palace staff are doing as they please. 

Pursing my lips, I rise to my feet, and make my way towards the floor length windows. Grabbing the curtains in my fists, almost as if they are my archenemy, I yank them open. At once, slanting rays of sunlight seep into the room, landing on almost every object around me. A genuine smile spreads itself across my lips as a ray of light lands against the left half of Dadi's face, illuminating it. 

"Now that's more like it," I announce, pleased. "I'm sure you'd have praised me for doing this." With leaden steps, I find my way back to Dadi's bed, lowering myself onto the same spot as before, at her side. Sighing, I take Dadi's right hand into the both of mine. 

"I miss you," I confess, unsure of whether or not she can hear me. Perhaps Singhania is right, I'm a nut job, who talks to animals, and now, an unconscious woman. However, if there's even a slim chance that Dadi can hear me, then I'd prefer to not risk it. "Forget about me, the entire family is desperately awaiting your return to the head of the table. I mean, just recently everyone began to gather for meals, and by doing this to them, you're going to give them a setback." 

Pursing my lips, I pause. As I watch Dadi, I am no longer greeted with the smile that had become my best friend over the course of these days. On the contrary, Dadi's lips are tightly sealed shut in a straight line. In fact, they've also lost colour, and the skin of her lower lip now bears a few dry cracks as well. Regardless of the fact that I have to witness Dadi in this state, I refuse to allow the smile to be wiped off my own face. 

"You're the master knot," I announce. "Trust me when I say that it surely isn't Singhania." Squeezing Dadi's hand between mine, I bring the back of it up to the side of my face, and lean my left cheek against it. 

"Death and I are old enemies, Dadi." I voice out truthfully, my voice growing shakier with each passing word. "I've met Death up close, and he doesn't play fair. Not in the least bit," I add in a murmur, shaking my head ever so slightly. "I lost to him once before, and my mother was his war bounty. I...I can't be defeated yet again." Desperately, I will Dadi to open her eyes and announce our victory against my oldest enemy. "Dadi, I won't be able to stand the loss of another mother." Shutting my eyes, I bring my lips towards the back of her hand. "Please don't put me through that torture again," I beg. 

"Ay, thank God you're here!" Rohit exclaims, as I hear the chamber door bang against the wall. Jumping in place, I jerk my head in the source of the unexpected disturbance.

"Hush!" I hiss, nodding towards Dadi. "For God's sake, Rohit, don't you and Singhania understand the concept of conversing in hushed voices?" Turning back around in my seat, I gently return Dadi's hand to her side. Offering it one last pat, I rise to my feet and come face to face with a wide-eyed, panic stricken Rohit.

"Arohi, you have to do me a favour." He says desperately, his leg ticking in pure nervousness. 

"Whatever's the matter with you?" I ask, casting my gaze along the length of Rohit's agitated figure. "What's wrong? Tell me," I urge. Although, truth be told, I simply cannot handle any more bad news, if that's what Rohit's here to give me, and judging by his dishevelled state, I doubt anything good can come out of his mouth. 

"Arjun...he's gone off to a pub." Scrunching up his face in concern, Rohit splays his hands out in front of him. "He's drunk, Arohi, and people have begun to notice. Word has reached me that he's causing a commotion down there. The people of our land cannot see Arjun in such a weak state. It'll ruin his reputation in their minds."

"Okay, then go and get him." I say, unsure as to why Rohit is narrating this tale to me, instead of rushing to wherever this pub is located. 

"That's the thing, Arohi, I can't go." Rohit huffs, as he begins to massage his forehead with his fingers. It is quite evident that at any given second now, Rohit will undergo a nervous breakdown. "I have to attend a meeting with the religious leaders of our land. They've been causing riots for the past few months and Arjun finally managed to convince them into sitting down and having a word of negotiation with us." Frustrated, Rohit bangs the side of his fist against the pillar beside him. "Arohi, if I don't show up for this meeting, we will face months of protests from their end. You can't even fathom the number of innocent lives that we lose in the process." 

"So I'll attend this meeting," I offer. "While you can go and retrieve Singhania." Truth be told, this seems like a better plan of action to me. After all, Singhania and I aren't exactly the best of companions that we should rush to each other's aid. In fact, what do I care that he's making an utter fool of himself in public? 

"Arohi, I can't think of a better way to frame this, but given your gender and the extremist ideologies of those leaders, I'd say that's not such a wise move." 

"Rohit," I begin, jabbing an accusatory index finger in his direction. 

"Arohi, you know this isn't me talking. I know you're more than capable to handle those wretched men, but they aren't on the same page as you and I. Please, Arohi." Rohit pleads, joining his palms together. "Please. Just do me this one favour and I will owe you for a lifetime to come." Pursing my lips, I fold my arms in front of my chest. There's no way in the world that I will agree to this. Of all the people, how can Rohit expect me to rush to Singhania's aid? After all, he is nothing but my enemy. 

"You must treat Arjun's kingdom as yours, as if you were born in it. Treat the people of that land the way you'd treat ours. Just like how a parent doesn't discriminate between two children, you must not differentiate between the two lands." My grip around my forearms tightens as I recall Father's words. How would I feel if my kingdom's people were to see their ruler making a complete mockery of himself? After all, we are their role models; the ones they look up to and aspire to be. What example is Singhania setting out there for his people? For the young generation's to come? However, more importantly, if these are his people, then they are mine as well now. 

"Fine," I concede. "I'll go and save Singhania's drunken behind." 

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