Episode 1 : A Shameful Secret

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It is a very bright dusk sunday at the city, Jameson was with his friends hanging out to celebrate the last day of another weekend together... at the outdoor tables of the bar....

Gail: (feels drunk) (feels dizzy) I am so fucking hyped up for this friday night! do not tell me that we are not going to stay long here because I feel.... (laughs loudly) hahahahahahhaha! being outside that fucking bar just means that we are going home... (throws a plastic cup) again!!
Stevie: Gail.... it is a fucking sunday dusk..... what are you talking about?
Gail: (cries drunk) then here comes classes again?! why is life like this?? (hugs and cries on Baron's shoulder)
Clint: (feels pissed) I do not know why Jameson will call us for a hangout then all of us have to go home early... I also feel annoyed why you all are following him....
Jameson: (approaches everyone) then stay! we are not forcing you and your alcohol and hungry stomach to leave...
Clint: (angrily stands up) what did you just say?
Stevie: (holds Clint) Clint.. calm down! we all should be lucky to have a responsible friend like Jameson and... (looks weirdly at Gail) Gail is so lucky to have him as her boyfriend......
Jamesom: (grabs and assists Gail up) come Gail... I am done fixing myself, I have to get you home...
Gail: can we just go to your place? (hugs Jameson) you never made me sleep in your room.... you never even had sex with me so what is your problem???
Jameson: (blushes embarrassingly at everyone) can you guys give her a drink... I cannot stand her if she is just like this...
Clint: but Jameson.. why not be a man and give her what he wants?
Jameson: (feels pissed) (drops Gail on a chair) fine! I am too pissed to be here.... sex is something sacred! it is not a prize claw machine's.... goddamn prize! (left)
Baron: wait... what the?! Jameson?!
Clint: (looks annoyed at Stevie) he is too smart, I hate him...
Stevie: (gives Gail a bottle of water) I cannot blame him honestly...
Gail: (looks at Jameson leaving) Jameson!!! come back!!

It is now getting dark and while the friends are walking home in the city, two friends named Sam and Mason were heading to a gaybar with their hoodies.....

Mason: (looks at Sam) Sam... are you nervous about this?
Sam: (looks confused at Mason) why? we have done this a lot of times even though I hate it... I just have no choice..... and if something scares me, it is that we will be seen by somebody from school...
Mason: but the gay people in school knows about us...
Sam: because honestly, our school is gay friendly as fuck but still, as much as they keep it as a secret, they know why we are hiding this... this is not like a stupid drawing they 4 year olds brag about in school......
*Stevie, Clint, Jameson, Gail and Barson stops by at a gaybar*
Jameson: wait guys... (fixes his shoelace) I almost tripped over...
Gail: (feels pissed) would you be fast?! besides, you are the one wanting us to go home so be it.....
Baron: (eyes widens at the gaybar) what is this colorful place???
Stevie: (looks at the signboard) this is a gaybar... this is where gay parties, hook ups and whatevers are happening......
Gail: (looks annoyed at the place) (looks at Jameson annoyingly) (rolls her eyes)
Jameson: (looks at the gaybar) yeah and I have the most respect with them because this feels like a safe haven for them....
Clint: (feels stressed) can we just go??
Kyler: (reads something on his phone) (walks out of the gaybar) (wearing shades)
Jameson: (notices Kyler) wait... what the?! (feels confused) Kyler? what are you doing here???
Kyler: (notices Jameson and his friends) (feels nervous) guys? what are you all doing here?
Clint: (feels surprised at Kyler) wait Kyler... are you even gay to be in that place????
Kyler: (feels nervous) ugh... (shakes his head) no.... I have a gay cousin and he wanted to meet me here..... I just do not know where he is or maybe he... (looks at his phone) he refused to show up......
Jameson: okay????
Sam: (looks at his phone)
Mason: (taps Sam) ugh bro... the guy is already finding me inside the place... can I now leave you???
Sam: sure bro.... take care! meet me at 8....
Mason: sure! (enters the gaybar) (left)
Sam: (looks at the citylights) (takes a deep breath) (feels sad) (in his mind) Sam Valentine, this is your life now.... get used to it....
Jameson: (notices Sam) (feels confused) (looks closely) (whispers) is that..... Sam Valentine????
Sam: (looks at his watch) I have to get in before somebody sees me here.... (enters the gaybar) (left) 
Jameson: wait... (enters the gaybar) (feels concerned) Sam??? (left)
Kyler: (looks at Jameson leaving) now why is he entering that place???
Gail: I do not know but... what is he thinking?? (enters the gaybar) (feels angry) what the fuck Jameson?! (left)
Baron: is it true that it is Sam?
Stevie: (shrugs) who knows... that kid is a mystery....
Clint: (throws his beer bottle away) fuck it... I am leaving! (left)

Inside the gaybar, Jameson and Gail were there at the dancefloor....

Gail: (feels angry at Jameson) (pushes through the crowd) what the fuck! let us go home Jameson.. we aren't supposed to be allowed here....
Jameson: (looks at the men kissing other men) wait.... I just wanna know if it is Sam?
Gail: what is with that kid and what does he have to do with you???
Jameson: he is out classmate Gail! stop acting like you are not a girlfriend to a guy like me!
*a man enters the motel area with Sam*
Sam: (feels nervous at the people around)
Jameson: (notices Sam being held on the hand by another man in the motel) (shouts) Sam??!
Sam: (eyes widens) (looks around) (notices Jameson looking at him) (in his mind) Jameson?!
Gail: (peeks at Sam in the motel) (in her mind) what a pesky dirty human being... I cannot believe he is doing this? (eyes widens at Sam)
Sam: (feels nervous at Jameson looking at him) (in his mind) why is he here... this is not right....
*the man pulls Sam into a room*
Jameson: (looks concerned at Sam) (in his mind) I cannot believe Sam does this... but why???

It's the beginning.... I am so excited and thrilled enough because of the pilot episode... what do you think?? The interests the just starts...

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