Episode 22 : Seeing Affected

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It is now monday morning and at the school, Jameson, Kyler and Stevie were at the hallways of the school together while there are not classes yet.......

*Jameson, Kyler and Stevie walks in the hallway*
Jameson: (feels serious)
Kyler: Jameson, you consider Baron as your little brother right????
Jameson: yeah why???
Kyler: why isn't he with you today..... you two always go to school together...
Jameson: I think he is out with Sam and Mason...... I am glad that he found new friends....
Stevie: and that is because of you Jameson.... I am proud that he is in nice hands..... (smiles) Sam and Mason are really smart and nice at the same time..... they should showcase it more.....
Jameson: (nods) I think of that too.... by the way Stevie, any cases where you have seen or even been with Gail lately????
Stevie: (shrugs) actually no..... how about you, have you done what you have to do with Gail????
Jameson: (looks sadly at Stevie)
Stevie: it is just..... Gail and Sam are opposites of each other and Sam would probably be a victim there... so if you wanna hang out with Sam and date Gail at the same time.... it won't work...
Kyler: so you kinda agree Stevie that Jameson can break up with your own best friend??????
Stevie: well... I am not in the hold of their unfinished business but..... despite being Gail's friend, I still will never tolerate her behavior......
Jameson: (feels stressed) do not worry, I am planning out in ending my connection with Gail as soon as possible because it is now getting toxic... but at the same time, I want her to avoid Clint......
*Clint and Gail approaches from behind*
Clint: (hears Jameson) avoid who????
Jameson: (turns around and looks nervously at Clint)
Gail: (takes off her earphones) ugh huh? (looks around) who are we talking about??? (notices Jameson) (feels pissed)
Clint: (shoves and passes Jameson) if you wanna speak up about somebody, act like a man next time.... (left)
Gail: (feels confused) (follows Clint) ugh Clint??.?
Jameson: (holds Gail's arm) (feels angry) since when did you got that close to him????
*Baron, Sam and Mason passes the hallway*
Baron: (smiles happily) I am so happy that I get to join you guys now.... do you all know how I wanted this to happen???
Mason: yeah Baron????
Sam: (notices Jameson holding Gail's arm)
Gail: (stares seriously at Jameson) since when did you start having contact with homosexuals..... (pushes Jameson away) and besides, he is our best friend right??? our friend so stop holding me onto things that I would want to be into.... (left)
Jameson: (looks sadly at Gail)
Stevie: she is so hard headed... (feels sad) I am sorry....
Kyler: (notices Sam, Baron and Mason in further distance) wait... those are the boys right???
Jameson: (notices Sam sadly looking at him) wait... Sam?? (feels guilty)
Sam: ugh... (looks shyly at Jameson) (pulls Baron and Mason) lets go to the library..... now.... (left)
*Mason and Baron left*
Jameson: wait.... he might have saw me.... what a bad coincidence... (feels nervous) I have to talk to him....
Kyler: okay but Jameson.. before that, what's with you and Sam???
Jameson: (feels guilty) ugh.... (bites his lips)
*the bell rings*
Jameson: (looks around) (hears the bell) oh guys.... I have to fix some of my stuffs and go to class.... (left)
Stevie: (shouts confusedly) but we are all in same class Jameson....
Baron: (feels confused at Jameson) (in his mind) what is with both of them????

It is now lunch time and at the hallway, Mason was outside the restroom waiting for Sam to finish peeing......

Mason: (wait patiently)
Jameson: (approaches Mason) ugh Mason..... is Sam inside???
Mason: he actually is.... why????
Jameson: (shakes his head) I need to pee too.... (about to enter the restoom)
Mason: (holds Jameson's shoulder) I know what this is about..... but yeah, go pee.... (smiles) do your thing...
Jameson: I am sorry Mason... (feels guilty)
Mason: no worries... (winks at Jameson)
Jameson: thank you.. (enters the restroom) (left)

Inside the restroom....

Sam: (washes his face on the sink)
Jameson: (enters the room) (stares at Sam)
Sam: (notices Jameson) ugh Jameson, hi!!! how are you the...
Jameson: you know what... (grabs Sam to the toilet cubicle) (locks the cubicle) I owe you ah explanation and I insist.... (holds Sam's hands tightly)
Sam: (feels happily confused at Jameson) what do you mean Jameson? and what in the world is this 50 shades idea of yours?????
Jameson: (shakes his head) I am not gonna force you to admit but just in case it is really what you feel, I need to make Gail stay away from Clint, Sam.... and I fucking love you because if I didn't, I won't be admitting that I am gay to you while nobody else know....
Sam: but shouldn't you becoming out for yourself and I wasn't mad... I just wanna give you space....
Jameson: and space should be a word with us... (aggressively speaks) (grabs Sam's ass)
Sam: (moans softly) Jameson..... aren't you hungry????
Jameson: (kisses and licks Sam's lower lip) not anymore when you allow me.....
Sam: (opens his mouth) (grabs Jameson'a bulge)
Jameson: (moans softly) fuck.... (travels his tongue inside Sam's mouth and tongue) (grabs Sam's hand inside his jeans) I could fucking date you, Mary you and do this for a lifetime.....
Sam: yeah??
*Jameson and Sam keeps making out with each other*
Jameson: (pushes Sam to the toilet seat) (zips down his zipper) yeah..... (pops out his cock in front of Sam)
Sam: (jacks off Jameson's hard cock) (sucks and wets Jameson's cock)
Jameson: (grabs his ass inside his jeans) (softly fingers himself) fuck Sam!!! (gets intensely hard)

It is now dismissal and at the parking area of the school, Sam was there waiting for Baron, Mason and Jameson to arrive....

Sam: (looks at his watch)
Gail: (heads to the exit of the parking lot)
*a black car stops in front of the lot*
Gail: (looks around) (feels conscious)
Sam: (notices Gail from further distance)
*a black car's door opens*
Gail: (keeps looking around) (enters the car)
*Gail left with the car*
Sam: (nervously watches the car leaving with Gail)
*Jameson, Mason and Baron approaches Sam*
Mason: sorry we were late Sam....
Baron: yeah... (catches his breath) but we can now finally go home...
Sam: (keeps staring at the outside of the lot)
Jameson: (looks confuses at Sam) (looks at where Sam is looking) ugh Sam.. you okay????
Sam: (snaps out) oh.. me? (smiles slightly at Jameson) I am..... (smiles away)
Jameson: (smiles slightly at Sam) (strokes Sam's hair)

This is it... I am so excited for what's more to come... are you feeling it too? Are you ready? Cause I am!

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