Epiaode 87 : Hear Out The Feelings

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It is now a thursday morning and at the dining area of the home of Henry, Jameson, Sam and Mason, Desiree, Sam, Jameson and Mason were there having breakfast together before going to school...

Desiree: so ugh... (looks at Sam, Mason and Jameson) are you all ready for the photoshoot this friday????
Sam: well Desiree... (smiles at Jameson) we actually went to the mall to prepare for our graduation stuffs because I think it really is an important highlight of our life......
Desiree: I agree and you all better look good.....
Jameson: yes haha.. (smiles and pinches Sam's cheeks) and actually I am not that type of boy who clings into make up but I did buy some and try how to make me good looking in that camera.......
Sam: oh Jameson... (smiles) you are already handsome.... like do you really even need make up???
Jameson: well..... like what I said.... this is something that we should prepare and at the same time... as much as Mason is already good looking with or without make up.... (smiles at Mason) it actually gave me interest to try some......
Mason: (blushes listening to Jameson and Sam)
Sam: well yeah.... (looks at Mason) Mason is still the most attractive guy..... with or without make up so... he will nail it.....
Jameson: yeah and besides that... make up is also good for skin care so... that is what I adore with Mason as well....
Mason: oh gosh please haha... (blushes down) the two lovers seem to be thirsting on me... (keeps eating) haha....
Jameson: well why not? (jokingly smiles back at Sam) I mean... if it doesn't sound weird to Sam...
Sam: no haha... (cuts off Jameson) cannot blame you if a couple would adore somebody like Mason..... (curiously looks at Mason) but seriously speaking Mason... it is still mind-blowing how you never got a boyfriend......
Jameson: wait but... (feels confused) aren't him and Parker a thing??
Mason: (blushes and feels awkward and guilty) ugh haha.... no we are not... (uncomfortably smiles down) haha....
Desiree: (looks sadly concerned at Mason) but do you... like him??? or is there a problem between you two???
Mason: huh? (looks confused at Desiree)
Baron: (about to enter the room) (hears and secretly listens to Desiree and Mason)
Desiree: it is just... do not want to make you feel bad but it is kind of obvious that you are awkward with Parker so you took the opportunity to avoid him....
Jameson: oh... I kinda... (still feels confused) noticed that.....
Sam: is there anything going on Mason? (sadly looks at Mason) it is fine if you do or do not like Parker....
Mason: actually... (takes a deep breath) it is not him liking me back... I am not asking for it but guys... (nervously looks at everyone) I do kinda.... (nods) kinda like him....
*Desiree, Sam and Jameson widens their eyes at Mason*
Baron: (nods and keeps listening sadly to Mason)
Mason: but please do not tell anybody..... especially him.... okay??? (feels nervous)
Sam: oh Mason... (hugs Sam) like what you tell me before in our sex work..... be lovable to somebody most of the time.... and you get the dick as a plus....
Jameson: what the hell Sam? (looks confused and surprised at Sam) hahaha....
Sam: but.. (hugs Jameson) mine was not actually from that industry... probably yours isn't as well... (smiles at Mason)
Mason: (nods and smiles down) you two will look good together in the graduation photos.....
Desiree: (keeps looking concerned at Mason)

It is now the early if the afternoon an at the hallways of the campus, Gail was once again at her locker alone.....

Gail: (silently hangs out at her locker) (reads a book)
Parker: (enters the hallway) (notices and happily approaches Gail) good afternoon Gail....
Gail: (notices Parker) (smiles) oh haha... hey Parker? (looks around) ugh..... what's up???
Parker: just want to check on you because we are friends and..... I haven't done it for a long time...
Gail: friends haha... (blushes down) but..... (looks back at Parker) you do not have to make it sound as if you are responsible of me...
Parker: well..... this is just me caring... and giving a less interactive helping hand..... like you do not need to tell me to check on you...  I will do it because.... it has been rough for us before.....
Gail: (nods) yeah I get it.... (slightly frowns) but years has passed....
Parker: and we are making it so.... excited???
Gail: yeah.... need to actually haha... (awkwardly speaks) but... ugh... (slightly feel nervous) (in her mind) should I ask him out to prepare for graduation?
Parker: but.. (looks around) but what?
Desiree: (enters the hallway) (eyes widens noticing Parker and Gail together)
Gail: I just wanna ask if....
Desiree: (approaches Parker happily) hey Parker!!!!! (cuts off Gail)
Parker: (notices Desiree) Des?? haha... hey!!! lunchbreak??
Desiree: nah... heading to the next class and.... I just passed by the boys.... they are already eating lunch so.... would you join them?
Gail: (looks annoyed and awkward at Desiree)
Parker: of course.. (nods) I always do.....
Desiree: well... be there because everyone else is ordering and Mason is alone at the table saving everyone a seat..... so???
Parker: oh sure...  (keeps nodding happily) so ugh..... I will be there....
Gail: (keeps seriously looking at Desiree)
Desiree: yeah... see ya! (ignores Gail) (rolls her eyes) (left) 
Parker: so ugh.... (looks at his watch) what is it Gail again? where are we???
Gail: oh haha.... I also forgot so... (smiles at Parker) maybe your boys are waiting for you...
Parker: haha... (smiles down) those really are my boys and I am glad I am with them.... (blushes) but you Gail.... have a great day okay??
Gail: (nods) (smiles at Parker) thank you Parker.... you too....
Parker: thanks haha... (walks away) (left)
Gail: (sadly looks down) (takes a deep breath)

It is now night and everyone finally got home from school, back at Sam, Jameson, Henry and Mason's home, everyone was now done with lunch and are preparing to go to bed..... at Henry's bedroom......

Henry: (fixes his bedsheets silently)
Baron: (about to enter the room) (eyes widens at Henry inside the bedroom fixing his bedsheets)
Henry: (hears some footsteps behind him) hello? (notices Baron) oh Baron? you are staying for the night as well???
Baron: yeah haha... the boys are going to have a marathon so yeah and.... haha... I always do.....
Henry: okay so... (feels confused at Baron) anything I can do for you? what brings you here?
Baron: ugh... (guiltily looks down) (in his mind) Henry may understand right? he knows it anyway....
Henry: you know that you can always run into me.. I will always love to.....
Baron: (blushes and looks at Henry) ugh haha... I really am here to actually invite you downstairs because I just want you to be there as well....
Henry: okay??? (still feels confused) of course I will be there... 
Baron: you always do... (smiles) (walks away)
Henry: no... (watches Baron leaving) you always do..... (smiles)
Baron: (blushes and keeps walking away) (left)

Ooooh! Will there be lovers catching up for graduation? tune in!

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