Episode 88 : Not Alone Preparing

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It is now a busy friday morning and at the kitchen of the home of Sam, Jameson, Henry and Mason, Henry was at the kitchen busy cooking breakfast alone.......

Henry: (silently puts the cooked scramble eggs on a plate)
Baron: (confusedly enters the room) (looks around) (notices Henry) Henry???
Henry: huh?? (confusedly notices Baron) hey Baron... good morning.....
Baron: (smiles slightly at Henry) hey Henry.....
Henry: want to join in and eat breakfast with me???
Baron: sure.... (approaches the counter and sits on a high chair) but.... where is Jameson and Sam?? I haven't seen them around.....
Henry: oh them... (turns off the stove) they already went to school to prepare very early.... they are really trying to haha... (smiles) make this photoshoot special for them.....
Baron: well... (nods) well deserve.....
Henry: (puts one scrambled egg on an empty plate) yes they do and I am so happy for them... for how long they were together..... and... even if there were problems on the way.... even if there were holdbacks..... they were still sure it was them for each other......
Baron: (nods) well.... you said before... Sam is the wisest and sweetest person in your group and Jameson really is the same in my point of view..... who would've thought??
Henry: yeah haha... (puts rice on the plate with the scrambled egg) we all should have known it better..... because.... (looks at Baron seriously) the view is clearer as an observer..... you just know how two people would feel looking at them......
Baron: (looks confused at Henry suddenly staring at him seriously)
Mason: (confusedly enters the room) Sam??? Jameson?? (notices Baron and Henry) oh! haha... Henry.... Baron.... you guys are here.... have you seen......
Parker: (passes the kitchen from the hallway) (notices Mason) Mason..... good morning!!
Mason: huh? (suddenly turns around and notices Parker) oh haha.... (blushes) you are here Parker...
*Baron and Henry notices Parker*
Parker: yeah and.... it is a big day today.... right? (notices Baron and Henry from inside the kitchen) by the way... good morning guys.....
Henry: (smiles at Mason) hey Kevin! good morning....
Baron: (slightly smiles at Kevin)
Mason: yeah haha.... (shyly speaks) and.... since it is... what brings you here???
Parker: here we are again haha... (sweetly smiles at Mason) even in my busiest days..... I will always have time for you guys.....
Mason: okay? (blushes down) (nods)
Parker: and speaking of busy.... I heard that Sam and Jameson are in school to prepare and I actually wanted to ask if you need help in preparing as well....
Henry: (eyes widens and looks impressed at Parker)
Baron: (slightly feels jealous of Mason and Parker) 
Henry: (sadly notices Baron feeling jealous) 
Mason: but.... (guiltily and keeps speaking shyly) maybe it is too much... I am high maintenance......
Parker: as you should of course... (holds Mason's hand sweetly) and we'll be high maintenance together... I will not let Sam and Jameson the only ones competing in effort so what do you say???
Mason: (blushes at Parker holding his hand) well ugh.... if you say so.....
Parker: yes hahahaha! now let's go to your room and prepare now... I will have us food later.... (pulls Mason away immediately) 
Mason: wait Parker... (gets pulled by Parker)
*Parker and Mason left*
Baron: (sadly watches Mason and Parker leave)
Henry: (looks concerned Baron) are you okay????
Baron: (looks at Henry) what do you think of Parker and Mason???
Henry: (sadly keeps looking at Baron) they seem... happy and fine with each other... why???
Baron: (shakes his head) nothing.... nothing haha... (starts eating hiss scrambled egg)
Henry: (sadly keeps looking at Baron) the view really is clearer as aan observant......

After breakfast, everyone else have headed to school for the graduation year book photoshoot...... at the hallway of the campus, Desiree was heading to the event area to help organize the photoshoot...

Desiree: (immediately walks in the hallway) (looks at her watch) (murmurs) I am not even late so why am I worried???
Gail: (puts her books in her locker) (notices Desiree walking immediately) (feels pissed an annoyed) hey! you!!! (angrily speaks)
Desiree: huh? (looks confused noticing Gail talking to her) what about me? and... (approaches Gail confidently) I am a teacher here... remember??
Gail: yeah and you still act unprofessional by bitching up on me like whatever you are doing yesterday......
Desiree: saying whatever means.... you are not sure of what you are trying to accuse but I am sure you are referring to Parker... why?? did I... (keeps speaking annoyingly) interrupted a moment??
Gail: (angrily feels intimidated by Desiree) (feels speechless)
Desiree: probably you seem to like Parker..... (raises her eyes)
Gail: and you probably do as well.....
Desiree: (raises her eyes at Gail) you really and sadly are stuck in the past are you.... you still think I do? and the way you assume seems questionable..... (seriously speaks at Gail) but let's just say... what about it???
Parker: (walks in the hallway and notices Desiree and Gail together) (approaches Desiree and Gail curiously) what about what???
*Gail and Desiree suddenly and awkwardly notices Parker*
Desiree: oh haha.... (smiles at Parker) hey Parker....
Parker: what is up? never seen you two together before? you two friends????
Gail: ugh....
Desiree: (cuts off Parker) more of a professional teacher asking student thing... (sarcastically speaks) how about you Parker? what's up???
Parker: on my way to be with Mason for the photoshoot..... and honestly.... I love what we have..... (blushes down) what we are having right now... probably we we always have been these past years.....
Gail: (eyes widens at Parker) oh... so ugh... (awkwardly speaks) (feels slightly jealous) does that mean......
Desiree: (cuts off Gail) oh Parker... you probably like Mason.....
Parker: (keeps blushing) actually..... yeah... I am here to officially tell my other closest friends as well.... I do.... (bites his lips) like her....
Desiree: oh my God... good for you... (annoyingly looks at Gail) right Gail???
Gail: (looks awkward at Desiree) (feels uncomfortable) yeah.... good for you... (looks at Parker) Parker...
Parker: (nods and takes a deep breath) and I am so excited to shoot my shot..... hope it will do well now we are out of school soon..
Desiree: it will turn out well... I promise.....
Parker: thanks Desiree..... (keeps nodding)
Gail: (keeps feels uncomfortable)

It is now lunchtime and at the boys bathroom of the campus, Sam and Jameson hung out there after trying the graduation outfits......

Sam: (walks out of the toilet cubicle with his graduation outfit) what do you think babe????
Jameson: (sits on the rectangle group of faucets) (happily watches Sam showing his outfit) now that is my baby always looking so good...... come here... (opens his arms happily) 
Sam: really? does it really look good? (approaches Jameson) (looks at his outfit)
Jameson: when were you not good??? (hugs Sam) you are... (kisses Sam's lips multiple times) my boyfriend... so perfect... fine... fuckable..... and sweet and caring..... (squishes Sam's cheeks)
Sam: how about all the things that were bad about me... really.... all the secrets I have hid.....
Jameson: (sadly looks at Sam) oh Sam... I cannot force you to forget those traumatizing parts or your life but.... I will assure you that those days are dead and gone... here we are.... and I am so in love with you...... and will graduate with you....
Sam: (blushes and holds Jameson's cheeks) let's try and request for a photo of us together okay????
Jameson: going to fight for it...
Sam: (kisses Jameson's lips)
Jameson: (kisses back Sam and sensually makes out with him)
Sam: (closes his eyes, licks and kisses Jameson's tongue and lips) 
*Sam and Jameson keeps making out with each other*

This gave me the feels..... how will the whole day turn out to be? Tune in!

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