Episode 28 : Who To Apologize?

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It is now early of a saturday morning and at the outside of Kyler's home, Jameson was there waiting seriously.......

Jameson: (leans on his car) (looks at his watch)
Kyler: (walks out of his home) (looks confused at Jameson) Jameson? what brings you here in the beginning of the morning?? (yawns) like... why are you actually here????
Jameson: (stares at Kyler) come here.....
Kyler: just tell me what is it.... (walks to Jameson)
Jameson: you owe an apology......
Kyler: (feels annoyed) I just woke up an hour ago and this is what we are gonna talk about? and apology for who? you??? why??? I made your relationship with 2 people burden??? that you have to deal with both? why? did you really deal with both???
Jameson: (feels pissed) why are you suddenly like this????
Kyler: I protected Sam from being attacked by your girlfriend and you are mad for that? you should even thank me because you cannot fight for Sam that day..... because I also notice how busy you are unsure with your decisions......
Jameson: what do you mean unsure????
Kyler: why?? (walks and faces Jameson closer) aren't you still in a relationship with Gail? while being in a relationship with Sam???
Jameson: I know what I am doing....
Kyler: then why is the process not moving??
Jameson: (looks sadly at Kyler) why are you suddenly like this to Sam???
Kyler: why would you still care for Gail????
Jameson: just tell me why you all of the sudden wanna get involved when you are a man who doesn't give a fuck...... (shouts angrily)
Kyler: cause I am your friend and well as Baron is..... and if Gail's intolerable for her actions.... so does you! and actually, I wouldn't be mad if you didn't intimidate me... (about to leave) (about to leave)
Jameson: but please.. for fuck sake.... please apologize to Sam, I know he is worrying because of how you triggered Gail.....
Kyler: then apologize as well!!!
Jameson: (feels confused)
Kyler: you are as fucked up as I do.... you could have done better with Sam....
Jameson: (opens his car) get in.....
Kyler: why?? (feels confused) (looks inside Jameson's car)
Jameson: I demand you to do it now..... we will go so you better join us!
Kyler: wait.... let me get my stuffs..... (glares angrily at Jameson) but I am telling you Jameson... (points Jameson) you wanna make me apologize for the actions you should have done instead... (left)
Jameson: (feels guilty) (looks at Kyler)

After a few minutes, Jameson and Kyler finally made it to Sam and Mason's room and in the boys' bedroom, Sam, Baron and Mason were preparing already.....

Sam: (stares at himself at the mirror)
Baron: so.... I think they are almost here..... (looks at his phone messages from Jameson) I will just open the door for them.....
Sam: oh... he is still picking us up??? shouldn't he got deal with Gail instead.... he can do it for me.....
Mason: (looks sadly at Sam)
Baron: (gulps deeply) (looks sadly at Mason) ugh... I better see them.... (left)
Mason: Sam??? if you feel jealous, always know that you are entitled..... I told you to show them who's boss right?????
Sam: (unintentionally shouts) (cries hardly) but why does this feel so..... unsure??? and I feel out of place, both personally and my emotions... I am so... unnecessary..
Mason: (walks and holds Sam's shoulder) Sam.....
Kyler: (enters the room) Sam???
*Mason and Sam notices Kyler*
Kyler: (notices Sam crying) ugh... Mason? can I have a chance to talk to Sam????
Mason: ugh... (looks at Sam) but......
Sam: (wipes his tears) I can.... I will.... it is fine Mason....
Mason: (looks concerned at Sam) be right back okay??? I am here... (left)
Kyler: (closes and locks the door)
Sam: (keeps crying) you know what..... (takes off his clothes) fine! if this would be a daily reminder of how possessive you fucking are in an unnecessary way... go fuck me now while it is early..... (tries to takes off his shorts) I am busy....
Kyler: (walks and holds Sam into taking off his shorts) (kisses Sam) do not act stupid would you???
Sam: (looks sadly at Kyler) this is all your fault... what is your purpose for that?
Kyler: I was just helping....
Sam: and that was unnecessary.... even if you were the one speaking up for me yesterday, I would still get her hate and can't you understand that....
Kyler: then what? will you let yourself be attacked? you should be thankful I defended you... something Jameson failed to fucking do......
Sam: now please do not complete with Jameson for fuck sake.....
Kyler: why do you love him this much...... why was it that fast?????
Sam: (looks at Kyler) cause he didn't want to have me for pleasure.... and with his story, I felt so important at least to somebody..... he is the only guy who I wouldn't let money get involved...... (cries hardly)
Kyler: (feels sad) (hugs Sam) but he should know better and as long as I am here... I will show him what's to know better..... Sam, don't settle for.....
Sam: I am not settling for less.... (cuts off Kyler)
Kyler: I said... do not settle for something that you easily can get.... but if this is what you want, then this is your life.... I apologize for fucking up but I remain unapologetic to Gail's side..... and by saying that this is your life, I hope you not unacknowledge me... you get what you want to him but never abandon what you have with others.... (stares seriously at Sam)
Sam: (gulps deeply)
Kyler: and I will not give up on you..
Sam: (looks nervously at Kyler)

After a few hours, all the boys finally started travelling in Jameson's car..... at the first row, Sam was there silent next to Jameson who is driving.....

Sam: (stares outside the window)
Jameson: (looks concerned at Sam)
*Baron and Mason watches Jameson being concerned at Sam*
Kyler: (happily watches Sam and Jameson having a silent quarrel)
Jameson: (notices a gas station) (heads and parks the car in an empty slot) (stops driving) (grabs and reaches out for Sam's hand)
Sam: (feels Jameson holding his hand) (holds himself to not cry) (walks out of the car) (runs to the convinience store silently crying) (left)
Jameson: Sam??? (feels sad)
*Mason and Baron looks at Sam leaving*
Kyler: (smiles at Jameson)
Jameson: (notices Kyler smiling at him) (rolls his eyes)

This was a sad episode because I am starting to have sympathy for Kyler too... he seem to like Sam...

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