Episode 35 : Wanting The Truth

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It is now thursday and at the bedroom of Sam, Sam was there peacefully sleeping....

Sam: (comfortably lying his head on a pillow) (sleeps peacefully)
Jameson: (carries a tray of food) (knocks softly) baby...... (enters the room)
Sam: (keeps sleeping)
Jameson: (smiles at Sam sleeping peacefully) you are still asleep..... exam week is not done yet... (sits on the bed) (puts the tray of food on the work table)
Sam: (keeps sleeping)
Jameson: (puts Sam's head on his lap) but I cannot blame you Sam.... you have been grinding the past weekends plus, I have gone you through such shits and all though you tell me that you love me, I still cannot forgive me for my little mistakes..... but I love you.... (strokes Sam's hair)
Sam: (wakes up) (holds and strokes Jameson' cheeks) I wish I wasn't that burden to you too..... just tell me when you feel uncomfy or not okay??? there is more I have to know about you as well as you have to know more about me.......
Jameson: (lifts and puts Sam in his arms) I am not uncomfy... you are my first so I really worry a lot and conscious so I don't wanna fuck up......
Sam: (hugs and buries his head on Jameson's neck) I feel the same way too......
Jameson: but Sam, I don't wanna compete but I will always bw the more grateful one in both of us because can't you see how risky we started this...... and we are still in that point of our lives......
Sam: (kisses Jameson's neck and lips) do not worry, I will not let you hang alone whatever mess comes next...... nobody made me feel this feeling at the first place so why would I ask for more besides binding with all of who you are..... (comfortably snuggles to Jameson's arms)
Jameson: (kisses Sam's forehead) by the way Sam, can I ask something???
Sam: why????
Jameson: Clint wasn't with Gail that weekend... so, why do you think she is in the bar alone???
Sam: (feels nervous deep inside) ugh..... (thinks deeply) (remember Gail's sugardaddy)
Jameson: I have no idea, I wish we knew more that she was there right????
Sam: (looks nervously at Jameson) (nods slowly) yeah... I really wish too......
Jameson: (hugs and wraps his body around Sam)
Sam: (hugs Jameson) (stares at nothing)

After a few hours, everyone is finally in school and at the entrance, Baron was there about to tour both Desiree and Henry around the whole premises.......

Baron: (looks at his watch)
Desiree: (looks around) where is Henry..... why is he taking so long?????
Baron: I know right.... maybe he already met some alters here.....
Desiree: wow...you have knowledge already about the alter world? how do you know there are more alters here???
Baron: nothing is impossible now that I have friends like Sam and Mason and Henry plus..... it's not bad at all so why not right?
Desiree: well yeah... just make sure you guys don't step on people and nothing bad would happen.......
Henry: (approaches Desiree and Baron) ugh guys..... I am sorry that you and and Desiree were waiting but I am finally here... (looks inside the school  campus) so this is the campus that I will study on??????
Baron: is it better than your previous university?????
Henry: (shrugs) not expecting too much...... but I have you guys so why not????
Desiree: yeah... (watches the students inside the school) and now that a lot of people like Sam are starting to be here... I can assure myself that Sam will be in safe hands.....
Henry: do not worry, me and the gang will be here for Sam.... (smiles) that's our responsibility as alter brothers.....
Baron: (smiles) so shall we enter now?????
Henry: sure!!
*Desiree, Henry and Baron enters the room*
Henry: but Baron, aren't Sam and Mason supposed to be here??? why aren't they joining us.....
Baron: Sam is busy like all of us but I can handle it... so I am free anytime Henry but Mason..... (takes a deep breath)
Henry: (looks confused at Baron) what about Mason???
Baron: I just gotta give him space for now.... I am kinda like a stress at him these days......
Henry: do you want us to talk about it... we can tell and apologize to Mason if it was something bad or anything......
Baron: (shakes his head) lets just wait for this quarter to end..... (gulps deeply)
Henry: (looks sadly at Baron)
Baron: (looks down sadly)

On the other side, Gail was alone at the hallway fixing her stuffs for today's examinations......

Gail: (grabs all of her make up) (closes her locker door)
Clint: (furiously approaches Gail) Gail..... I am so glad that I see you and please do not dare to interrupt what I am saying......
Gail: (looks confused at Clint) so what is with today's delusion Clint????
Clint: I know why Jameson has always been with Sam these few days..... you will not believe this but he is in a relationship with him...
Gail: what the fuck is that??? are you hearing what you are saying????
Clint: I hear well as much as I saw them clearly...... (hits his locker) I saw them kissing and talking......
Gail: and why would I still believe if I did not see them at all.....
Clint; and why not Gail??? and why are you still clinging into the idea that Jameson is yours???? he has abandoned you a long time ago and you still living in delusion for thinking that you have him...... now who is the delusional one??
Gail: (slaps Clint hardly) (tears fall on his face) you do not know how much I  have been through upside downs lately and instead of helping me.... you are scaring and threatening me with those stuffs!!!!
*all the students curiously watches Gail and Clint arguing*
Clint: (shouts angrily) and I am helping you!! I am saving you against somebody who won't save you anymore.....
Gail: you can save me???? can you save all of me too???? (walks away) (looks angrily at Clint) I am sorry Clint but if your saving has another meaning... I am not having it!! I won't!!! (shakes his head) (left)
Clint: (cries angrily) (punches the locker) fuck!!!
*all the students watches Clint crying alone*
Clint: (looks at everyone looking at him) now what are you all looking at?? (feels embarrassed) (angrily left)

It is not over yet... the climax is just coming.... so lets keep on tuning...

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