Episode 6 : Welcome The Sister

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It is now friday and at the hallway, Mason was there fixing his locker alone.....

Mason: (puts all off his stuffs in his locker)
Jameson: (approaches Mason) hey Mason.....
Mason: (notices Jameson) oh hi Jameson... why?
Jameson: I just want to apologize for everything that happened lately... I told you, promised you that Gail would not be there but she was not controllable..... I wanna apologize for me and also on behalf of her......
Mason: (takes a deep breath) but I will only accept your apologies..... based on how I observe your girlfriend, she will  ever change and I do not know why Jameson....
Jameson: you do not know what?
Mason: you are a good person from head to toe but you are attached to somebody who's the opposite and it just feels not right.......
Jameson: (looks down sadly)
Mason: sorry to judge your relationship but that is how I see it and what everyone else see... you know how controversial she is and I just feel like you deserve better.... on behalf of you.....
Jameson: (looks sadly at Mason)
Mason: you deserve somebody that could be a martyr to you as much as you are a martyr to him... it is all about exchanging... give and take.... and you are always the one giving..... you do not get anything but cleaning up the mess.... Jameson, only if you know that you deserve better and I hope you know now......
Jameson: (nods)
Mason: do you even like Gail even in that way???
Jameson: (looks around) (shrugs) I do not know... even the way you are questioning me this now makes me question about it on my own.....
Mason: (pats Jameson's shoulder) but the keyword here is that, you deserve better.....
Jameson: only if somebody else could fit me....
Mason: just look for somebody that will open up your curiosity about that person because if you love the person, you will study everything about what is what to why is why....
Sam: (approaches his locker) hey Mason....
*Mason and Jameson looks sadly at Sam*
Sam: ugh.. (looks nervous at Jameson)
Jameson: (looks sadly at Sam's face) ugh... I think I should go... (looks down sadly) you two might be going home... I do not want to interfere.... (left)
Sam: (looks at Jameson leaving) now what is his gossip this time?
Mason: I wanted to make him feel that he deserves somebody better than what he has right now and.... he really apologizes a lot..... I feel bad for him Sam.... he has been carrying a lot.....
*Sam's phone rings*
Sam: (grabs and answers his call) (looks at Mason) (whispers) it is from Desiree.....
Mason: (eyes widens at Sam)
Desiree: of course it is me... (on the line) your whisper is our normal speaking volume Sam....
Sam: ugh Des... why did you call??? is there something that I should help you with???
Desiree: I just want to tell you that I am in the front door of your house because your nice neighbors told me about you.....
Sam: what?! (shouts) (feels nervous)
Desiree: yeah! let me in Sam as soon as you reach home... I will cook for you because I just knew how!!! that is also the reason why I moved in.. I wanna shift course in another school....
Sam: (looks nervous at Mason) ugh okay Desiree... great back story... let me get home for you!! bye!! (ends call)
Mason: did we lock the bedroom door?? he might see our stuffs in that place.....
Sam: he is not yet in the place anyway so it is fine... lets just go home... (left)
Mason: sure Sam.. (follows Sam) (left)

After a few more minutes, Sam and Mason finally got home.... at the front yard of the mansion.....

*Sam and Mason walks slowly in the yard while confusedly looking at Desiree*
Sam: (feels nervous) good afternoon Desiree? welcome to the neighborhood???
Desiree: (smiles) (runs and hugs Sam) oh my God... I never seen my brother and also my best friend at the same time!!! I miss you so much, why do you look like you do not miss me....
Sam: it is not that.... I just feel like this was not part of the plan...
Desiree: because I want to surprise you..... I just thought of you staying here that is why I automatically gone for it.... and do not worry Sam, I am applied online in some of the jewelry shops here that is why I will have a job, do not worry.. and I have a sideline where I do other student's homework... like a comission.....
Sam: that is great....
Desiree: (looks at Mason) how about this cute white asian guy? (eyes widens at Sam) wait... you denied that you are hitting on some girls because you have a boyfriend.....
Mason: (blushes)
Sam: (feels stressed) he is not my boyfriend... he is my best friend Mason and we live and pay the rent of this place....
Desiree: like what live ins do.... (winks at Mason)
Mason: ugh Desiree right?
Desiree: yeah.. why Mason?
Mason: Sam and I are only friends and he is already like a brother to me so yeah... I love him so much, not in the way that you think...
Desiree: okay fine! whatever it is... a gay relationship or an incent gay relationship, it is still 2021 and you both are valid to your feelings.... (walks up to the porch) and I want more of your stories so can we please get in????
Sam: ugh sis Desiree.... you will not stay in my home......
Desiree: (feels confused) why???
Sam: cause you are a girl..... and we are boys and we want privacy....
Desiree: as if you two are in a relationship......
Sam: it is not that way! (feels stressed) and I already paid the rent of your own goddamn mansion 3 houses away from this place so yeah... lets go in that place right now... Mason, lead us there...
Mason: sure guys! (left)
Sam: (opens his arms and smiles at Desiree) but still Desiree.. welcome to the neighborhood and I also miss you so much... the only person who understands me....
Desiree: (runs and hugs Sam) aww! you are so sweet.... do not worry because I will always be on your side.....

This is so sweet and pure.... Desiree will also play a big role in his own brother so tune in... you will like her...

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