Episode 13 : Not Coming Clean

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After the messed up class, Sam was at the entrance of the campus on the edge silently and secretly crying alone while covering himself with a bag......

Sam: (keeps crying silently) (hugs and buries his head with a bag) (sits on the stone railings of the entrance)
*Mason and Baron walks out of the campus*
Mason: where do you think would he go to????
Baron: (notices Sam crying on the stone railings of the entrance) here he is....
Mason: (approaches Sam) hey Sam.... I am sorry for what happened... (keeps crying) I am sorry if I did not speak up on you! I am sorry if it feels unfair for you especially that we are both getting attacked with that....
Sam: (stands up and hugs Mason) (cries hardly) it is not your fault Mason but God... truth is starting to hurt me but living in reality with this will torture me more.. I have no choice....
Baron: (eyes widens at Mason) (in his mind) Mason is one too????
Mason: (hugs Sam) do not worry... I am here... if she says it one more time, I will risk my image here...
*Jameson, Stevie and Kyler approaches Sam and the others*
Stevie: oh my... Sam... I am so sorry for that...... I know we are not that close but I never looked down on you!!
Kyler: (looks down sadly)
Jameson: (tears keeps pouring on his face) I think I was not brave enough to stand up for the right thing but Sam.... I hope you know that I will never tolerate her behavior.......
Sam: (cries and looks sadly at Jameson) I am too scared to believe you now.... as long as she is with you, I do not think we can be friends... as long as you are with a person like her, then you are an enabler!!
Jameson: (grabs, hugs and cries hard on Sam) Sam!! please do not think of me that way! I beg you!!!
Sam: and I am begging you to leave me because you will never benefit or be safe or anything!! you are nothing if you will stay with me!! I am the opposite of your innocence and no matter how you try hard in protecting me, your innocence just proves that you do not know anything.. (keeps shaking him away)
Kyler: (sadly looks at Sam breaking his way from Jameson hugging him)
Jameson: (voice starts breaking sadly) but we were just starting!! (keeps crying)
Sam: (looks sadly at Jameson)
Jameson: (holds Sam's hand) I told you I would do anything for you....
Sam: it is better said than done!
Gail: (angrily approaches and slams Sam hardly on the face) would you please stop making a scene and approaching your man just because you need an ally to your disgrace personality!!
Sam: (keeps crying) (shouts at Gail) what am I doing to you? I never hurt you!
Jameson: Gail!!
Stevie: (tries to pull Gail) Gail! stop it already!!
Gail: (grabs and clenches her hands on Sam's mouth) you are shouting at me now? you quiet sex addict one?!!
Clint: (approaches and tries to pull Gail away) Gail... stop making a scene.... you are going nuts!!
Gail: he himself is living in embarrassment... I rather be once like that than him living in it!!
Desiree: what did you say to my brother?! (grabs and pulls Gail's hair from behind) I knew something was fishy and you are bullying my brother!!!
Gail: (feels pain) what the fuck!! what do you even know from your brother you stupid unnecessary human being!!! (pulls Desiree's hair hardly) you do not even barely know how he represents embarrassment to all of us in this school!! (shouts at everybody) everybody!! did you all know Sam lets men who he barely even knows fuck him!!!! yes it is true!!
Sam: (keeps crying hardly)
*everyone starts gather more around the fight*
Desiree: (feels pain) (shouts angrily) whoever my brother is!! you are not in the position to do that!!!
Sam: and I am in the position to make things better... (pulls and pushes Desiree's hair against her)
Desiree: (trips down the stairs) (feels pain) fuck!! shit!!!
Jameson: (eyes widens at Gail) Gail.... I have to be the one to take you to the principal's office!! (grabs Gail by the arm)
Sam: (runs, hugs and cries hard on Desiree) you are a monster Gail!!  feeling clean as if you do not live your life with older unnecessary men supporting you!!
*everyone widens their eyes at Gail*
Gail: (feels nervously surprised at Sam)
Kyler: what does he mean? (feels confused)
Stevie: (shrugs at Kyler)
Jameson: let me take you now Gail! you are causing a big mess!
Gail: (takes off her hand angrily at Jameson) no!! (feels nervous at Sam) I will rather leave and not appear for days! (left)
Baron: now where is she going???
Sam: (looks down) (feels guilty)
*Mason and Desiree approaches Sam with concern*
Mason: bro... everything is fine now...
Desiree: Sam....
Sam: (feels embarrassed at Desiree) (cries hard) I am sorry! I am trolly sorry!! (left)
Desiree: wait Sam! (tears falls on her face)
Jameson: (looks sadly at Sam leaving) (cries hardly)
*Kyler and Baron sadly approaches Jameson*
*Stevie and Clint looks sadly at each other*
Jameson: (keeps crying) I am sorry... (looks at Desiree)
Desiree: (looks sadly at Jameson) do not blame it on you Jameson...

It is now night and at the bright city, Sam was there on the streets roaming around and crying hardly....

Sam: (covers himself with his arms) (keeps crying) (looks at the city lights) (in his mind) (slams and lies his back on a wall) (kicks the ground angrily) I fucked up! I fucked up so much!!
Stranger: (approaches Sam) ugh kid? are you with those twinks in the gay bar? I will pay you, can we go straight to bed... do not worry, my treatment too and safe sex.....
Sam: (looks teary eyed at the stranger)

This is so heartbreaking... this will really strengthen everything in the end of the season and the future ones.. tune in!

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