Episode 100 : Going Forward

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After a couple of hours of preparing for the graduation, it is now early in the afternoon and everyone is now gathering up at the front area of the university go get ready to get inside and attend the graduation.....

*Sam, Jameson, Parker, Mason, Baron, Henry and Desiree happily enters the entrance of the university*
Desiree: this is it everyone..... (happily looks at the boys) this is the moment of your lives that you all have been waiting for.... and as cliche as that sounds....... are the boys ready to finally get rid of yourselves in this school????
Parker: hahaha... that is actually a great way to describe it and yes..... (happily speaks) (holds Mason's hand) we got nothing to lose anymore.... bringing so much with me actually.... especially this boy.....
Mason: yeah hahaha... (blushes down at Parker holding his hand and talking about him) we literally have nothing to lose anymore...... we do not have anything to hide.... we have been strong and vulnerable and the way we are here now says it all.... (looks at everyone) right????
*everyone nods and agrees at Mason*
Sam: yeah hahaha..... and as much as I wanna say this by the end of the graduation... let's all look forward for peace... shall we????
Baron: oh Sam hahahaha... (happily speaks) you can say that again... who wouldn't want that?? (looks at Jameson) right Jameson? who wouldn't want?? you will probably be the peace that Sam will have.......
Jameson: (blushes and looks at Sam) of course..... even if life keeps fucking up after this.... that's just the way it is but as long as I am here...... nobody really can get in the way......
Henry: yeah Jameson.... (pats Jameson's shoulder) and be unapologetic about it.... never feel sorry for being that way.....
Sam: (blushes and looks at Jameson) yeah love..... Henry is right..... never be scared of being you to me....
Jameson: I won't be scared.... I really am not anymore..... (confidently hold Sam's hand tightly)
Desiree: anyway... (looks at her watch) I still need to take care of some stuffs.... teacher duties.....
Henry: well... (looks at Baron) me and Baron can help??
Baron: huh? (suddenly looks confused at Henry)
Desiree: (looks confused at Baron and Henry) but you two should not be working???
Henry: it is not work.... (holds Baron's hand) it is pure enjoyment.... the time of our lives..... (looks at Baron) so what do you say???
Baron: (blushes and looks shy at Henry) (looks back at Mason)
Mason: (proudly nods at Baron)
Baron: (smiles widely at Mason) (nods back at Henry) sure Henry..... let's go!!!
Desiree: (happily jumps) great!!! see you all later!!! let's go Henry and Baron!!! (starts walking away)
Baron: be right back everybody... (looks at everyone) (follows Desiree) (pulls Henry's hand)
Parker: yeah you two.... we will be fine....
Henry: see you all around hahaha... (gets pulled by Baron)
*Baron, Henry and Desiree left*
Mason: so... (looks at everyone) double date??? you two???
Jameson: Mason... haha... we have respective seats and actually.... you and Sam will be sitting together... our top students of class......
Sam: but definitely bottoms most of the time... (smiles down) (murmurs)
Jameson: hey! (hears and looks at Sam) you promised me hahaha.....
Sam: yeah yeah bottom era Jameson hahahaha....
*everyone laughs at each other*
Gail: (enters the entrance of the university alone)
*Parker, Mason, Sam and Jameson notices Gail*
Parker: well.... (looks at Sam and Jameson looking at Gail) I think we should find our seats for now.... and I am not letting us have separate seats.....
Mason: same hahaha... (looks happily concerned at Jameson and Sam noticing Gail) so what if we find our seats........
Jameson: (sadly looks at Sam noticing Gail) yeah Sam... what do you think?
Sam: (sadly keeps looking at Gail)
Mason: no... I mean... (holds and starts pulling Parker away) we find the seats.... you all take your time here.... okay???
Sam: (smiles at Mason and Parker) sure you two... thank you!!
Parker: (nods and smiles at Mason) let's go babe.....
Mason: (nods at Parker)
*Parker and Mason left*
Gail: (notices Sam and Jameson together) oh my...... these 2 boys are twinning..... and looking good in graduation outfits... (approaches Sam and Jameson)
Sam: yeah hahaha.... (smiles at Gail) and I actually noticed you first.... honestly.... thought you were alone.....
Gail: and I am... (nods shyly) but I am.... I am fine..... do not mind me... (fixes Sam and Jameson's hair) but you two..... you two have a bigger day ahead of you so..... yeah!!! this is it...
Jameson: (sadly looks at Gail) (takes a deep breath) but what if..... what if you join us still.......
Sam: (eyes widens and smiles at Gail)
Gail: ugh... (looks awkward at Jameson and Sam) why would I ride along the best couple of the university... seriously... I will be fine....
Sam: and we just want you to have a walk with somebody since it is the final time you walk these hallways.... after the years you have been alone as well... Stevie.... and Clint did not make it.... let us walk with you on behalf of them...
Gail: oh Sam... (emotionally listens to Sam) (nods) sure... if that is what you two want..... thank you!!! and I will..... (hugs Jameson and Sam tightly) 
Sam: (happily hugs Gail)
Jameson: (slightly smiles and awkwardly hugs Gail back)
Gail: so... (looks at Jameson and Sam) are you boys ready?
Sam: are you???? (looks at Gail)
Jameson: (holds Sam's hand) I think we should.... we must.....
Gail: (proudly nods at Jameson) (happily looks at Jameson holding Sam's arm)
Sam: (happily looks at Jameson and Gail)
Jameson: let's go... (starts walking)
*Gail and Sam follows Jameson and left*

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