Season 2

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Hey guys, we are finally back for the second season of Alter-native and I have a lot in store for this season that I hopefully think would do well.... In the previous season, we figured out about Sam's alternative life full of sexual encounters for the sake of his making it to school and the way his secret has been revealed fully to the whole campus because of envy and immaturity..... On this season, we dive more into the alternative world that we are in together with the sudden dilemma between what you want and the one you are still having at the same time which Jameson will struggle a lot, we will also see if Gail's life is actually the cleanest of them all, we will also figure out more of Baron's curiosity about the life, some previous encounters that is yet to be revealed and of course the growing intimacy and also the heartbreak of somebody who isn't actually sure about what he is entering...... This would be a fucked up, messy adventure of everybody in the story and I cannot wait how everybody would develop with each other..... are you also hyped up about knowing more of this world, before we get into the co continuation of the story, let me introduce 3 new characters that you would be important al throughout the story.......

Henry Tyler - Oliver

Henry is an alter friend of Sam and they met back when they were requested to do a sexual collaboration with each other in a different city..... As he gets kicked out of his apartment, he is about to once again find his relevance but this time, he hopes that Sam and Mason help him..... despite of losing his relevance, his friends always considered him better in the job they were doing so when somebody new comes, he tours everyone nicely.

Bentley Perez - Hunter

Bentley is a jock from the school and he is popularly known since he is one of the most attractive guys of the school.... despite his heterosexual persona, he is secretly obsessed with very small bottom guys and he is obsessed playing them when he has nothing to do.... Also, despite his manly persona, he purposely flirts with people like Mason and Sam in a jokingly way but he really has a hidden motive with them..... he is also a close friend of Clint....

Mr. Marlon

Mr. Maron is a actually a popular businessman in the name Jacob Builders but he uses his name Marlon when he goes out to a bar and take home girls so he can give them money in exchange of taking advantage of them..... Despite how aggressive he is, he is actually wanted still by the girls because of how wealthy he is and they all have no choice but to obey him...... He is actually Gail's sugar daddy.....

This seems to be exciting... such a lot of obvious happenings as well as the unexpected ones... this will be a fucked up in a good way season, whose life shall we examine next? This is the Season 2 of Alter-native, let's all start now the continuation of this secret life they are all trying to hide..

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