Episode 75 : Taking Another Risk

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It is now a saturday morning and at Baron's very own home, Baron just woke up from his very own bed...... at his bedroom......

Baron: (slowly wakes up) (yawns widely) (stretches his arms) (looks around) (takes a deep breath) (feels sad) (in his mind) had to do one thing to teach that man a lesson.... and it is not even done yet... (hugs and pulls his bedsheets closer and tighter towards him) and I am doing a dangerous thing by doing this...... but I cannot think of any other way... this is the best thing that I could do..... the best thing that I could really do... (remembers what happened to him and Bentley yesterday at school)

A flashback shows the time Bentley and Baron were secretly together at the empty locker room hanging out together.....

Bentley: (looks around) (hornily stares at Baron sucking his cock)
Baron: (kneeling down while happily sucking and wetting Bentley's cock) (sexually stares at Bentley feeling horny looking at him) (smiles and jacks off Bentley's wet cock) you never had your cock this wet huh???
Bentley: (drips some saliva on his cock) (pulls Baron's hands to his naked body) fucking better and fucking twinkier that Mason..... do you want more cocks because I think your mouth could be useful for some......
Baron: (stands up and covers Bentley's mouth sexually) (slides his fingers to Bentley's mouth) shhh..... don't you like when somebody is just all yours... why do you have to call somebody else... thought this would be our dirty little secret???
Bentley: (feels horny and tries to lick Baron's fingers sensually on his mouth) I fucking wanna eat and fuck you..... (pulls and pushes Baron's body towards to locker hardly)
Baron: (nervously and slightly feels pain) (feels confused) wait what????
Bentley: (wraps his arms around Baron from the back) I can own you right?? by my own? then lets give each other our all... I have to say that you are a fine looking twink that I will be finding more soon......
Baron: (awkwardly laughs and turns to Bentley) wait hahahahaha...
Bentley: (looks confused at Baron) what now? (touches and jacks off his hard cock)
Baron: (looks at his and Bentley's hard cock) I know this is such a let down but we are both horny so it is fair but.... your trial card has expired.....
Bentley: (feels confusedly annoyed) what the fuck?! what do you mean?!
Baron: (pulls and kisses Bentley's lips) but Bentley... if you want to own and take my hole... meet me at a gay bar and motel tomorrow.... meet me!!
Bentley: (eyes widens at Baron)
Baron: (smiles and winks at Bentley)

Back at present......

Baron: (feels exhausted) (stands up) (in his mind) ever since I loved this.... douching is completely annoying..... (facepalm himself) (takes a deep breath) this is for you Mason.. just for him to get rid of himself towards you......

It is now the middle of the morning and at the home of the boys, Baron just arrived to go and meet the other boys before meeting up with Bentley later.... at the front porch.......

Baron: (looks stressed at his phone) (knocks on the front door)
Parker: (approaches and opens the front door) (notices Baron) glad you appeared today huh???
Baron: (shrugs) it does make sense and you even said it already.... I appeared today because I did not... made the boys worry so here I am.....
Parker: and the keyword is there... you are making them worry..... and I cannot stand knowing all your plans and feel worried at you at the same time and to be honest Baron... this is not about what I did to Mason because whatever happens to you out there later..... that is another thing to be guilty about......
Baron: and you have been there so why not take a big risk again... (seriously looks at Parker) and you are there to save me anyway and... you know it is happening today so... would you stop me???
Parker: only if you want to be stopped... (genuinely looks worried at Baron) please Baron.. why not give him the right justice... and I will even be fine if I still get involved by my mistakes......
Baron: (takes a deep breath) Parker... (holds Parker's hand) one thing you should keep in mind... maybe the only thing to be honest......
Parker: what?
Baron: do this for Mason... take a risk for Mason.....
Parker: (nods sadly and seriously at Baron)
Henry: (nervously listening in secret at a corner inside the house) (feels worried looking at Parker and Baron)

It is now early in the afternoon and at the dining area of the house, Stevie, Desiree, Jameson, Sam, Henry and Mason just eating lunch together......

Mason: (looks at everyone's finished plates) so..... I bet you are all done because I will be willing to wash the dishes... (stands up)
Henry: (ignores Mason) (feels uncomfortable) (sweats nervously)
Mason: but... it is kinda weird that Parker and Baron are not here for lunch today... aren't they here earlier?? I mean.. they are always here so it is weird if they are not...
Sam: yeah and Baron keeps disappearing these days too...... not a joke but hope he is not starting to act like you before you got hospitalized....
*Mason, Jameson and Henry suddenly looks nervous at Sam*
Mason: (feels worried) (notices Henry looking nervous) Henry?
Henry: what?
Stevie: (looks confused at everybody)
Mason: you know where Baron is? does he have any clients today if he really went with this career that he wants???
Henry: I actually do not know.... (shakes his head) (stands up) but I will try meeting him today so I better keep......
Mason: (approaches and holds Henry's arm) I will join you... (cuts off Henry)
Jameson: (sadly looks at Mason and Henry)
Desiree: (whispers to Sam) are they okay? what is happening?
Sam: (shrugs) (nervously looks at Henry and Mason) (whispers) i do not know but I know when I see Mason's face like that....
*Mason and Henry looks seriously at each other*

Last 5 episodes and this day is not done yet... nor the prom... and the prom is actually big so.. what will happen? Tune in!!!

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