Episode 15 : Alter World Of An Alter

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At some motel room connected to the gaybar, Sam just woke up alone.....

Sam: (stretches his arms) (feels pain by looking at direct sunlight) shit... (yawns) the sun is up in the sky already... (sits up) (looks at nobody around him) (takes a deep breath) (in his mind) despite of sick and tired of doing the same shits, I have no choice to be here.....
*Sam's phone alarms*
Sam: (grabs and looks at his phone) (sees a new client on his secret twitter account) (feels confused) that is weird...... (reads the message)

Twitter : Anon - MAScoolIN

Anon: I am new in town and people suggested me that you are a great and cool fun bottom... are you available?
MAScoolIN: to anonymous people like you, I do not think I would trust that easy....
Anon: as if I am gonna put a keychain in your hole...
MAScoolIN: what the fuck?!
Anon: that is why I chose you because I feel threatened by other bottoms... they just try and pretend that they accept sex but as I get ready and take a shower, they take all of my money and leave..
MAScoolIN: fine! stop venting... I am not a therapist...
Anon: I know you are considerate with top men struggles....
MAScoolIN: correction bro... I am versatile... not a bottom you stupid.....
Anon: so... game? I will wait for you in 6 of the evening... can you do 5 rounds?
MAScoolIN: 5 fucking rounds?! that will cost us a lot.....
Anon: I can even take you on a date cause I am a bit romantic.... or maybe boyfriend you?
MAScoolIN: whatever! just meet me and do not be late... by hygienic and one last thing, do not hurt me... I have been through a lot of shit lately.....
Anon: 😊 yes sir....
MAScoolIN: I think you are the bottom one here....
Anon: we can do that too.... 😊


Sam: (lies stressful on the bed) I hope this is not some sort of troll..... (looks at the calendar) and the rent is almost due.... this long one might be useful.....

It is now 5 PM and at the gaybar where Sam and Mason usually hangs out, Jameson, Mason and Baron were there hanging out.....

Jameson: (looks at the people) so... you guys are known here? how come things do not come out of this place? like.... whatever happens here does not get out.....
Mason: this is a private gaybar.... doesn't sound one cause they let anybody in but the people hanging out here are the same people everyday... we respect each other's privacy and this is some kind of brotherhood thing but no fraternity....
Baron: (looks around) this place is so fucking cool.... being gay is a cool thing right?
Mason: (nods) I guess so... that is why we continue to be in this place.. it may not be okay with a lot of people but you will still find appreciation and support from your own alter buddies.....
*a lot of gay teenagers wave at Mason*
Jameson: (looks at the empty cup) do people also force people to drink here?
Mason: (shakes his head) nah.. this is paradise... you can do whatever good things you want....
Baron: this is a proof that being gay is not a threat.. it is a family...
Mason: yes it is...
Jameson: and by the way... how does this alter work... should you really have a nickname?? like... MAScoolIN?
Mason: (smiles) I am still amazed by Sam's clever alternative name....
Baron: but why?
Mason: (rolls his eyes) guys.. alternative isn't alternative for nothing...... yeah, this place is a safe space for us but we have to protect our real selves that the society sees.... because if we do not, we will get discriminated......
Jameson: (nods)
Baron: but what is your name Mason??
Jameson: Baron... you do not have....
Mason: (smiles) (cuts off Jameson) nah... it is really fine... my name is ONeSAAM.... I doubled the A of Sam because that is Sam's name....
Jameson: that is a great coincidence... Sam's name and your name's first 3 letters are exact opposite........
Baron: and they do not make their names pretty obvious like... MAS means SAM in MAScoolIN and ONeSAAM is a pun for the opposite of your full first name and also related to foursomes, threesomes right????
Mason: (looks confused at Baron) you know that sort of stuff???
Baron: (blushes) yeah???
Jameson: (looks around) so where do you think Sam is going? do you think I should meet him now???
Mason: are you even sure you won't scare him, Jameson? I mean is... I suggested this to you but....
Jameson: (shakes his head) nah... I openly want to do this because... maybe that room would be a a great way for us to talk peacefully to each other....
Baron: (smiles) then fuck???
Jameson: (blushes at Mason)
Mason: but wait.. (feels awkward) aren't you straight Jameson?
Jameson: (ignores Mason) (stands up) I think I have to tell him to meet me in the bathroom...... (smiles) I will go now guys...
Baron: good luck Jameson... have a good night...
Jameson: (smiles) stop it you stupid! haha... (approaches and heads to the rest room) (left)
Mason: so... do you want to go to the arcade or something??? I know you do not want to be here but....
Baron: (shakes his head) Mason... Jameson is like a very strict brother to me and he does not let me roam around the city because he thinks I am too reckless if I get alone... I will get uncontrollable..... that is why I appreciate where I am right now and with somebody because I feel like.... this is the real life and I am finally witnessing it.....
Mason: there is too much dangers in the real life.... why look forward?
Baron: (looks at Mason) why? do you expect to be reincarnated after death? think about the one life you have right now.. do sort of stuffs... and even though I am new to this, thank you for welcoming me to one....
Mason: (smiles awkwardly at Baron) you're welcome....
Baron: (nods at Mason) you and Sam are cool people.... you guys really are...

This is really a great overview in being an alter! what do you think?

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