Episode 20 : Continue With Somebody

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After Sam and Jameson's make out in the room, they rested together again.......

Sam: (looks and lies is face on the pillow) (looks back at Jameson)
Jameson: (notices Sam looking at him) want?
Sam: (eyes widens at Jameson) you want to do it again??? I am fucking shocked how much horny you are..... you are really one big and sad virgin... (taps Jameson's nose)
Jameson: not that!! I know how stressed your body is... (grabs and puts Sam on his chest) and I know a very cute bottom needs to be babied... they are not boy toys.....
Sam: really?? (smiles at Jameson) I am not one???
Jameson: (smiles and nods) yeah.. why?
Sam: cause that is how I am being treated before but.. (shrugs) it is not their fault.... I needed it.... I needed what I have to get after having sex so yeah.. it is me and my horny empty wallet.......
Jameson: (nods) (strokes Sam's hair)
Sam: how about you? you have a girlfriend.. why haven't you gotten and taken over her???
Jameson: (shakes his head) I think... (looks at Sam) I think I do not have any sexual attraction with women....
Sam: aren't you gonna try?
Jameson: I know where I'd fit so why find anybody else?? (smiles)
Sam: (laughs softly) yeah... haha?
Jameson: why aren't you convinced??? why you keep pushing me to something that I do not like?
Sam: why? are you ready to let go of a woman like her? aren't you feeling threatened?
Jameson: (sits up) here Sam... let me tell you something.....
Sam: (sits up)
Jameson: (holds Sam's face by the cheeks) I will find a way how to do these stuffs and from now on, you do not have to have problem towards Gail... and I also have to promise you that Gail will never harm you anymore again..... (kisses Sam's lips)
Sam: (kisses Jameson's lips softly) (catches his breath) and Jameson.... I love you too.....
Jameson: (smiles slightly) (kisses Sam hardly)
Sam: (kisses Jameson intensely)
*Jameson and Sam makes out*
Mason: (knocks and opens the door) (eyes widens at Sam and Jameson making out) ugh.... Sam? Jameson?
*Sam and Jameson shyly widens their eyes at Mason*
Mason: ugh.. (tries to not smile) (looks away) I did not want to interrupt my guess.. (coughs) I mean..... your get together but I think Desiree wants to find this moment as a great time for you two to have a sibling talk....
Sam: oh! (looks at Jameson) I think I have to get dressed... (covers his body with the bedsheets) (walks to his wardrobe)
Mason: haha.. yeah.. I was also shocked that you guys were undressed... (smiles at Jameson)
Jameson: (smiles and blushes down)

It is now getting dark, at the kitchen, Desiree, Baron, Stevie and Kyler were there hanging out before Sam arrives......

Kyler: I am glad that I still made it here... is the party not over????
Desiree: you guys really are starting to make my brother's home as a get together huh????
Baron: well.... its not that we are going to make a big party here because we are just pile of popular kids who are still introverts......
Stevie: that was being humble and cocky at the same time huh???
*Jameson, Sam and Mason enters the room*
Mason: ugh guys.. I do not want to interrupt anything but lets give the siblings a time for them to talk.....
Stevie: I think that is really a great idea... so guys! lets go give them privacy! (left)
Mason: c'mon Baron... and Kyler! (left)
Baron: (pats Sam's back) goodluck bro.... she is scary!!
Kyler: I also agree with that!
Desiree: no I am not!!! what the hell? you all are just scaring my brother for nothing...
*Baron and Kyler left*
Sam: (looks at Kyler leaving)
Jameson: so Sam.. I think I would....
Desiree: ugh no no... (smiles) I think I would let you stay Jameson...
Jameson: but... (sits on a kitchen counter) this is a personal talk....
Desiree: and now you are sitting already ready to listen to us... (smiles)
Sam: (sits next to Jameson)
Desiree: I wanted you here Jameson because you were Sam's company in the times he got lost..... (looks at Sam) and you Sam, you are here....
Sam: (nods) (cuts off Desiree) yeah.... I know you will make me stop doing that because even me myself know that my actions are not tolerable..... and I have to apologize because... (breaks out and cries) this is who I am and as much as you are ashamed and shocked of me, I am also ashamed and I still get shock why I am doing such things like this!!
Jameson: (hugs Sam by the back) (feels sad)
Desiree: oh no my baby boy! I am not treating you and shaming you... (smiles) yes, I would be in shock but.... you are right, that is who you are so stay like that as long as you want to and even if it hurts to see it that way, admit it that you found your happiness there.......
Sam: but will you tell mom and dad about this??? (keeps crying)
Desiree: no and even if they know, you are away for a reason and I promise to help you with your financials because that is how much I love you.....
Sam: (wipes his tears) Desiree....
Desiree: why Sam?
Sam: it is a blessing to have you as my sister... you never looked down on me and thank you so much! I love you! (walks and hugs Desiree)
Desiree: (hugs Sam happily) I love you two Sam... you are not the only rebellious one here.. we both left for a reason and we will prove them no matter how we are, we will continue with life.....
Jameson: (smiles at Sam and Desiree)
Desiree: and Sam, as much as you would like to continue having that lifestyle, I hope you consider try new things and... (looks and smiles at Jameson) I hope there's somebody who will pull you and make you his world.... and you will be treated more than a struggling student which you are right now....
Jameson: (smiles at Desiree smiling at him)
Desiree: so Jameson... you and Sam already started your friendship or whatever this is but.... I hope and demand somehow to please stay like this for Sam...... please! (holds Jameson's hand)
Sam: Des.. do not pressure him....
Desiree: but I think he will benefit too... you deserve better!
Jameson: we will both rise up to who we are now and someday, I promise... me and Sam wouldn't be scared of anything anymore.... never!
Sam: (smiles at Jameson)
Jameson: (keeps smiling at Jameson)
Desiree: (looks at Jameson and Sam smiling at each other)
*Stevie, Kyler, Baron and Mason peeks at Jameson, Desiree and Sam*
Kyler: (looks seriously at Jameson and Sam looking at each other)
Baron: (smiles at Jameson) (whispers) Jameson got blessings already... that was fast!
Mason: and I hope this turns well... (looks at Sam very happy) I want Sam to be that happy... (whispers)
Stevie: not to party poop but... this will be a tough one of Gail's view.... (whispers)
*Mason, Kyler and Baron looks at Stevie confusedly*
Jameson: (walks to Sam) so Sam.. video games? I will teach you???
Sam: (nods at Jameson) (bites his lips softly) (holds Jameson's hand) yeah please....
Jameson: (smiles widely at Sam grabbing and holding his hand)
Desiree: (feels happy at Jameson and Sam holding hands)

It is now dark at night and at the bar, Clint and Gail were still together hanging out......

Gail: (feels drunk)
Clint: (feels dizzy) (looks at Gail's shoulders)
Gail: (keeps drinking with her chaser)
Clint: (kisses Gail's shoulder)
Gail: what the fuck? (looks annoyed at Clint) what was that???
Clint: (holds Gail's waist) why not lets take advantage of who we are right now...... why not lets take advantage of the night.. (kisses Gail's lips)
Gail: (feels harrassed and annoyed) what the fuck! Clint! (pushes Clint away angrily) I am drunk but I know what touches me and you are not Jameson to do that!!!
Clint: that is not the truth because you have more than a Jameson in your life! you are a fucking slut!!
Gail: (slaps Clint) fuck you!! you are as dirty and shitty as the others! you do not know what you are thinking as much as you do not know who I am! (left)
Clint: (shouts angrily and desperately at Gail) (looks at Gail leaving) Gail!!!! (throws the beer bottles away from the table) (in his mind) there is a reason why I always hated Jameson and I will not forgive him this time!! he is way too  clean and I know he is not!! I will harm both of their lives if they underestimate my life!

This wraps up the first season and I am so excited because the story is just getting thicker and be ready because there's a lot to expect for the coming season! See you again here in Alternative!

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