Episode 5 : Messy Meeting

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It is now a busy thursday and at the hallway, Sam was hanging out with Mason on their lockers before Mason has to leave to have a meeting with Jameson for a group report.....

Sam: (puts on his earphones)
Mason: I really do not think that I should leave you alone... you will be alone here and I never done that.....
Sam: I will be fine Mason..... I promise that! And it is something about your studies so, let yourself focus on that more..... I am a grown up person anyway...
Mason: you sure huh? you do not want to hang out at another table in the near cafe where we will hang out? I will treat you....
Sam: it is still being alone so... I will be fine... (takes some notebooks on Mason's locker) (gives the notebooks to Mason) study well... we have big futures together and we can get out of the struggle that we are having someday....
Mason: (nods) someday! (smiles) so see ya?
Sam: see ya! (smiles at Mason)
Mason: (left)
Sam: (starts playing music) (puts on his hoodie) (closes Mason's locker) (left)

At the cafe near the school, Jameson, Gail, Stevie and Baron were gathered together already......

Baron: (reads a book) so... this would be an easy topic.... sex addiction!
Jameson: it just looks easy Baron but there is something more than just discussing it... sex is something personal...
Gail: but....
Jameson: (cuts off Gail) and it is up to the person if he will just do things like that... his body, his choice....
Stevie: (secretly glares at Gail) ugh okay... okay... okay... can we now start discussing while Mason is not around before the tension rises here.....
Mason: (approaches everyone) good afternoon everyone.... I am sorry if I am late.....
Jameson: oh Mason.. welcome! we just started... have a seat with us...
Mason: (nods) (sits next to Jameson)
Gail: so Mason.. where is your slutty friend.....
Stevie: Gail!!
Jameson: (feels annoyed) what the fuck is that Gail! would you stop talking because you are not part of this report anyway?
Gail: (rolls her eyes)
Mason: (feels pissed inside) (clenches his fists)
Baron: (looks at Mason) ugh hi Mason... nice to meet you...
Mason: (nods confusedly at Baron)
Jameson: so back to the discussion.... in case you all do not know yet, the first lesson on the addiction chapter of the book in the sex addiction and sir assigned us to do a small reporting about it.....
Mason: (eyes widens at Jameson) sex??
Jameson: (nods) yes... it is none other than sex and I know it is a serious and delicate topic so we have to be careful about what we say......
Mason: (nods guiltily)
Stevie: but how would we gather some research if we are not allowed to use the examples on the book... sir also informed me that we should talk like therapists in executing the reports.....
Jameson: that is why I called a meeting for us to talk carefully about this one because I honestly have no idea how I wanna execute this plan...
Gail: I doubt that.... (rolls her eyes)
Jameson: (feels annoyed) what do you mean???
Gail: (shrugs) nothing... but... (looks at Mason) I think Mason can help because Mason is one big friend of somebody who is expert in lying on the mattress....
Jameson: Gail! (feels angry) would you fucking stop talking that way!
Gail: but I am making sense.. we have to admit that it is some secretive thing but we already saw it so... why not be it... and.. (points Jameson) agree with me.... you also saw Sam that night right? he can be the source of information... why would that be bad??
Mason: (feels pissed)
Stevie: (feels stressed at Gail) oh my God, Gail!
Gail: why??? in short, Sam is the key to this report because no euphemism needed, he has been touched.... and plus points... he does man to man intercourse.... you guys will do great in that report with this idea.....
Mason: (stands up) (feels pissed) you know what Jameson... can we talk or discuss this online because first of all, Sam is my best friend and no matter how you think you all are honest, he is my best friend and I will not let me hear all these words from you guys and second, I thought we 4 should be the only ones discussing here.... (takes his notebooks) I am sorry but I am bravely saying that we are just wasting our time... (left)
Baron: (stands up) (feels concerned) wait.... Mason!!!!
Jameson: (slides his notebook) see Gail how you fucked up... can you go and do your life because I also have a life to live... I love you so go away sometimes please... I am concerned.... (left)
Baron: (looks at Jameson sadly) ugh Gail.... I think that you are being to touchy with his personal life.....
Gail: I am his girlfriend... why not?
Stevie: girl... it is not that way...... you do not understand....
Gail: you all do not understand... I am trying to be a great girlfriend... (frowns angrily) he does not understand the most and he should know better......
*Stevie and Baron looks stressed at each other*

It is now night and at Sam and Mason's home, Sam and Mason were making sandwiches together at the kitchen..

Sam: (takes a sandwich out of the microwave) here Mason...... I know you won't miss a night with a midnight snack.....
Mason: (takes and bites on the sandwich) thank you Sam....
Sam: so how was earlier? how would you guys execute the reporting?
Mason: (shakes his head) nothing was planned or developed for today because I left after Gail talking shit about you.... she does even suggest that you should be the source of information in our sex addiction topic.....
Sam: (looks down sadly) I am sorry for that.....
Mason: and it feels unfair how you get thosw hate while you want me to be silent just to save me... I understand but it does not feel fair for us....
Sam: Mason... no matter what happens, I want the best for you and it is better to be safe than never..... whatever happens to the reporting, never speak about you....
Mason: what about you?
Sam: they know about me but I will never speak that easily... they are not my friends at the first place...
Mason: (nods sadly at Sam)

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