Episode 40 : Inactive Lately

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After a few minutes, Sam, Jameson and Baron finally made their way home... Desiree and Henry were also together eating with everybody else.... at the dining area......

Henry: so guys... (smiles at everyone) while I wait for this quarter to end... I will always be your cook here... and I can be all of your husbands........
Baron: (tastes the omelette) actually.... I love your eggs......
*everyone widens their eyes at Henry*
Henry: (laughs softly) ugh Baron... I do not know if you are unaware or you are practicing to flirt with boys?????
Baron: (smiles down) (blushes) both.....
Desiree: well... speaking of boys??? I find this incomplete because Mason is not around... (feels confused) is Mason with you guys in school? 
Sam: actually... (shakes his head) no, I actually didn't see him the whole day.... we lately hang out only on breakfast or dinner......
Jameson: and he is not here for dinner......
Henry: maybe he is still at school and he is busy.... it is friday anyway right??? grinding up.......
Baron: (nods) want me to contact him???
Sam: (stands up) no thanks Baron...... I will just check on Mason in his bedroom....... (left)
Jameson: (eating)
Desiree: so Jameson... it seems that you and Sam already made up huh????
Jameson: (smiles) yeah we did... and Sam doesn't want me to cry too much on him so we are finally fine again.....
Desiree: I told you that he loves you... (keeps eating)
Jameson: (blushes)
Sam: (nervously approaches everyone) (feels confused) ugh Henry? are you sure Mason did not go home early?? or I mean..... we were both here the whole day.....
Henry: what do you mean???
Sam: his school stuffs are in the room.... did you left this home as I leave to go and pick up Jameson???
Henry: actually I did... to buy something for dinner.......
Baron: so he came home early????
Sam: (sits back next to Jameson) I actually do not know anymore... I always know what Mason is up to but he has been silent these past few days.....
Jameson: maybe we hung out too much Sam and we forgotten to bring Mason and Baron....
Sam: (shakes his head) it cannot be that... they know that they don't have to be shy to hang out with us like... it doesn't make sense.......
Desiree: you Baron? aren't you and Mason always hanging out with each other???
Baron: but Mason is busy and I do not want to annoy him that is why we have not hung out yet in a while... (looks sadly at Henry)
Jameson: then who else is he hanging out with????
Sam: besides us? not that I know more...... (shrugs)
Henry: wait... (looks at Baron) Baron?
Baron: why???
Henry: should I say it???? (feels nervous)
Baron: (remembers Mason hanging out with Bentley) ugh... (looks nervous at Sam) Sam???
Sam: (feels curious) what do you two mean????
Baron: you guys know Bentley right??? is he only teasing you guys or are you guys actually best friends with those jocks?????
Sam: (shakes his head) why would I hang out?? no.. why??? (remembers Bentley earlier) ugh... (gulps deeply)
Henry: I saw Mason and that Bentley talking yesterday so I thought they were close.......
Jameson: (stands up) but why would he hang out with those.. those men troll and sexualize you guys.....
Sam: (looks nervous at Jameson) do you think we should go and return to school and visit the gym????
Desiree: I think you boys should go.... just to reassure where Mason is.....
*the boys nods and look at each other*
Baron: (looks nervous at everyone) lets all get there.......

Half an hour after everyone eating, Sam, Jameson, Henry and Baron finally reached the school and went to the gymnasium area....... at the jock's locker room......

*Sam, Jameson, Henry and Baron walks at the jock's locker rooms*
Henry: actually..... this place smells like a lot is going on here......
Baron: what do you mean? straight guys don't fuck guys......
Henry: well... ugly bad men does..... and that is one think we have to avoid...... straight men may be called straight but they still have the tendency to fuck anybody when no women would like to do it for them...
Jameson: so... are we here for the same thought? you think these men has something to do at Mason? but for what????
Sam: (feels nervous) Jameson... don't expand the thought.... and it is possible but please no......
Jameson: (sees the shower room) I think the jocks are there... (points the shower room)
Baron: shall we enter???
Jameson: leave it to me...
*Baron, Jameson, Sam and Henry heads to the entrance of the shower ropm*
Jameson: (opens the shower rook seriously) good evening?????
*all the jocks looks at the 4 boys*
Bentley: ugh excuse me??? (walks out of a cubicle) (stares at Sam) interesting.....
Sam: (looks angrily at Bentley)
Bentley: (approaches Sam naked) gays have the audacity to enter this jock room???? what do you want??? (grabs Sam)
Jameson: (pulls Sam away from Bentley angrily) do not dare touch Sam!!!
Baron: we are asking if you have seen Mason.......
Bentley: Mason??? (feels annoyed) that kid barely approaches us......
Henry: and what if you tempted him to approach you guys?????
Sam: and so you guys expect him to approach you all?? for what?????
Bentley: (laughs annoyingly) what the fuck?! chill all your asses... I am not a lost and found for sexy twinky hoes..... if I knew, I could even have brought him back in a suitcase.....
*Jameson, Baron and Henry looks nervously at Sam*
Sam: (glares at Bentley) Bentley..... I know that you are straight as steel but something sexual is a different aspect.....
*a lot of jocks laugh*
Sam: (feels embarrassed)
Bentley: so you think I would fuck gays like you all?! (laughs)
Sam: have you sex with women before????
Bentley: (feels offended) what do you want to show???? (grabs Sam) maybe you are dirty talking to me but I do not know... wanna have a taste of this??,.
Jameson: (punches Bentley hardly) get away from him, I said....
Bentley: (slips to the floor) what the fuck!? then you all go away too... no one forced gays to be here....
Sam: (looks angrily at Bentley) you better prove what you said Bentley..... and to not be accused, stop messing around with us....
Bentley: (stares angrily at Sam)
Jameson: (looks seriously at Sam)
*Baron and Henry looks sadly at each other*
Sam: (feels nervous) so where is Mason??????

Another half of an hour and it is now getting dark, Sam, Jameson, Baron and Henry finally went back to their home....... at the living room...

*Sam, Jameson, Baron and Henry enters the living room*
Henry: (turns on the lights) so where is he now???? this is concerning more.... especially that it is night.......
Baron: (sits on the couch) we cannot even contact him.....
Mason: (walks down the stairs immediately) (enters the room) ugh guys???
Sam: (eyes widens at Mason) Mason? (breaks out and cries) where have you been? (hugs and cries hardly on Mason)
Mason: (feels sad) (hugs Sam)
Sam: (looks at Mason's black tight shirt) wherever you are going Mason tonight..... please, let yourself rest... (holds Mason's cheek) we can return together when it is normal now.... but please... not now.....
Mason: (looks sadly at Sam) sorry if I kept you worried......
Baron: where have you been? are you just going somewhere?????
Mason: (looks sadly at Baron) (shakes his head) I.... do not know but to not make Sam worry, I will stay here..... and I am sorry again cause it seems that you all are worried.......
Jameson: are you sure Mason that nobody is pressuring you lately????
Mason: just my activities but I am almost done....
Sam: just tell us about your activities... I can help you Mason like..... anything.....
Henry: yeah... like we always did..... we get laid together haha... so... why would you hesitate to ask us for help in your academics.......
Sam: (keeps crying) anything Mason.... I will give you everything to keep you safe....
Mason: (gulps deeply) (cries hardly) (hugs Sam) I am sorry for being secretive... but thank you for the concern... you all are making me cry......
Jameson: (hugs Mason and Sam) now that things are little loosed..... I want to build a relationship with you boys......  so Mason, do not hesitate to call me if you need help......
Henry: yeah.. we are brothers here... (hugs Mason, Sam and Jameson)
Baron: (looks shyly at Mason)
Mason: (offers and widens arm to Baron) Baron.... I am sorry for being too tight... I am just doing to you what Sam is doing to me...... I hope you understand especially now...
Baron: (breaks out and cries happily) (hugs all the boys)
*the boys hug each other*
Mason: (wipes his tears) (hugs everybody) I love you guys.... I really have a safe haven here.....
Sam: we are all to each other....
Jameson: I agree... (kisses Sam's forehead)
Baron: (smiles at Mason)
Henry: (pats Baron and Mason's head)
Mason: (smiles slightly at Baron) (feels guilty deep inside) (in his mind) I am sorry Sam but I did what I have to..... to not be burden to you...

At some event's area, Gail was there crying and wasted alone...... at the outside....

Gail: (sadly walks with her purse) (cries softly) (heads to the entrance of the events' area)
Mr. Marlon: (smoking at the entrance of the events' area) (notices Gail) ugh... Gail??? (feels confused) (looks around) what are you doing here????
Gail: (walks and hugs Mr. Marlon) sir Marlon.. (cries hardly) I am too scared to stay close to that stupid area......
Mr. Marlon: (keeps looking around) what happened???
Gail: it happened..... (keeps crying loudly) it happened!!!
Mr. Marlon: want to stay for the night tonight????
Gail: (looks teary eyes at Mr. Marlon) (gulps deeply) (nods nervously)

This season revealed a lot and I enjoyed this slow but sure process of the Season 2..... but if you think this is the burst of revelation and the final expansion of the plot, you are getting it all wrong because the next season is coming with such a good expanded concept... now all you have to do is to tune in for another season soon but thank you for the support on this season..

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