Episode 90 : No Redemption

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It is now a quiet saturday morning and at the home of Sam, Jameson, Henry and Mason, the two lovers Sam and Jameson were at the kitchen eating breakfast together...

Sam: (eats breakfast silently)
Jameson: (eats breakfast silently) (stares and looks concerned at Sam) love???
Sam: huh? (notices Jameson looking at him) ugh.... why?? do you need something?
Jameson: no ugh... (shakes his head) I just want to ask if you had a good rest last night.... especially after the big day that we had yesterday.....
Sam: (smiles down) yes... I did have a great day yesterday.... maybe one of the highlights of my whole life actually....... like.... (blushes and keeps smiling) it has been years since all the bullshit happened to us...... and there were good moments in those times after..... but..... yesterday felt like we are completely out of that past...... (looks at Jameson) this time... we were sure about what we are.... where we are going and we are so carefree as if.... (feels emotional) as if no harm is coming around us......
Jameson: (notices Sam feeling emotional) oh Sam... (holds Sam's cheeks) you are getting emotional again..... (feels emotional) and I am glad hearing this from you.... how you express it and I can say that we are completely finally out of the past...... we are getting there and we are not stopping anytime soon.....
Sam: (nods) I really just hope it is for everybody else.... (holds Jameson's hand) and still... hope Stevie was here......
Jameson: (nods sadly) yeah haha... it is her anniversary though right??? we don't have to forget her... she will always be here..... we can always visit her......
Sam: and are we going to visit later? want to join me???
Jameson: anywhere Sam... (nods) and besides... Stevie was the only friend in our circle besides Baron that I did not lose..... Gail and I.... (shrugs) I chose you..... lost her but she did all those stuffs to you..... I did not regret one bit of having you.....
Sam: (guiltily listens to Jameson)
Jameson: Clint is toxic as fuck and glad he is gone and... Kyler.... (looks at Sam) we all know what he did to you and that is fucking unacceptable...
Sam: yeah.... (suddenly feels sad) speaking of him... what is even his deal? that painting of Stevie???
Jameson: (shrugs) I actually.... I have to be honest... I am annoyed..... maybe he has rights though.... he was Stevie's friend as well but... all that Kyler is doing lately... him catching up and trying to keep up after destroying you... it bothers me more.....
Sam: (looks concerned at Jameson) but what do you think? would you ever trust him again? and recognize what he does???
Jameson: I do recognize... but Sam.. (seriously looks at Sam) I will never forgive him for what he did..... and yeah... losing his friendship is worth it...
Sam: (smiles at Jameson) I love you Jameson....
Jameson: (kisses Sam softly) I love you Sam! I love you so much!!!

It is now a gloomy middle of the afternoon and at the cemetery, Gail was there at the gravestone of Stevie to visit her in her death anniversary....

Gail: (sadly puts flowers of Stevie's gravestone) girl.... (smiles slightly) the real you.... haha... sorry if I was delusional though... I know you are concerned of me acting as if you are still around... talking to the air and imagine that it is you because after all these years... I cannot cope... and I do not think I would......
Stevie: (appears behind Gail as an imagination and hallucination) (tears fall on her face listening to Gail)
Gail: but yeah.... (feels emotional) (tears fall on her face) what else can I do? you are dead and will forever be and do not even bring up the "I will always be your guide" card because you will never physically be here for me to cry on and from the way you tried to always be there... I led you to danger.... (keeps crying) and I am sorry......
Sam: (walks at the grass yard and notices Gail crying) (sadly and secretly approaches Gail from behind) (holds a bouquet of flowers)
Gail: I really am sorry.... I really am... (keeps crying) I will always be.....
Stevie: (hugs Gail from behind) (keeps crying)
Sam: (approaches and gives Gail a tissue) here.... cry it all out but here...
Gail: huh? (eyes widens noticing Sam) ugh... (takes the tissue) (looks around) for teh anniversary? 
Sam: she deserved to be loved... (puts the bouquet of flowers on Stevie's gravestone) she deserves to be remembered.... I do think everyone does when they die.... and the most.... she deserves to be cared for... even at her dying point.... (feels emotional) all our secrets and problems.... as much as it gave us pain... we actually led Stevie to her death and I just cannot forgive myself as much as you can't forgive yours.... (tears fall on her face)
Gail: (sadly stares at Sam) (keeps crying)
Sam: all we do is to say sorry for the rest of our life and be there to visit her... that is at least what we can do... right??
Gail: (sadly nods at Sam)
Kyler: (approaches Gail and Sam sadly) (brings a picture frame with Stevie's portrait) good afternoon.....
*Gail and Sam notices Kyler* 
Gail: Kyler? (keeps crying)
Kyler: (takes a deep breath) wish we go back to the days we were all happy as a circle... right???
Gail: (looks confused at Kyler) the way we hid things that happens to be how we will get more harmed? me leading to being raped and if it wasn't controversial... I could have suffered more in silent? (angrily looks at Kyler) and you literally raped Sam..
Sam: (sadly looks down) (keeps crying)
Kyler: (tears fall on his face) (looks concerned at Sam) Sam......
Jameson: (seriously approaches everyone and pulls Sam away from Kyler) do not dare touch him!!!
*Gail, Sam and Kyler sadly notices Jameson*
Jameson: (points Kyler angrily) and I do not fucking know your deal huh? but please for fucking sake... stay away from us!!!!
Kyler: (keeps crying at Jameson) Jameson... I am doing my best to....
Jameson: they do your best! (cuts off Kyler) but it doesn't guarantee that you can get back to us because I will never let you anymore... can you hear that??!
Gail: (sadly looks down)
Kyler: (nods sadly)
Jameson: cmon Sam... (holds Sam's hand) let's find a place to go for a while since he's here... okay???
Sam: (nods and looks concerned at Jameson) okay......
Jameson: let's go... (angrily keeps looking at Kyler) 
*Jameson and Sam left*
Gail: (sadly keeps looking down)
Kyler: (keeps feeling guilty)
Stevie: (looks concerned at everyone)

It is now night and at Clint's home, Gail dropped by to check on Clint after figuring out that he did not attend the yearbook graduation photoshoot...... at the front yard of Clint's home, Clint was there in his broken car alone.......

Clint: (sadly drinks beer alone)
Gail: (approaches and enters the front yard of Clint's home sadly) (stares at Clint's house nervously) (feels emotional and guilty) (in her mind) hope he talks to me after how I pushed him away......
Clint: (notices Gail angrily) what do you think you are you doing?
Gail: (notices Clint at the back of the broken car) ugh Clint... (approaches Clint) I just want to ask if we could talk???
Clint: (looks offended at Gail) after what you did???! after pushing me away when I am trying to keep up on you.... you would want to talk to... (angrily speaks) me???
Gail: (suddenly cries and feels guilty) Clint... you know what happened to me and you cannot blame me......
Clint: and I understand that!! (suddenly cries) and now I am at the highest point of guilt where I do not think I do not deserve to talk to you so just pleas go away.......
Gail: no Clint... (keeps crying) I am here genuinely worried and concerned..... (walks closer and holds Clint's hand) please come back to school and try to graduate at least... we are almost there......
Clint: (feels emotional and keeps crying) but what is the pint of making it if you are alone....
Gail: you will not be and I am sorry....
Clint: no Gail... (shakes his head) I am sorry and I cannot be with you anymore so please go away.....
Gail: no Clint... (keeps crying) I will be here until you....
Clint: I said... (jumps out off the back of his car) (pulls and drags Gail out of his front yard angrily) go away and never talk to me again!
Gail: (gets dragged by Clint) (keeps crying) Clint!!!! I am sorry!!!
Clint: I am sorry but you should completely avoid me Gail.... I will go away and you should too... go away....... (guiltily looks down) 
Gail: Clint.....
Clint: go away!!! (throws his bottle of beer on the sidewalk) (keeps crying and shouting)
*the glass bottle of beer breaks on the floor*
Gail: (eyes widens and looks frightened at Clint throwing the beer bottle) (keeps crying) (runs away and left)
Clint: (keeps crying and watches Gail leave immediately) fuck!!! (shouts angrily and loudly)

What an episode filled with mistakes that cannot be forgotten even with redemption..... What could the last 10 episodes have? Tune in!

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