Episode 78 : Prom Alone

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A few weeks has passed since the incident at a room at a gay bar and it is now friday of the afternoon, it is currently prom day that is why everyone was taking their time preparing for the whole event later but sadly, Sam hasn't still returned from being ashamed of Jameson hearing what he has been hiding from him for a long time....... at the home of the boys, at the front porch.......

Jameson: (sadly sits on the wooden stairs to the front porch) (takes a deep breath) (feels lonely and worried) (looks around) (in his mind) Sam... where are you???? please be here and I will do everything to make this your best night ever.... our moment together....
*Henry and Baron slowly walks out of the front door with their prom outfits*
Baron: (looks at Henry) we should wait for the.... (suddenly notices Jameson in front of them alone) (feels sad) (whispers to Henry) no signs of Sam to you guys?
Henry: (frowns watching Jameson alone at the front porch) (holds Baron's hand) (shakes his head and whispers) no signs sadly..... only if we could do something......
*a car arrives and parks in front of the house*
*everyone notices the car*
Desiree: (happily walks out of the house) okay guys.... I think Parker and Mason are here now...... (notices the car in front of the house) I knew it!!
Baron: (looks confused at Desiree) Mason was with Parker the whole time???
*Parker and Mason walks out of the car*
Mason: (notices Jameson looking sad at the front porch) (looks down sadly) (whispers to Parker) I think we should have prepared with him so that he is more surrounded..... life is really hard if your boyfriend is not around... especially if you have no idea of what Sam is thinking right now... no idea if he is safe or not......
Parker: (looks down sadly) (looks at Jameson looking sad) let us approach all of them......
*Parker and Mason approaches everyone*
Desiree: so..... (shows off her dress) do I look pretty and professional at the same time with this dress Parker??
Parker: (looks weirdly at Desiree's dress) yes Desiree and I think we better show you off before you annoy us the most......
*everyone softly laughs*
Jameson: (slightly smiles) (stands up)
*Baron, Henry and Mason looks concerned at Jameson*
Mason: (walks closer and holds Jameson's shoulder) you okay Jameson? are we good for prom later???
Jameson: (frowns) I am coming but I am not expecting it to be any good.....
Henry: we are sorry that we really have no idea where Sam really is.....
Jameson: (tears fall on his face) (breaks out and cries) and I cannot blame that guy.... I cannot blame all of you..... I should have known.... (looks at everyone) the jobs you all had were never easy and it will never be...... but I wish... I really wish... I fucking always say this but I wish I was a better person protecting him.. should have known better and I knew... I fucking knew but I was not strong enough..... (cries hardly)
Baron: Jameson... (looks concerned at Jameson crying) (hugs Jameson) there there....
Jameson: I was a fucking coward for leaving in shame that night.... if I knew it will lead him to more danger with Kyler.... I could've been..... (hugs Baron tightly) (keeps crying) but I couldn't.. I fucking run away... (looks at Mason) I hurt you Mason and I ran away!!
Mason: (shakes his head) (hugs Baron and Jameson) we were all hurt.... we were all played Jameson.... but if one thing would make me happy tonight, it is that after everything you heard about Sam.... you still want him and still hoping to see him....
Parker: (sadly listens to Mason)
Desiree: (feels sad for everyone) guys... can we go to the party now? we are getting late... if my brother does not want to show up.... then I think we all should respect it.....  
*everyone sadly nods and agrees*
Jameson: but Desiree.....
Desiree: (about to approach the car) (looks back at Jameson) why Jameson?
Jameson: he really would not come? are you concerned where your brother is???
Desiree: (feels guilty) (looks down) I am.... and to be fair.. I know where he is because I am concerned so much.... but he does not want to tell you all where he is..... (proceeds to approaching the car)
Jameson: (wipes his tears) (feels confused)
*Henry, Baron, Mason and Parker looks confused at each other*

While the boys and Desiree were heading to the venue, Stevie and Gail have finally arrived at the Octagon Resort..... at the main venue......

*Stevie and Gail walks slowly while holding each other as they enter the venue*
Stevie: (eyes widens at the colorful cloth designs hanging across the ceiling) this is so beautiful... who designed all of these stuffs..... I love how they are all hanging there......
Gail: (holds Stevie's hands tightly) (feels nervous) I do not know.....
Stevie: (looks concerned at Gail) Gail? (whispers) (looks around) if you do not want to be here.. we could just leave.....
Gail: (shakes her head) I know but... what if.... I do not know okay but... what if he would do things here...
Stevie: no one can put you in danger Gail.... (seriously looks at Gail) I will protect you... I promise....
Clint: (enters the venue) (eyes widens noticing Gail and Stevie)
Gail: to all of.....
Host: (cuts off Gail) it is almost evening to our lovely, handsome and gorgeous students... I hope you are all excited for prom... okay?? we are starting very soon!!
Gail: (keeps looking around) (feels nervous)
Stevie: (looks worried at Gail)
Clint: (looks guilty at Gail)
Mr. Marlon: (watches Gail seriously from the second floor) (drinks his wine) (in his mind) see how your existence destroys everyone else Gail...

After a couple of minutes, the boys and Desiree finally arrived at the venue....... at the parking lot......

*Henry, Desiree, Parker, Baron, Jameson and Mason walks out of the car*
Parker: (notices the whole building of the venue from further distance) so that is the party???
Baron: (eyes eidend at the building of the Octagon Resort) isn't this also a Resort??
Mason: yes so... we can stay here right? after our party here?? (looks at Parker)
Parker: (confusedly notices Mason looking at him) (blushes)
Henry: yeah Baron? what do you think???
Baron: (blushes and widens his eyes at Henry)
Desiree: you know what... (looks annoyed at the boys) do not joke on stuffs like that in front of Jameson.... let's just go in....
Baron: yeah.. I think so.... let's go guys....
*Desiree, Baron and Henry walks away*
Mason: (notices Jameson feeling silent) how about you Jameson???
Parker: let's go in Jameson....
Jameson: (smiles slightly at Mason and Parker) you two go ahead.... I will stay here for a while....
Mason: (nods) okay? sure Jameson....
Jameson: and I have to say....
Parker: what? (feels curious at Jameson)
Jameson: you two kinda look good as a couple....
*Mason and Parker shyly blushes at each other*
Sam: (watches Jameson, Mason and Parker from the entrance of the parking lot) (touches his bow tie)

Last 2 episodes... here we go! here we go! here we go!!! Tune in!!!

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