Episode 98 : Throw The Book At

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Back at the library of the school, Sam and Gail were there hanging out together...

Sam: (silently reads a book next to Gail) (suddenly looks around sadly) (in his mind) where could he be??? maybe wat I feel is how he felt when I run away years ago..... I cannot even stand not seeing him for just days..... (feels emotional and slightly worried) where could he be??
Gail: (tries to answer some of her seat works) (sadly notices Sam sadly looking around the whole library) (in his mind) Jameson.... please..... you just can't leave me just to leave Sam as well..... he doesn't deserve the way I deserved to be left by you..... please.... (looks around) do it for me......
Sam: (sadly continues reading a book)
Sir Fieldman: (enters the library) (in his mind) now where could that boy be????
Gail: (eyes widens and notices Sir Fieldman) Sam???? I think Sir Fieldman is finding you now......
Sam: huh? where??? (looks around) (notices Sir Fieldman) (slightly smiles) oh yes... there he is.....
Sir Fieldman: (eyes widens and notices Sam noticing him) oh here you are.... (approaches Sam and Gail) you two were just here all along......
Sam: yes... haha... (stands up) (grabs and wear his bag) I apologize if.... (approaches Sir Fieldman) I apologize if you have been finding me for too long.......
Sir Fieldman: oh Sam... it is fine... (confidently speaks) it really is fine... (puts his arm on the back of Sam's shoulders) we have a whole day ahead of us so why rush it right???
Gail: (suddenly looks confused and awkward at Sir Fieldman with Sam)
Sam: okay hahaha... (feels Sir Fieldman's arm on the back of his shoulder) but shall we talk about what we have to talk about???
Sir Fieldman: well.... (gazes at Sam's eyes) (squeezes Sam's shoulder) it is up to you kid.. you are the lucky one.....
Sam: hahahaha... (awkwardly smiles down) how am I the lucky one????
Gail: (suddenly looks concerned at Mr. Fieldman squeezing Sam's shoulder) ugh... should you be going now Sam???
Sam: ugh... (smiles at Gail) is it fine???
Gail: (nods uncomfortably) yeah haha.... sure! you do you..... and just go home early too after this.....
Sir Fieldman: oh Gail.... (keeps speaking confidently) I got him covered...... do not worry.......
Sam: (nods uncomfortably) yeah.... maybe see you around......
Gail: yeah.... see you around as well.... (keeps worriedly looking at Sam)
Sir Fieldman: (nods) okay... now let's go.....
Sam: I think we should....
*Sir Fieldman and Sam starts walking away and left* 
Gail: (keeps looking concerned at Sam) (feels bothered)

As Sir Fieldman and Sam leaves to have a talk, Gail was bothered and left the library to try and contact Sam's friends..... at the hallway......

Gail: (frustratingly walks at the hallway) (tries to search for Sam's friends in her contacts) shit... (notices none of Sam's friends are in her contacts) I do not have any of their numbers.... (feels stressed) (looks around worriedly) (in her mind) I need to know where Sam was brought...... because I do not feel that something is right.... (keeps walking in the hallway)
Mr. Marlon: (suddenly walks out of the principal office) (accidentally bumps at Gail)
Gail: what the??? (accidentally bumps at Mr. Marlon) watch where you are..... (eyes widens and nervously stares at Mr. Marlon) what the..... what the fuck are you doing here??? (feels extremely nervous)
Mr. Marlon: oh! (eyes widens and smiles at Gail) long time no see Gail.... didn't thought I'd still get to meet you again.....
Gail: no... (starts walking away) this cannot be..... (starts panicking extremely) you cannot be still alive!!! (starts worriedly crying)
Mr. Marlon: but I am here.... (intimidatingly speaks) and you think I am going to give up easily????!!!
Gail: (cries angrily at Mr. Marlon) (looks around) but you cannot be here.... you really cannot be here because you literally killed my friend!! you killed Stevie and all those innocent people but now you are here in front of the school you once destroyed....
Principal: (walks out of his office) (seriously looks at Gail) Gail.... I brought him here!!!
Gail: huh???!! (extremely feels pissed) you brought this criminal here for what?????
Principal: you cannot just blame the whole incident on him Gail...... especially when it was just an accident.....
Gail: but it is not an accident... (offensively walks closer to the principal) even if it was... give some respect on the students who died but no.... this is not it still and he did it on purpose... he really did......
Mr. Marlon: Gail.... my Gail... (tries to hold Gail) you do not have any proofs do you??? that I killed all those students on purpose??? to be honest... I am even helping this school to......
Gail: (takes off her hand from Mr. Marlon) (cuts off Mr. Marlon) do not touch me!!!!! and second.... you literally pulled Stevie inside the venue to be part of the casualties!!!!!
Principal: this is not how you talk to the elderly Gail!!! (angrily speaks)
Mr. Marlon: and do you really have a proof of your accusations???!! it has been long gone... move on!!!!
Gail: (cries frustratingly) you all are monsters.... you all are monsters......
Stevie: (imagination and hallucination) (stands behind Mr. Marlon) (shakes her head)
Gail: (imagines and widens her eyes at Stevie shaking her head) this cannot be..... (keeps crying) this cannot be.....
Mr. Marlon: (notices Gail looking at nothing) see... you are just delusional after all Gail and with that..... you can never accuse me of a crime..... you have no proofs and I think it is too late!!!!
Bentley: (immediately runs and approaches Gail in the hallway) (angrily looks at Mr. Marlon) I can be a proof.......
*Gail and Mr. Marlon widens their eyes at Bentley*
Mr. Marlon: (slightly looks nervous at Bentley) like what Bentley???
Principal: wait.... you know his name?? (looks confused at Mr. Marlon)
Bentley: (keeps angrily looking at Mr. Marlon) yes he does.... and I can be a proof that all those destructions were done on purpose.......
Mr. Marlon: and how can you prove all of those??? would that make me a criminal? when it is all shown to be an accident....
Principal: wait... (keeps looking confused at Mr. Marlon) why do you sound like it really happened and they just do not have a proof to prove it???
Gail: because it really happened... (keeps crying) and if that incident cannot be proven easily..... always remember that you raped me..... (angrily speaks) and that one has a proof!! that one has a proof that everyone knows but still overlooked.....
Mr. Marlon: (starts feeling pissed) you cannot do that to me Gail!!! you know you can't......
Gail: you will go to jail!!!! (shouts loudly at Mr. Marlon)
Mr. Marlon: no!!!!!! (about to attack Gail)
*the principal and Bentley looks worried at Mr. Marlon about to attack Gail*
*Jameson, Baron, Mason, Parker, Henry, Desiree and Kyler enters the hallway and approaches everyone with some cops*
Kyler: get away from her!!! (immediately grabs and pulls Mr. Marlon away from Gail)
Mr. Marlon: huh??? (suddenly gets pulled away by Kyler) what the!!!!!
Principal: (eyes widens noticing the cops following Jameson and the others) what is happening here????
Jameson: something we have done a long time.... (angrily looks at Mr. Marlon)
Mason: (looks at the cops approaching them) (points Mr. Marlon) here he is sirs!!!! he is the one who raped Gail..... and there is a video for it.....
*the cops suddenly heads and approaches Mr. Marlon*
Mr. Marlon: no... this cannot be happening..... (suddenly cries hard) you have no rights to arrest me.... and that woman... (points Gail) that woman is lying...... she cannot even say it....
Parker: are you stupid to tell that at a woman you traumatized???!! (shouts at Mr. Marlon)
Baron: (sadly looks ay Parker) tell them Gail..... I think... (notices and seriously looks at Bentley) I think you need to tell them......
Mason: yes... (angrily speaks) (stares at Bentley) (tears fall on his face) now that these videos resurfaced again... maybe we do have a reason to do what he have to do......
Bentley: (looks guilty at Mason and Baron)
Gail: (cries nervously at everyone) (angrily stares at Mr. Marlon) he did.... (keeps crying) he did.... (clenches her fists) he did rape me.......
Henry: (tears fall on his face listening to Gail)
Desiree: (cries softly) (approaches and hugs Gail) 
Gail: (cries and hugs Desiree back) he raped me!! he raped me and destroyed me!!!!
Mr. Marlon: (angrily shouts at Gail) you wanted those remember??!! you speak as if that was not the first time......
Gail: but I never wanted it that time!!   (keeps crying) but do not worry.... I will meet you in court to bring you down!! I will meet you in.. (reaches out and slaps Mr. Marlon) court!!!!!
*the cops starts putting handcuffs on Mr. Marlon*
Bentley: (guiltily looks down) you also have to jail me as well..... (approaches the cops)
*everyone looks shocked at Bentley*
Bentley: (cries and looks at Parker, Baron and Mason) I filmed Gail getting raped.... released the videos back at prom as per Mr. Marlon said..... (keeps crying) when none of them deserved this.... the way I abused Mason.... violently attacked Parker and attempted to do the same thing to Baron......
*Baron, Parker and Mason cries down*
Bentley: even Clint didn't deserve to kill himself by carrying his guilt that is all because of me......
Cop #1: (approaches Bentley) is this true??? (looks at everyone) his confession???
*Mason, Parker and Baron looks nervously at each other*
Henry: (seriously speaks) yes... he did all of those..... and all of those can be proven as well.....
*everyone widens their eyes at Henry* 
Baron: (cries in shock at Henry)
Henry: (keeps crying) he deserves to be in jail for what he did.....
Kyler: (nervously looks down)  
Cop #1: alright... you will be coming with us as well... (puts handcuffs on Bentley's hands)
Jameson: (looks at Kyler)
*everyone notices Jameson looking at Kyler* 
Cop #2: is that everything? anything else to report?????
Kyler: (looks at everyone looking at him) (keeps crying) (feels nervous) (about to speak)
Jameson: that is all........ thank you sirs.......
Kyler: (eyes widens at Jameson)
Cop #3: alright... let's leave with these 2 now!!!!
*the other cops agrees and starts pulling Bentley and Mr. Marlon away from the hallway*
Mr. Marlon: (angrily keeps staring st Gail)
Gail: (keeps staring angrily at Mr. Marlon)
*Parker, Mason and Baron stares at Bentley getting dragged away*
Bentley: (tears fall on his face noticing Parker, Mason and Baron looking at him)
Henry: (seriously stares at Bentley)
*the cops left with Mr. Marlon and Bentley*
Kyler: why.... (feels shocked) (keeps crying) why did you give me a chance???
Jameson: I did not.... (shakes his head) (keeps crying) I am giving you what you want..... to talk to Sam and with that... if that is what you want... then Sam is the most entitled to have a say with you..... to give you what you deserve.....
Mason: but where is Sam though? he is the only one not here.....
Gail: actually... he is with Sir Fieldman.....
Principal: what???!! (looks confused at everyone) Sir Fieldman haven't even checked in for today's attendance...
Gail: what??!!!
Jameson: how could that happen? why is he meeting my boyfriend???!! (feels nervous) (starts panicking intensely)
Desiree: (feels extremely worried) no need to think.... that is my brother we are talking about... let's find him..... (cries worriedly) (walks away and left)
Mason: (looks at Jameson) let's find Sam now!!!!
*everyone agrees and nods at Mason*
Jameson: let's go... right now!!!
*Jameson and everyone else follows Desiree and left* 

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