Episode 4 : Stressed With Problems

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It is now a Wednesday break for the students of the school and at Sam and Mason's home, the friends were having breakfast together......

Sam: (drinks his coffee)
Mason: (looks down sadly)
Sam: ugh Mason... I am sorry if I was not in the whole mood after Jameson approached me... I just feel so unsafe and they feel like invading my privacy....
Mason: (smiles at Sam) you know what Sam... do not apologize for having reasons why you did what you did and I understand.... and it feels so unfair that nobody knows about me while you, your personal life is in danger..... do you want me to do something????
Sam: (shakes his head) no need Mason... I do not want you to be bothered more than what you are now...
Mason: but we are all in this together.... (holds Sam's hand)
Sam: and still, I rather see myself suffering than to you jumping with me just because you want to save me... (smiles at Mason) just save who you are Mason as much as I want that for you.. we are already in risk so why add more????
Mason: (nods sadly) if you say so....
*Sam's phone rings*
Mason: ugh Sam.... I think it is your sister right???
Sam: oh yeah.. she never called me back when I forgot to pick up the phone... (grabs and answers the call) hello?
Desiree: finally! (on the line) you could have done this yesterday but I do not know what you are up to.... but I respect my little brother because I know you are working hard on your studies....
Sam: (feels uncomfortable) ugh... haha... yeah, I really do work hard because I am a kid with big dreams.....
Desiree: or maybe... you are hitting up with a lot of girls because dad is...
Sam: (cuts off Desiree) Desiree... do not relate me to dad cause I will never be like him.....
Desiree: yeah... (feels sad) I am so sorry for that Sam... I remember the main reason why you left....
Sam: it is fine but.. may I ask why you called?
Desiree: well.... I only have good news to say to you and it is that, I will be studying and move in to your place!
Sam: (shouts in panic) what?!?
Desiree: you really seem happily surprised....
Sam: ugh yeah? but sis.... why, how and when will you come here???
Desiree: well.... that is a secret by now... I know you well Sam and I know you love surprises so.... tune in these coming days because I will be right in front of your door.... bye!! (ends call)
Sam: (stands up) she is living with us!
Mason: (feels nervous) so what is your plan? she does not know anything about who you are, she does not even know that you are gay..... what would we do?
Sam: the house 3 houses away from us is a vacant one right? I will pay for the rent on her first month here......
Mason: but shouldn't that be costly?
Sam: it is... and I already knew this was coming.. even though mom and dad aren't the best people to be concerned in my life, they told me that she was coming to support me.....
Mason: (nods)
Sam: but it will be more uncomfortable having her... she is rebellious but the other side of being rebellious.....
Mason: (stands up and pats Sam's back) do not worry, I will protect all your secrets, I promise....
Sam: but till when will I hide that? Gail is out there spreading the word and what about my sister close to me?
Mason: (looks nervous at Sam)

It is now dusk and at the home of Jameson, Jameson was there tired while playing video games with Kyler through online.....

Jameson: (feels drowsy) (plays RPG games on his PC) I do not feel like playing games anymore bro... it does not help...
Kyler: (on Discord) it is weird because this games are effective to me... and I really wanna help you because you have been acting strange lately....
Jameson: do not worry Kyler because I really do appreciate your effort... I know I can trust you all the time.....
Kyler: but bro... is it about Sam???
Jameson: (takes a deep breath) ugh bro... can we talk about this in another day because I really do not feel like talking about him... it feels like I am scaring him more when I try to not make him feel threatened......
Kyler: I am sorry in that situation of yours....
Jameson: I just feel bad about seeing Sam like that... I already saw him struggling before by just how he acts and how he avoids people and here he is... getting into an issue that my girlfriend might start..... and that is invasion of privacy....
Kyler: well... better keep your girl shut up because that is no good..... I am sure about that....
Jameson: I do hope I can try to tame that beast who doesn't want to get tamed....
Kyler: why not give her what she wants.... maybe that will....
Jameson: (cuts off Jameson) she is my girlfriend.... and love does not have to be about sex!! goodbye Kyler! (feels stressed) (ends Discord call with Kyler) (feels stressed) (turns off his computer) (looks at his phone) (in his mind) I really think I should pay more attention to the reporting that sir wants me to do.... (grabs and calls Mason) I hope he answers.....
Mason: (answers call) (on the line) hello? Jameson? what made you call me?
Jameson: ugh... I have not said anything yet about what sir assigned to us but we have a reporting happening on either monday or tuesday... are you free tomorrow???
Mason: ugh...
Jameson: (cuts off Mason) do not worry, if you are concerned about my girlfriend, she is not in our group... it is only Stevie and Baron..... and you can bring Sam because I really want to make him feel okay...
Mason: oh okay Jameson... but about Sam, I cannot control what he wants but I really do hope you two become okay.....
Jameson: (nods) I respect that... see ya soon...
Mason: see ya! (ends call)
Jameson: (throws his phone to the desk) (in his mind) honestly, I relate to how Sam feels as a person.... but at the same time, I cannot figure out why....

We are 4 episodes in the series..... I am so excited for this story to become deeper and deeper... it will be that deep! Tune in!

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