Episode 67 : If It's The Final One

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It is now a saturday morning and at the home of Gail, Gail was at her dining area eating breakfast alone.......

Gail: (stares at nothing) (eats cereals silently)
*Gail's phone rings*
Gail: (looks annoyed at his phone ringing) (notices a call from Mr. Marlon) (ignores the call) (in her mind) would this man just stop calling me now??! (covers his face) (feels exhausted)
*Gail's phone stops ringing*
Gail: (looks back at her phone stopping to ring)
*Gail's phone once again rings loudly*
Gail: (feels intensely annoyed at her phone ringing from Mr. Marlon's call) (in her mind) I fucking said... stop!!!! (grabs and declines call from Mr. Marlon) (puts down her phone again) (in her mind) (holds herself to not cry) it has been weeks ever since I we were together and he is still not giving up on talking to me??! she has other girls anyway so why isn't she stopping???

Outside the home of Gail, Clint and Bentley were secretly stalking and watching Gail in her dining area...... at the left side of the yard........

Clint: (peeks at Gail secretly from the window to the dining area) (sadly watches Gail feeling stressed)
Bentley: (looks annoyed at Clint watching Gail) (whispers) I do not get why you are obsessed with a woman like her... like you would do everything like looking like a creep to see a woman like her... like what makes her special that we have to stalk her?!
Clint: (seriously looks at Bentley)
Bentley: (looks seriously confused at Clint looking at him) what??
Clint: (rolls his eyes and looks back at Gail sadly eating breakfast) (whispers) do not dare talk to me as if I am a dirtier person here.... do I even stop you from what you are doing towards Mason and these fucking videos from him, Sam and Kyler?
Bentley: (angrily looks at Clint)

Back inside the dining area.......

*Gail's phone rings*
Gail: (angrily looks back on her phone) (notices a call from Stevie) wait... (feels confused) it is Stevie? (grabs and answers call) hello???
Stevie: Gail? (on the line)
Gail: (smiles) long time no talk huh?? what's with the call??
Stevie: because of that... we saw each other yesterday but did not get a chance to talk....
Gail: yeah.... kinda busy sorry but I see you are hanging out the best of times with the boys...
Stevie: yeah... they are fun Gail... only if you really are in my place but..... speaking of fun, they are all so excited for prom.... are you joining???
Gail: (smiles down) well... what do you think????
Stevie: well.... Gail doesn't miss an event like that.. don't you???
Gail: well haha... I will think about it this time but.....
*Gail's phone rings again*
Stevie: (hears Gail's phone ringing) wait... is your phone literally ringing we are calling???
Gail: (notices a voice call from Mr. Marlon) yeah.... and I will just get back at you in a minute... Stevie.... okay???
Stevie: okay sure...
Gail: (holds call from Stevie) (listens to the voice call from Mr. Marlon) he doesn't really wanna give up huh?
Clint: (eyes widens and secretly listens carefully to Gail from the outside)
Mr. Marlon: (voice record only) Gail.... would you please talk to me?? I miss my girl so much... how are you?? I want to see you!!!
Gail: (angrily stops the voice message) he really wants to see me huh?! (clenches her fists) then if this is what he wants... I will give him the last chance he will get... (drops her phone on the table angrily) (left)
Clint: (looks worried and confused at Gail leaving) where is she going?? who is she really talking to??
Bentley: (seriously listens to Clint) (shrugs)

It is now early in the afternoon and at some subdivision, Gail was in one of the mansions visiting her sugar daddy, Mr. Marlon..... at the poolside......

Gail: (approaches the pool with a glass of champagne) (notices Mr. Marlon resting on the side of the pool) you think that your maids offering me would help????
Mr. Marlon: (eyes widens at Gail and gets up from the pool) oh God! Gail?! you really appeared huh?? you really cannot resist your daddy and this shows... (approaches Gail)
*Bentley and Clint secretly peeks from outside the pool area*
Bentley: (hides and peeks from the bushes)
Clint: (carefully and secretly watches Gail meeting Mr. Marlon) (in his mind) daddy?!
Gail: well... like what I said... your champagne won't work because I would want to break my ties with you permanently......
Mr. Marlon: (eyes widens seriously at Gail) what did you say?! you got to be kidding me!!
Gail: (confidently spills the champagne to the pool) well... I guess... (drops the glass to the pool) I am not kidding....
*the glass accidentally falls and breaks on the floor*
Gail: (looks nervous at the glass breaking on the ground near the pool) I think I gotta go...
Mr. Marlon: (seriously and angrily grabs Gail from leaving) you think I would really make this easy for you?!?!
Gail: (feels nervous) (tears fall on her face) get off of me... (accidentally steps and bleeds her foot from the broken glass) (shouts from pain) ouch!!!!!!
Mr. Marlon: (pushes Gail to the pool) I miss that voice!!! (takes off his swimming trunks) (jumps to the pool)
Clint: (eyes widens at Mr. Marlon jumping to the pool with Gail) (feels worried) (about to leave) I need to help her...
Bentley: (holds and covers Clint's mouth) no Clint... she is unworthy Clint... her hiding this from you? you think she is worthy to be saved??? (watches Gail looking terrified at Mr. Marlon) (takes out and starts secretly filming Gail and Mr. Marlon)
Clint: (tears fall on his face) (tries to break free from Bentley) stop this Bentley... (whispers) please!!!
Gail: (tries to swim at the corner of the pool) (cries hardly at Mr. Marlon approaching him) Marlon... this is not funny anymore... you should listen to me......
Mr. Marlon: (swims closer and pins Gail to the corner of the pool) and if this is the last... (slides his hands to Gail's body) (tries to take off Gail's clothes)
Gail: (cries hardly) (feels traumatized) (tries to painfully break free from Mr. Marlon) Marlon!! stop this Marlon!!! please!!
Clint: (looks frightened at Gail being sexually assaulted by Mr. Marlon)
Bentley: (happily films Gail being sexually assaulted by Clint) these videos would make a great collection......

It is now getting dark and at the hospital, all of Mason's friends were there to visit him before he gets discharged tomorrow......

Mason: (happily looks at everyone) I really am still happy that you guys are here and I am so excited to finally leave......
Henry: we are so happy you are coming back as well... we miss you and I personally cleaned your room because Sam was doing the same with him...
Sam: (smiles down)
Jameson: (looks confused at Sam smiling down)
Mason: you guys didn't have to....
Sam: but we did so.. we really cannot wait for tomorrow......
Desiree: me too.. I am even trying to think of a little yet fun celebration for tomorrow so......
Mason: haha... (cuts off Desiree) it is fine... no parties please.... let us wait for prom instead if it is fine.....
Jameson: (suddenly looks down)
*Parker and Baron sadly looks at each other*
Baron: by the way Mason.. (shyly looks at everyone) me and Parker will be taking you home tomorrow so... just so you know haha....
Parker: (nods silently)
Mason: okay? (looks happily confused at Baron and Parker)
Stevie: (looks concerned at Gail not answering her calls again) she said she will be back early this morning.....
Sam: who did Stevie? (hears and looks curious at Stevie) (notices Gail's name on Stevie's phone)
Stevie: oh ugh haha.. (whispers) nothing... (turns off her phone) just checking on my best friend... you know...
Sam: (smiles awkwardly) yeah haha.. you better though......
Jameson: so.. shall we have a dinner here??
Kyler: (happily enters the room) good evening everyone!!! will we have a celebration for our fellow Mason?!
*everyone looks confusedly surprised at Kyler*
Kyler: (looks confused at everyone looking at him)
Sam: (suddenly holds Jameson's hand) (looks slightly nervously surprised at Kyler)
Jameson: (seriously looks at Kyler) (holds Sam's hand)
Mason: (sadly looks concerned at Sam and Jameson from Kyler)

This episode is so sad and intriguing.. what would happen to the rest of the season with this? So much to uncover and see how the season ends..

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