Episode 76 : Searching In Concern

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After lunch, Henry and Mason immediately left to find out where Baron and Parker are going.... in the boys' home, Stevie, Desiree, Jameson and Sam are still together discussing about what is happening with the boys...... at the living room......

Stevie: I really hope that they are really worried for nothing because I really do not want Mason to be in another problem....
Desiree: (nods sadly) true.... like he is so concerned so much, he gets stuck and get the worst out of the situation all the time.....
Jameson: (feels guilty listening to Stevie and Desiree)
Sam: (frowns sadly) (holds Jameson's hand) babe??
Jameson: huh? (notices Sam holding his hand) what is it Sam??
Sam: do you know what is with them? I feel like they know something and I am the only one feeling clueless??
Jameson: (looks nervously at Sam) actually Sam.... I....
Sam: (cuts off Jameson) and I am really getting concerned as well... concerned at Mason.... also concerned at Baron because Mason is concerned of him.... (stands up) I really want to follow them and make sure that they are alright Jameson... can you drive me and search for them in all the gay bars that we could find????
Jameson: (nervously looks at Desiree and Stevie) (nods seriously at Sam) sure..... let's go find them...
Sam: (nods and smiles slightly) I will just get dressed and lets go.... (left)
Jameson: (watches Sam leaving sadly)
Stevie: do you really know what is happening Jameson???
Desiree: (looks concerned at Jameson)
Jameson: I do not know if I have the rights to say this though......
Desiree: I think I know what this is about..... I never said to anybody that I knew for a reason but... (gulps deeply) is this about Mason? and Baron knows so Mason is concerned???
Stevie: (eyes widens at Desiree)
Jameson: (slowly and nervously nods at Desiree)

At the city, Mason and Henry were finally at one of the gaybars and they are searching inside for signs of Parker and Baron..... at the main area of the gay bar.....

*Henry and Mason enters the dancefloor area of the bar*
Mason: so that's it?! (feels stressed) (feels pissed) (looks around) I fucking knew that this was a bad idea..... (tears fall on his face) but I cannot believe that he will do this for me!!
Henry: (sadly looks at Mason) this won't help but maybe he just loves you..... (tears fall on his face)
Mason: and he will give his dignity for revenge???? (feels nervous) we really have to find him now.... this place has rooms right????
Kyler: (happily drinks alone at the counter of bar)
Henry: (looks around) (notices Kyler) wait.... (points Kyler) is that Kyler? is Kyler gay???
Mason: (eyes widens noticing Kyler drinking) (clenches his fists) (whispers to Henry) I think we should focus on one problem at a time...
Henry: why??
Kyler: (keeps drinking) (looks around) (notices Mason and Henry watching him) guys??! (stands up happily) (approaches Mason and Henry) I think it really is a good sunday for all of us... right????
Mason: (seriously looks at Kyler) this is not the time Kyler.... I do not even need your involvement but your friend Baron is getting fucked by some sadistic psychopath out here and you know I won't tolerate people fucking people by force here Kyler!!! (angrily speaks) much worse is if it involves immeasurable pain!!
Kyler: (looks happily but nervously confused at Mason) why are you saying this to me? I get the point but....
Mason: oh you know Kyler!! (points Kyler angrily) you fucking know!!!! (left)
Henry: (looks confused at Mason and Kyler) ugh Mason? wait for me.... (follows Mason) (left)
Kyler: (looks nervous at Mason walking away) Mason?? (follows Mason and Henry) (left)

At one of the hotel rooms, Parker was at the closet hiding while filming Baron making out and having sex with Bentley......

Parker: (tears fall on his face inside the cabinet) (tries to cry silently) (keeps filming Bentley and Baron having sex) (in his mind) not this again.... not this again!!!
Baron: (happily jacks off and licks Bentley's cock on the bed) it is so fucking hard and red.......
Bentley: open your mouth baby.... (watches Baron lying on his thigh)
Baron: (happily opens and sticks out his tongue)
Bentley: (spits on Baron's tongue) lube it up for the last time..... (seriously looks at a red light from the closet) because I want this to feel so...... realistic and cinematic like what you deserve.......
Parker: (eyes widens at Bentley noticing the red light from his camera) (covers his mouth)
Baron: (rolls his eyes confidently) whatever you say but why not fill my mouth with your fucking lubricant huh??? (bites his lips) (crawls to Bentley's body to his face) (smiles widely at Bentley) are you enjoying???
Bentley: what if I do it hard and raw Baron?? (wipes his wet cock to dry) (grabs Baron hardly by the waist) what do you think of that???
Baron: (looks uncomfortably confused at Bentley grabbing him) I do not fucking know about that Bentley.... shouldn't always there be lube when you have sex because it would hurt???
Bentley: but... (looks and slides his hands on Baron's body) but aren't we here Baron? aren't we here for trust??? (speaks confidently) so why not.... (moves and let his cock touch Baron's hole) why not trust the process and complain later.... I will give you what you want...... as if we are doing porn.... as if we are in a film....
Baron: (eyes widens nervously at Bentley's eyes) (feels weak) (looks around)
Bentley: (softly lays Baron down the bed) do not worry Baron..... you will be easy to handle..... (slides his hands and fingers down Baron's white ass) you really remind me of Mason and I will... (whispers to Baron's eyes from behind) I will destroy your ass and your body until you even beg to die of pleasure!!!!
Baron: (eyes widens) (feels threatened and frightened) Bentley??? (tries to sit up)
Bentley: (kneels hardly on Baron's back) (shakes his head) no Baron..... do not be a bad boy!!!
Parker: (eyes widens at Bentley kneeling on his back) (tears fall on his face) (clenches his fists) (in his mind) I am not letting somebody else getting hurt by him!!! (cries angrily)

Last 4 episodes.... trust me, these 4 episodes will all be intense..... and heartbreaking... tune in!!

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