Episode 7 : Feeling The Same Pain

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While Sam and Mason were touring Desiree to the whole neighborhood, at Jameson's home, Jameson was there hanging out alone while playing music and using his computer.....

Jameson: (keeps typing something about the report) shit!!! this is just not it!!! (deleted the file on his computer) (lies his body on the bed) why aren't you working when I need you so much!! (slaps his forehead angrily) (feels sad)
*Jameson's phone rings*
Jameson: (grabs and answers call) ugh hello???
Baron: Jameson... what the fuck! (on the line)
Jameson: Baron.. I am not in the mood and you are going to curse on me?
Baron: Jameson... you fucking just made a paragraph about how the flow of the reporting will go and you deleted all of it while I am studying it?
Jameson: oh shit.. (looks back at his laptop) I remember that you, Mason and Stevie are in this collaborative project... I am sorry.....
Baron: are you fine? bro... I am fine if I go there because I am bored in this house.....
Jameson: you might do something else Baron.. I am also busy dealing with myself...
Baron: I just said that I am free and I want to help you... just a silent friend to an aching friend....
Jameson: whatever Baron....
Baron: I insist so see you at 8.... we can work physically on this reporting..... (ends call)
Jameson: (takes a deep breath) (drops his phone on the bedside cabinet) (feels horny) shit... (looks at his own bulge) (looks around) (feels conscious) (grabs and pulls his shorts slowly) (starts jacking off his cock slowly) (catches his breath) (keeps looking around) (turns off the lamp) (types a gayporn site link on the browser) (searches for the twinks category and chooses a video) (in his mind) I do not think anybody is coming very soon to see me with this..... (clicks on a video) (keeps jacking off his cock)
*the video starts buffering*
Jameson: (takes off his shirt) (plays his nipples with his other hand) (keeps jacking off his cock) (feels pleasure) oh shit! fuck! (smiles)
*the video starts playing showing a man eating another man's ass*
Jameson: (moves the laptop closer to him) (starts licking the screen of his laptop) shit!!!! (feels pleasure) (keeps jacking off intensely) (starts fingering the holes of his bed's backrest) shit!!! I am fucking horny!! (puts down his laptop) (walks to his cabinet) (opens his locked drawer and grabs his dildo) (looks desperately at the dildo) (starts sucking hardly on the dildo) oh yeah!! fuck!! (traces the dildo and his lips back into his mouth again) (moans softly) fuck!!!! (returns to the bed) (sees the man putting his cock into another man's hole) (looks back on the wet dildo) (about to put the dildo on his ass)
Gail: (enters the room) (opens the lights of the place) good afternoon... (eyes widens at Jameson naked on the bed) (hears men moaning) what the fuck!
Jameson: (eyes widens at Gail) Gail? (feels nevrous) what are you doing here? you should not be here... (closes his laptop) (covers his body on clothes)
Gail: (walks near Jameson) here we are again! aren't you ashamed of what you are doing? gayporn? (grabs and throws the dildo away) Jameson! you are an animal for doing this and I do not know why I am still clinging into you after all of this.....
Jameson: then why are you really clinging??
Gail: (slaps Jameson hardly) do not dare talk to me like that because you have no rights to act that way!! you are a weak man Jameson and look how disgusting you are!
Jameson: (feels nervous) (keeps covering his body in cloth)
Gail: (feels stressed) (grabs Jameson's jaw) always remember that one stupid move you do to me... I will do what I am doing to Sam!
Jameson: (stands up) do not dare ruin an innocent person! (feels angry)
Gail: how ironic Jameson.... I may not be smart but I am so much strategic... (left)
Jameson: (cries hardly) (looks at Gail leaving) fuck!!! (punches the wall) (lies back on his bed) (slaps himself) why is your life like this???!! why am I acting so weak!!!! (keeps kicking his body angrily)

After Jameson's tantrum's alone, Jameson spent his night on a diner with Baron.....

Jameson: (looks at the melting shake)
Baron: ugh Jameson... how can I help you be okay? (keeps eating)
Jameson: ugh Baron... would things help me if I tell people about how I am feeling... would it change something in me? would it affect you?
Baron: ugh Jameson.. I think you are too smart to understand that but as what I learned from you..... speaking up is like removing a thorn poking your heart... and keeping it is suicidal.....
Jameson: (nods) but will you change the way you look at me???
Baron: (eyes widens at Jameson) wait... so... am I not the only one closeted in our friends?
Jameson: (eyes widens at Baron) you are gay???
Baron: (feels confused at Jameson) but.. are you gay???
Jameson: (gulps deeply) yes... I am gay.... I am very gay if only you knew before......
Baron: (stands and sits next to Jameson) I support you as much as you supported me before... and I know nothing will change from the both of us because... this has always been the real us.... so embrace it... but it will not be that easy so..... appreciate the baby steps of it.... (hugs Jameson) you are not alone....
Jameson: (smiles at Baron)
Desiree: (enters the diner) guys! I want to eat in this place!!
*Mason and Sam enters the room*
*Baron and Jameson notices Sam, Mason and Desiree*
Sam: but Desiree... I have a greater place for you to eat... and I am sure you will be satisfied... c'mon guys! (left)
Desiree: fine!! lets go Mason! (left) 
Mason: (notices Jameson and Baron looking at him and the siblings leaving) (waves and smiles slightly)
Baron: (waves at Mason)
Jameson: (smiles at waves at Mason)
Mason: (left)
Baron: but honestly bro.... I think Sam and Mason are cool..... they are nice people.....
Jameson: I always knew that.... (smiles down) what's more nice is me seeing Sam smile even just a little... he is not like this inside the school.....
Baron: (smiles at Jameson)
Jameson: and yes... he is the reason why I feel like this... he is getting attacked for who he is and... I see myself in him that is why I also feel attacked.. and attacking him at the same time.....
Baron: (nods sadly at Jameson)
Jameson: I really wish I have guts to tell I am gay to everyone that easy... maybe that would make him not feel scared......

OMG! This is such a scary and sweet episode! There is something more about Jameson that has just been revealed... how will he work hard to be the realest?

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