Episode 9 : New Found Friend

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It is now sunday, at the dining area of Sam and Mason's home, there friends were having breakfast together......

Mason: lucky for you Sam..... you got to answer and get paid by some clients finding us.....
Sam: (feels confused) what do you mean?
Mason: you were gone the whole night while I am here dealing with this report and honestly, they are all nice but it just makes me uncomfortable that I am part of the report about me but they are studying you.....
Sam: (looks down sadly) I wasn't meeting up with the clients last night..... I was just all alone roaming at the city because Jameson is here... (looks at Mason) studying me.....
Mason: (nods) must have been a tough time?
Sam: always been... (drinks his coffee) anyways.... how are you? how is the study going? I am still sure that you guys will find alternative ways.....
Mason: honestly, we didn't got any success from the whole day because Jameson was so depressed to think.... all we did was to stare at him staring at the blank page of the notebook and a blank page of the microsoft onenote...
Sam: (takes a deep breath) he must have been in a tough moment too....
Mason: well... he is choked with his girlfriend.... I also kinda feel sorry for him...
Sam: me too... only if I could not be who I am right now.....
Mason: but you always wanted to be friend him... I consider him as a friend, won't you? will you let Gail be the one person blocking you to him???
Sam: but she is everywhere in him....
Mason: and if that was true, she could have been with Gail here.. wouldn't that make things worse?
Sam: (looks sadly at Mason)
Mason: Gail was around the time I went to Jameson's meeting and I guess it is because Jameson has no idea that I am like you..... and he found his way not bringing Gail in our home because he knows how harmful she is to you.... I am not blaming your side because your fall is my fall but... I hope you see Jameson's effort to have this sort of language that will euphemize who you are to him because that is his good intention...
Sam: (looks at his phone) (opens his messenger) should I talk to him?
Mason: (grabs and calls Jameson through messenger on Sam's phone) I'll do the honors...
Sam: (eyes widens at Mason) but wait...
Jameson: (answers call) (on the line) ugh.... Sam? why did you call?
Sam: (feels nervous) ugh... (coughs) are you free? can we talk in the park of our school...
Jameson: you want to talk to me? (feels jolly) I will love to... thank you Sam! thank you!! I will... I will give you the time... (ends call)
Sam: (blushes)
Mason: I can hear the happiness on his voice.... (looks at Sam's face) and I can see your smile....
Sam: (nods) (smiles away slightly)
Mason: you helped a lot Sam, this time, I want me to help you....
Sam: (nods happily at Mason)

It is now afternoon and at the front park of the school, Sam was there on the swings of the adult playground.....

Sam: (looks at the falling leaves)
Jameson: (enters the park) (notices Sam on the swing) Sam!! (smiles widely) (runs and sits on an empty swing)
Sam: yeah hi! (smiles slightly at Jameson)
Jameson: it is such a lovely day today compare to how gloomy it was yesterday....
Sam: yeah... (looks at the sky) it really is....
Jameson: this is what I like about weekends... saturday tends to be gloomy and romantic while sunday is more like innocence and juvenile.....
Sam: (smiles) (nods)
Jameson: so... what beings us here???
Sam: I just want to say sorry for being too immature about who I am... and I have to honest that I might attacked who you are, indirectly......
Jameson: (nods) me too... I am sorry that I got to interfere without knowing my position.. we barely talk so who am I to ask about your life? I was more selfish....
Sam: (nods) and I barely don't know you for me to not trust you....
Jameson: (holds Sam's hand) but I should have known better....
Sam: (looks at Jameson's hand holding his hand) you should have been better....
Jameson: (shake his head) but Sam... we might spend the whole day blaming it to ourselves but I want to shift it by saying that I respect you for who you are and I want you to limit what I should know but please trust that I have no bad intentions.... I am friends with the whole class but not you and I want to.... cause I feel you at some point....
Sam: (looks at Jameson) what do you mean?
Jameson: (takes a deep breath) I do not barely know but that is why I respect you....
Sam: (nods sadly)
Jameson: (stands up)
Sam: but Jameson... do you still want to finish that reporting of yours??? I would accept now if I am your closest source?
Jameson: but you are not an addict... this is just you working for life.... do not listen to Gail...
Sam: but the way I stuck myself to this... isn't this addiction???
Jameson: (looks at Sam seriously) do not worry, I will handle this for you... for who you are...
Sam: (smiles slightly at Jameson)
Jameson: (smiles slightly at Sam)
Gail: (enters the park secretly) (eyes widens at Sam and Jameson together) (in her mind) what are these 2 doing here??? why are they smiling?

It is now night and after a very long talk, Jameson and Sam were now driving home to Sam and Mason' home.....

Sam: (looks at the window) thank you for driving me home....
Jameson: nah... I really asked Kyler for this..... I want to be the nicest one to you to catch up with all of the things....
Sam: (nods) Kyler huh?
Jameson: yeah.. why?
Sam: (shakes his head) (smiles at Jameson)
Jameson: (looks at Sam's lips) maybe I really am like you.. struggling in life cause I ain't rich like what you think?
Sam: (notices Jameson looking at his lips) (feels tempted) (looks at Jameson's lips)
Jameson: (slowly moves and softly kisses Sam's lips)
Sam: (feels surprised) (kisses Jameson softly) (moves his face away) ugh haha... thank you for the ride again... (walks out of the car)
Jameson: (looks nervous at Sam)
Sam: it was nice meeting you... I hope this is not the last.....
Jameson: this is not the last? (smiles slightly)
Sam: (smiles sligthly) hopefully....
Jameson: (nods and laughs softly) haha... okay....
Sam: (laughs softly away) (bites his lips looking at Jameson)

No one expected this relationship to escalate that fast... what do you think?

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