Episode 48 : Things To Hide

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At the dining area, Desiree, Stevie and Henry were there eating breakfast while explaining where Sam and Mason are to the other boys......

Jameson: (eats peacefully) so..... where is Sam again???
Desiree: ugh.... (looks nervous at Henry)
Jameson: (looks confused at Desiree and Henry)
Henry: he is with Kyler.....
Jameson: (feels madly annoyed and alarmed) what the hell?! what is he doing with him?
Desiree: (holds Jameson's arm) calm down Jameson... calm your ass down..... Kyler didn't bring him there.... Sam wanted to visit him...
Jameson: but still... why????
Henry: he said that you and Kyler were having problems with each other and as your boyfriend, he wants to get involved in keeping peace....
Jameson: (looks sadly at Henry) damn... he shouldn't have done that.... (feels stressed)
Baron: I do not think there would be a problem anyway right Jameson??? you and Kyler have the problem... not him and Sam......
Jameson: but still.... he has to stay away from me.... therefore, he has to stay away from my boyfriend as well.....
Parker: (keeps eating) ugh Jameson? I know we aren't that close but I am surprised that you and Kyler are not getting along.... what is the reason???
Henry: yeah Jameson... (looks sadly at Jameson) if you do not mind......
Jameson: (looks down sadly) I simply just.... I just do not want him on our way..... Kyler is my friend but that doesn't mean that he has to insult my capabilities as a boyfriend to Sam...... he acts like he could do better with Sam and it all started when he defended Sam against Gail...
Stevie: (eyes widens at Jameson) do you think...... do you think Kyler has a crush on Sam????
Jameson: that is what I am scared of.... and that is why we both have to stay away....
Desiree: (nods sadly) but for now... trust your boyfriend on this... think how much he could do like this one... for you and him... right???
Jameson: (nods unsure) I think so.....
Baron: but guys.... let me change the topic... what is Mason up to???
Parker: (guiltily listens) (shakes his head)
Henry: (looks sadly at Desiree) nobody still knows but it is getting obvious that he is starting to be secretive......
Baron: I hope I could do something..... I really want to.....
Parker: then why not do it.... right???
Stevie: I agree.... we are all friends for a reason and Mason won't mind I guess....
Baron: (sadly shrugs)
Jameson: (feels stressed) (looks around) I still cannot believe Sam did this...

It is now early in the afternoon and at the front of Kyler's home, Sam was there waiting for Kyler to have him in.... at the front porch...

Sam: (seriously waits for Kyler)
Kyler: (approaches and opens the front door with no shirt on) (notices Sam) sorry for the wait.....
Sam: (eyes widens at Kyler) (feels annoyed) what the fuck?! is this what you are like when a visitor comes????
Kyler: you have been annoyingly knocking and do not act as if you haven't seen this before??
Sam: (enters the room carelessly) whatever... I just wanna have a....
Kyler: (suddenly pinches Sam's ass) anything you want, I can give you... you know that.....
Sam: (slaps Kyler's hand away from him) (shouts angrily) would you fucking please stop that!?!! I am not here as a submissive to you but I am a boyfriend of Jameson right now and we have to have a talk...
Kyler: at least you reconsidered..... (sexily stares at Sam)
Sam: what the fuck?! (feels extremely annoyed) can we just talk casually.... and I want you to stay away from Jameson and me!!!
Kyler: (looks at Sam's eyes romantically) you know I am not used to negotiating with you for free..... and a part of that is impossible.....
Sam: (listens confusedly at Kyler)
Kyler: cause it will break the point of what you just admitted... that you are my submissive... (walks closer to Sam) (feels horny)
Sam: (steps away nervously) Kyler... stop it... (notices Kyler's bulge getting larger from his towel)
Kyler: and for the record.... you should be the one getting what I want but I respect your decision if you really give me what I want......
Sam: (tries to hold his tears from crying) (shakes his head) you know what.... just leave me please and that would be all.... (about to leave)
Kyler: (follows and pushes his bulge into Sam's ass) as if you have a choice... (holds the door from Sam)
Sam: (feels Kyler's bulge on his butt) (feels horny) (closes his eyes with guilty)
Kyler: (grabs Sam's chest from behind) (whispers sexily) I wanna make your arrival here worth it..... (rubs his bulge on Sam's butt) (attempts to reach and kiss Sam)
Sam: (catches his breath) (feels intensely horny) (feels Kyler's cock rubbing to his ass) (feels Kyler's breathe) (sensually kisses Kyler from behind)
Kyler: (kisses Sam sensually) (slides his hands inside Sam's pants and brief) (jack off Sam's cock inside) (takes off his towel covering his lower body) (lets his cock slide into Sam's butt)
Sam: (whisper sexily) just do it cause sadly I have no choice......
Kyler: (smiles while holding Sam's body and kissing his lips) I will as you always know.... (slides his other hand to Sam's chest and nipples)
Sam: (tears fall on his face) (feels horny) (in his mind) God, I just wanna stop.....

It is now dark at night and at the front porch of Sam, Mason and Henry's house, Mason was there sleeping peacefully at the front door......

Sam: (weakly enters the room with groceries) (notices Mason sleeping at the front porch) Mason???? (immediately runs and approaches Mason) (drops his groceries next to Mason) what happened to you????
Mason: (sleeping peacefully) (snores softly)
Sam: (feels concerned at Mason) (hears Mason snoring) (sits next to Mason) (lies Mason's head on his shoulder) (tears fall on his face) (in his mind) I do not know what is going on with you Mason and I feel you for not telling it.... cause I am unable to be me at this point too... at the point I should be more happier but I can't.... (puts his arms around Mason)
Mason: (feels Sam next to him) (continues sleeping) (hugs Sam tightly)
Sam: (watches Mason sleeping)

This is so sad! If I were in the story, I would completely save Mason and Sam... tune in!

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