Episode 71 : Students' Suggestions

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It is now a wednesday morning and instead of the boys considering today as a day break, everyone is preparing to go to school for a sudden plan and announcement relating to the incoming prom soon... at the living room, most of the boys were there busy preparing......

Henry: (fixes his hair in the mirror) are you sure Desiree that we really have to go to school today?? it is our real time.....
Desiree: I am so sorry... (shrugs) I do not make the rules duh... (rolls her eyes) but maybe it is important... maybe it is related to the prom.... they want to talk about it with you all......
Baron: yeah so that means... (yawns) we get to share what we want for prom.... this is so different from their usual promenades..... it is like a people's choice top of award...... (sitting on a couch)
Desiree: yeah.. I think it is good... democracy at its finest......
Jameson: (enters the room seriously) democracy at its finest? they literally took my scholarship away because of unnecessary stuffs..... they did not listen so..... democracy my ass....
Sam: (enters the room) (looking concerned at Jameson) (holds and kisses Jameson's cheeks and lips) do not worry.... we will both find something to make money of.... I really promise...
Jameson: (grabs Sam by the waist) do not worry... I will find a way for both of us....
Baron: so... (stands up) is Mason coming?
*Parker, Mason and Stevie enters the room*
Mason: yes we are here... me and Parker were just preparing at the dining room because you all else are here.....
Parker: (shyly nods and smiles)
Stevie: yeah and I just wanna assume... (gushes at Parker and Mason) maybe I know why Parker is sticking with all us.......
Parker: (looks nervously curious at everyone) what do you all mean??
Stevie: maybe he likes Mason.. he wants to date Mason.... so he better impress everyone else......
Mason: (eyes widens and blushes at everyone) guys... what the hell are you all talking about??
Baron: (sadly looks at Parker)
Desiree: (eyes widens shockingly at Parker) you are gay too?? Parker??
Parker: guys... (blushes) this does not mean anything... left the team so I moved in with you guys......
Jameson: (sadly looks at Baron looking at Baron)
Sam: well... whoever Mason would like... (pulls and hugs Mason) I support and... Parker might have done a great job taking care of the baby of this house huh???
Mason: (blushes down) (shyly looks at Mason)
Parker: (looks away shyly) (tries to not smile and blushes)
Baron: (keeps seriously and sadly looking at Parker)
Henry: (notices Baron looking sadly at Parker)

It is now early in the afternoon and at the cafeteria, the students are all gathered at the cafeteria as Mr. Fieldman leads the whole meeting about the prom......

Mr. Fieldman: so.... we so far have talked about everything... the dress code... the theme... the decorations and who would decorate... the food of course..... and we want to make it fancy so we will make souvenirs and invitations....
Kyler: (raises his hand) sir...
*everyone watches Kyler raising his hand*
Jameson: (looks annoyed at Kyler raising his hand)
Mr. Fieldman: (notices Kyler raising his hand) what is it Kyler...
Kyler: first... would this mean that it would be expensive? and second.. we have no eaten lunch... will this be long???
*everyone suddenly laughs*
Gail: (slightly laughs and smiles down from a separate table)
Stevie: (notices and waves at Gail from Sam's table)
Gail: (notices and waves at Stevie)
Mr. Fieldman: well Mr. Kyler.... we have to spend something extra much if we want to have the best and good looking event... it is up to you all anyway and to your second question... we are almost finish because we will talk about where we will do the event...  a venue to be exact... so any suggestions???
*everyone looks nervously at each other*
Gail: (shyly looks down) (feels nervous) (remembers Mr. Marlon) (in her mind) thank God nobody knows I dated that owner of many venues.....
*Bentley and Clint enters the cefeteria*
Clint: (eyes widens at everyone gathered at the cafeteria) oh God...
*everyone suddenly notices Bentley and Clint*
Mr. Fieldman: oh... look who's late here huh???
Bentley: (shyly looks at Mr. Fieldman) we are personally sorry for being late.....
Mason: (seriously looks at Bentley)
Baron: (looks concerned at Mason looking at Bentley) 
Parker: (angrily looks at Bentley)
Bentley: well... is there anything that we can share for this precious event???
Mr. Fieldman: only if you guys can suggest a good venue......
Bentley: oh we can.... (nods confidently) actually.... I have a suggestion but more like a suggestion you have to pick...
Mr. Fieldman: what is it??
Gail: (looks nervous at Bentley speaking)
Clint: (notices Gail looking nervous at Bentley)
Bentley: The Octagon Resort..... that is the best place to be in.....
Gail: (in her mind) no way... not that! (stands up confusedly and speaks) but that place is expensive.....
Mr. Fieldman: I mean... you all are here in a private school for a reason right?? so why not??
Bentley: do not worry Gail.... (evilly smiles at Gail) I am good at sales talking..... (winks at Gail)
Gail: (looks frighteningly nervous at Clint and Bentley)
Clint: (sadly looks at Bentley)
Sam: (in his mind) wait.... I know that Octagon Resort... I know who owns that... (looks concerned at Gail)
Stevie: (sadly looks concerned at Gail) (in her mind) what is wrong with her??
Bentley: (suddenly notices Mason) oh hey Mason! (smiles and waves) you are back!!
Mason: (eyes widens and tries to not look at Bentley)
Baron: (keeps looking angrily at Parker)
*Jameson, Henry and Parker looks confused at Baron*

It is now sundown and back at the home of the boys, Parker is about to leave... at the front porch of the house....

Parker: (walks out of the house to the front porch) goodbye everyone! see you all tomorrow...
Baron: (follows and approaches Parker) Parker... Parker.. wait a minute....
Parker: (looks confused at Baron) Baron? what's wrong??
Henry: (tries to follow Baron) (notices Baron talking to Parker) (secretly listens from inside of the house)
Baron: you want to prove that you are doing this for Mason right????
Parker: yeah why? (looks confused at Baron)
Baron: then sorry to say but I cannot take this anymore.... I want Bentley to learn from what he did....  not everyone but just him.. for what he did to destroy Mason!!
Parker: (eyes widens nervously at Baron)
Henry: (in his mind) what Bentley did to Mason?

Here we go... so much to see in this season! Are you all prepared???

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