Episode 23 : Worries And Motivations

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It is now tuesday and at the restroom of the school, Sam and Mason were hanging out together......

Sam: (looks at himself on the mirror) (puts perfume on himself)
Mason: (fixes his bag) you think that the examinations next week would be easy??? why do I feel pressure this time.... like, I don't usually act like this.....
Sam: (smiles) maybe you are just grade conscious Mason..... before, it was only the two of us so we had a lot of focus to the stuffs we only care about but now that we have some other friends, you are kinda worrying that you are not focusing on your studies more... (puts on his lipbalm) but I am pretty sure thar we can handle it.... (puts his arms and pats Mason's back) I know we could.....
Mason: (smiles) well, yeah!
Sam: but Mason, by the way..... can I tell you something you should not tell?? I mean, you know and you are aware of this....
Mason: what is it???
Sam: I once again saw Gail with somebody who seems to be her.......
Mason: (nods) (cuts off Sam) her sugar daddy.... have we seen the old man before???
Sam: we actually did Mason and it is kinda concerning now that she spilled so much about who I am and I spilled something from her... actually, I now understand why Jameson is concerned about her.... because she is as messy as we all are...
Mason: (feels pissed) but if I were you, I do not want to be involved anymore... first of all, she may be messy like us but she is in denial and second Sam, she never done anything good to you for you to protect her.... stop being a martyr Sam, you are a alter, a pornstar, it's time we show how better we are than what people think...
Sam: well... you are right... (feels sad)
Mason: but yeah.... you have the choice to stay away from Jameson when he deals with her......
Sam: but do you think Jameson is really who he think he is??? and don't you think, as long as Gail and Jameson has unfinished business, Gail would keep coming back to him??? (voice starts to break)
Mason: oh shit... (feels concerned) now where did that come from??? (hugs Sam) I don't think Jameson would do such things.......
Sam: but Gail is so obsessed with Jameson.. what if she takes him back.....
Mason: (evilly smiles at Sam) then show your charm skills from being an alter.... show how dominant you are to be wanted more than her.....
Sam: yeah???
Mason: (raises his eyebrows) there is no time to be nice as well as a time to be sad.... now that you are exposed, show everyone in the room that you are a boss.......
Sam: (stares at himself on the mirror) Mason: (holds Sam's jaw and cheeks) look at our boy.. wanna waste this looks for nothing???
Sam: (smiles at the mirror)

It is now almost afternoon and at the classroom, Sir Fieldman was there checking the seatworks and homeworks of his students after a long discussion......

Sir Fieldman: (checks on some notebooks)
Sam: (looks at everyone busy) (stands up) (approaches Sir Fieldman) ugh sir... here is my homework and seatwork..... thanks for letting me answer the homework here, sorry I wasn't aware..... (puts his notebooks on the table)
Sir Fieldman: sure.. (takes the notebooks) I am still sure that you would answer it anyway... 
Gail: (murmurs) double standards.... when a women does it.....
Stevie: (cuts off Gail) that is not how feminism works Gail if that is what you think......
Kyler: yeah... (laughs) even if you were allowed to do it Gail, you won't do it.....
*mostly everyone laughs*
Jameson: (stares annoyingly at Gail)
Sam: (ignores everyone) (nods) still, thank you sir.... I have been grinding so much lately.......
Sir Fieldman: is that so?? (feels surprised)
Sam: why sir? (feels confused)
Sir Fieldman: I was about to ask you if you could report our final topic this friday? about pedophilia...
Mason: (feels alarmed)
Clint: pedo what? what is that???? (feels confused) is that like.... being in love with stars???
*everyone laughs*
Baron: it's not that stupid.... pedophilia is a forbidden obsession and a taboo since it is all about old people trying to hook up and attract younger men or women.. especially if they are minor.....
Gail: (eyes widens)
Mason: (in his mind) now that is shady.....
*everyone except Gail and Clint look shady at each other*
Sir Fieldman: exactly so.... are you with it Sam? only if it is okay....
Sam: (nods) I would... I would be willing to do for grades.....
Gail: (stares angrily at Sam) (clenches her fists)
Sir Fieldman: do not worry, I would let Baron help you....
Baron: but I am done reporting...
Sir Fieldman: oh wait... yeah!
Kyler: (raises his hands) ugh..... I can be his partner....
Sam: (stares confusedly at Kyler)
Jameson: (looks at Kyler confusedly)
Sir Fieldman: then Kyler is your partner... prepare for friday.... class dismissed.... (stands up) (left)
*everyone stands up*
Sam: (looks at Sir Fieldman leaving) (looks at Kyler)
Kyler: (smiles slightly at Sam)
Jameson: (notices Gail staring at Sam angrily)
Gail: (in her mind) I cannot believe he has an idea... how did he get such things the first place.... don't dare to call me out you asshole!

It is now dismissal and at the hallway, Sam, Baron and Jameson were hanging out and waiting for Sam to return......

Sam: (looks around) so... what takes Mason so long????
Baron: maybe he has a secret boyfriend...
Sam: I have seen Mason's cock multiple times so I am sure that I know everything he hides....
Mason: (sadly approaches everyone) sorry if I took so long...
Jameson: oh.. here he is though....
Sam: (feels Concord at Mason) Mason? are you okay? why? where have you been?
Mason: Sir Fieldman just told me about some of the requirements that I have to do..... I know Sam that you think of me as somebody who does activities after being stated but not... (laughs slightly) I secretly have a lot of delayed stuffs...... I am sorry...
Sam: it is fine??? (feels confused) but I am actually confused..
Baron: (feels sad) any help with that???
Mason: (puts his hands on his pockets) no need..... I will do what Sam did, grind up......  that's all....
Jameson: (pats Mason's back) but if you need help... I can find ways...
Mason: (smiles down) I should be saying that.......
Bentley: (notices and passes the boys) wow Jameson.... new chapter of life huh? sounds fun!
Sam: (rolls his eyes away)
Jameson: what do you mean Ben???
Mason: (stares blankly at Bentley)
Bentley: (shakes his head) nothing.. that is a praise.... (glares sexily at Mason's eyes) (left)
Jameson: is that guy bullying you? I noticed that before....
Sam: he just loves messing around but no harm, I guess.... right Mason???
Baron: (looks at Mason)
Mason: (stares at Bentley leaving)

This is such a cool episode.... another discussion means, another target.... can Sam fight back???

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