Episode 36 : Highly Suspicious

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It is now recess and at the cashier's office, Henry just finished inquiring and applying in the school to continue his studies on the next semester and he was assisted by Baron......

*Baron and Henry walks out of the office*
Baron: I told you that everything would be fast and easy.... actually, this school lost a lot of students this year that is why they are grateful for somebody nee.......
Henry: (closes the office door) yeah.... they all seem nice.... I feel like everybody is cool too.... no one is homophobic.......
Baron: actually there are... sadly, there can't be a school without bad people.... high school life is just like any typical gay movies, homophobia all around.....
Henry: but at least I am in a non toxic circle of friends......
Baron: (starts walking) you can say that again.... if I tell you about everything that happened before you came.... you may throw hands......
Henry: (feels curious) (follows Baron) what do you mean? I want to catch up... are you all oppressed here by somebody??? suppressed because of blackmailing??? or something that you and anybody cannot speak about because it is just hard to express???
Baron: (smiles at Henry) Henry... maybe it is the things I cannot speak about because I am not in the position to say those.... (takes a deep breath) and I an not the one dealing with things......
Henry: (looks down sadly) maybe tell me something about you and Mason instead? what is with you two ignoring each other??? are you two even a couple as well as Sam and Jameson????
Baron: we aren't anything romantic..... but he has been so protective and I actually appreciate that..... but I feel bad because I think he stresses himself about me and yeah..... it just feel so unnecessary to both of our parts that is why he avoids me as well as I give him space.... he may think I feel awkward of he thinks of me as something awkward..... (keeps thinking deeply)
Henry: is this about him holding you into joining the alter world?????
Baron: (feels annoyed) actually, I do want to but I am guilty not following him because he has a point but I am really invested already.... (looks at Henry) is there even an escape room when I am fully interested????
Henry: (feels sad) actually, if you feel like doing it, listen to your heart...... you are still the captain of your own ship......
Baron: but I do not want people to be worried...... especially Mason because he is really genuine cautioning me against this experience......
Henry: (smiles) I am sure Mason is just dealing with a lot of stuffs that is why he is holding you..... if you wanna join at this time, he can't look out for you or help you because he is still busy and every beginner really does need somebody to assist him..... but I am sure when things go lighter to him, he will eventually support you and go with you..... remember, Mason and Sam are  not accepting bookings for now..... so why would you do it alone....
Baron: it make sense but... (looks at Henry) how about you??? you are just starting fresh in this new city yet a natural already.... so can you guide me instead??
Henry: (feels nervous) (looks around) but Baron..... as same as Mason, do you want to do this???? you have to embody being one and prove how much you want this.......
Baron: (gulps deeply) (nods nervously) I do want Henry...... please......
Henry: (looks nervous at Baron) (nods slowly)
*Mason and Bentley passes on the other side of the hallway*
Henry: (notices Mason) wait... is that Mason?? (tries to catch up to Mason)
Baron: (follows Henry) where????

At the left side intersection of the hallway, Mason and Bentley were heading into the restroom......

Mason: (feels annoyed) why do I have to do this every break time when I will am going to do it all tomorrow.... (looks at Bentley) is this something bigger than how burden you are giving me already??? what is really your purpose why you are like this??????
Bentley: (grabs Mason's bulge) would you stop or I am gonna humiliate you here... (whispers)
Mason: (slaps Bentley's hand) would you stop doing it here... if somebody is getting humiliated, you are setting yourself up...... (looks nervously around)
Bentley: (smiles naughtily at Mason) just get in..... everybody knows the way I mess with you and your gay best friends so what humility are you saying????
Mason: (stares nervously at Bentley) (about to enter the restroom)
*Baron and Henry peeks at Mason and Bentley at the intersection*
Bentley: (pushes Mason) just get in boy toy...
Mason: (looks around nervously) (left)
Bentley: (follows Mason) (left)
Henry: (notices Bentley following Mason) is that guy an alter too??? and in general, who is him?
Baron: (stares at the closed restroom door) that is Bentley... he is a school's popular jock and he loves messing with gays....
Henry: just messing??? he's not an alter???? then why are they entering that place together???
Baron: not that I know but it feels impossible that he is an alter.... maybe that is a coincidence.... 
Henry: okay??? (feels confused) (thinks deeply) (feels suspicious)
Baron: (looks at Henry)

It is lunch and at the outside of the classroom, Jameson and Sam are now heading to eat at the outdoors......

*Jameson and Sam happily chats while walking outside the classroom*
Sam: I will save a seat for us?
Jameson: no... we go together of course..... (about to hold Sam's hand)
Gail: (approaches and hugs Jameson's arm) Jameson... come and lets hang out since we never been doing it lately....
Jameson: (looks confused at Gail) Gail???
Sam: (looks seriously at Gail)
Clint: (about to walk out of the classroom) (notices Sam, Jameson and Gail together)
Gail: (notices Sam) oh Sam.. (fake smiles) if you mind... I know a best friend like you understand....
Jameson: (looks worried at Sam)
Sam: (fake smiles) I can... I would hang out with Mason anyway so yeah.... (shrugs) enjoy you two... (holds himself to not cry) (left)
Jameson: Sam??? (shouts with concern)
Gail: (shakes Jameson) let him and let us too.....
Jameson: (takes away his hands from Gail) no Gail...... you don't understand..... (follows Sam) (left)
Gail: (looks at her hand getting dropped by Jameson) what the??? what do I not understand? (shouts at Jameson confusedly)
Clint: (approaches Gail from behind) you didn't want to understand remember?
Gail: (looks confused and nervous at Clint)

It is going to be an exciting next episode... tune in!

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