Episode 60 : Admitting Some

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It is now a friday morning and at Mason's ward, Mason was there still sleeping while Sam and Henry were there visiting.......

Parker: (sleeps peacefully on the waiting bench)
Mason: (peacefully sleeps on the hospital bed)
*Henry and Sam slowly enters the room*
Henry: ugh good morning... (looks around) (notices Parker and Mason sleeping)
Sam: (notices everyone sleeping) ugh wait.... it looks like everyone is sleeping... did we come early? (looks confused at Henry)
Parker: (slowly wakes up) (hears Sam and Henry) (suddenly stands up) oh God.... Sam... Henry ugh.... hi???
Sam: you have been taking care of Mason, I see??? (looks at Mason sleeping)
Parker: yeah haha... I was there at the party with him that is why I think I am little responsible of him....
Sam: thank you Parker haha... but I sometimes wonder... how did you two become close???
Parker: (looks nervous at Sam) ugh... (looks at Mason)
Mason: (yawns softly) (slowly notices Sam and Henry) wait.... Sam??? Henry??? you guys are here?????
Henry: oh... (looks shyly at Sam) I am sorry if we kinda startle you resting Mason.... I think we were...
Mason: (cuts off Henry) no.... it is fine.... you guys know me, I wake up this early anyway......
Sam: (smiles at Mason) well... (walks and sits nex to Mason) we just wanted to see how our boy is doing.... you know I am the one that cares for you the most.. (smiles) (takes a lunch box from his paper bag) and I brought something for you....
Mason: (smiles at Sam) you do not have to do this Sam but thank you and.... I miss you.... (softly holds Sam's arm) (looks at Sam opening a lunch box filled with sliced apples and grapes)
Sam: (takes a grape from the lunchbox) open your mouth....
Mason: (smiles) (opens his mouth) oh Sam..... do this to your man....
Sam: why not to you too?? haha... (puts the grape in Mason's mouth)
Mason: (eats the grape) but how about you Sam.... how were you at the party??? I heard something has happened to you as well....
Sam: (looks nervously at Parker and Henry)
*Henry and Parker looks confused at Sam*
Mason: (looks concerned at Sam) ugh Sam? was everything fine that night for you??
Sam: (gulps guiltily at Mason) (bites his lips) that is a story for another day but this is about you....
*Jameson and Baron sadly enters room*
*everyone except Mason notices Jameson and Baron*
Mason: (eyes widens confusedly at Sam)
Baron: ugh... (coughs) Sam???
Sam: guys? (smiles at Jameson and Baron) glad you boys are here....
Baron: yeah... we were... (looks at Mason) here to visit but Jameson has... (looks at Jameson) has something to tell you.......
Sam: (looks confused at Jameson) oh.... (smiles) why not?? (walks to Jameson) be right back Mason....
Mason: (nods) (shyly looks at Baron) yeah sure.... I will be fine here... I am actually doing better...
*Baron and Henry sadly looks at Sam*
Jameson: (shyly looks at Sam) can i tell you about it outside???
Sam: (nods at Jameson) (holds Jameson's hand) sure and... I will listen to it.....
Jameson: (slightly smiles at Sam)

Outside the ward of Mason..... at the hallway of the hospital....

*Sam and Jameson walks out of the ward*
Sam: (feels nervous) but actually Jameson... I am worried about you doing this... did I do something wrong?? are you going to break up with me???
Jameson: (looks worried and guilty at Sam) oh Sam... no I am not..... I can't ever do that.... I promise.....
Sam: (looks sadly at Jameson) then what is it?
Jameson: I just thought... for me to be better... I will completely be honest about me now.... therefore, I will be honest to you whatever it is....
Sam: (nods)
Jameson: and.... I know things have been going on with Mason and Sam that is why I set aside myself.......
Sam: (eyes widens at Jameson) wait... (feels concerned) tell me what happened to you? was there something wrong that you never said to me?
Jameson: I hid it because I do not want you to feel like you are the one to blame when you are not even the reason why it happened... it will never be... (holds Sam's cheeks) (sadly speaks) but.....
Sam: (holds Jameson's hands on his cheeks) but what babe???
Jameson: I lost my scholarship just because.... just because of who I am now..... (tears fall on his face)
Sam: (eyes widens at Jameson) no way!!! (feels worried) then cannot do that to you! (hugs Jameson) Jameson......
Jameson: (hugs and cries on Sam) but no Sam.... do not worry, I do not want you to do anything about it because.... I am tired seeing you struggle to fight for what is happening with me..... and you already dealt tons of shit to fight more...... I want to be the one in control of caring and protecting you.....
Sam: (feels emotionally touched by what Jameson said) but Jameson...
Jameson: that is why I am telling you this.... to just make you aware but... I will find plans.... take care of my love and provide a good future for you okay?????
Sam: are you sure we shouldn't object what they did to you????
Jameson: (shakes his head) no love....
Sam: (smiles) (kisses Jameson's lips) the let us help each other instead... for what is now with us.... let me be the one who surrounds you as well.....
Jameson: (smiles widely at Sam) (wipes his tears) fair enough my love.... I love you so much and I want everything to just be about you... and I... about us!
Sam: (softly kisses Jameson) about us!! (keeps kissing and hugging Jameson)

It is now night at Mason's ward, the boys were still out there doing their own thing.....

Mason: (watches everyone busy with their stuffs)
Baron: (stands up and slowly approaches Mason)
Henry: (notices Baron approaching Mason) ugh Parker? Jameson? Sam? do you all want to go find and order dinner somewhere???? my treat!
Jameson: yeah... I agree.... but I will treat Sam instead.....
Parker: (notices Baron near Mason) that sounds good to me... we will all be right back guys......
Mason: (looks confused at everyone) ugh okay????
*Sam, Jameson, Henry and Parker left*
Baron: (feels awkward) (looks at everyone leaving) ugh... haha... so... um... hi???
Mason: (smiles down) yeah hi... did you plan to have them leave for a while? are you gonna say something???
Baron: (feels nervous) ugh haha.. I do not know why ugh... um... I am stuttering as if it is the first... first time.. meeting you but.... if you are not into talking right now... I am....
Mason: (cuts off Baron) go ahead... I am also here to tell you something... (feels guilty) and actually, I maybe owing you a lot....
Baron: (feels concerned) (shakes his head) oh Mason... no.... you are the one who is in..
Mason: (cuts off Baron) and I do not want you to feel guilty about it.... and to be honest, I regret what I did..... maybe things would have been different if I did not make you scared of approaching me....
Baron: things would have been different if I wasn't weak for you....  (tears fall on his face)
Mason: (tears fall on his face)
Baron: I could have stayed next to you and not ask at all because.... because I know you just need somebody there and I just got used to sticking with you and Sam all the time and I am sorry if I was too much.....
Mason: (keeps crying softly) (shakes his head) no Baron...... you do not deserve to apologize.... you really don't....  (takes a deep breath) I know you were just concerned but I was just so ashamed so..... I keep hiding it...
Baron: (looks confused at Mason) ugh... Mason? hiding what????
Mason: (in his mind) (feels annoyingly surprised about himself) why did I say that???
Baron: (notices Mason feeling speechless) but like what I said.... I will be fine if you don't tell me but I won't leave you if I could... this time... I won't.....
Mason: (looks at Baron speaking) I am just ashamed about....
Baron: (cuts off Mason) (strokes Mason's hair) I said that it would be fine Mason.... I promise that I respect your...
Mason: (cuts off Baron) I was gang banged by Bentley and his teammates...... (looks frightened at Baron)
Baron: what?! (eyes widens at Mason confusedly)
Mason: I was..... (tears fall on his face) but please do not do anything about this Baron... I was desperate of money that is why I was tempted with Bentley's offer.....
Baron: (feels speechless) (tears fall on his face) those men treated you like an animal?!! (clenches his fists) Mason... you do not understand......
Mason: please Baron... (holds Baron's clenching hand) I do not want you to be harmed so please.... do not tell anybody or attack them because of what happened...
Baron: (clenches his fists harder (stares at nothing) I do not know what to say Mason... I am sorry.... I am sorry but.... I am sorry... (clenches his jaw angrily) (keeps crying)
Mason: (looks worried at Baron) (keeps crying)

What a suspenseful final episode for the season and I cannot believe we finally ended this season after a few weeks and I have to admit that the episodes will now be slower because I am a college student now but my love for storytelling will never disappear.... and with this cilffhanging episode ending the whole season... there are a lot of things to wait for this series and it will just keep on coming... I am so excited for what Alternative will bring to us at the not so near end but for now... thank you for tuning in to the 3rd Season and see you all next time!

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