Episode 92 : What Is Happening???

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It is now a monday morning and at the home of Baron, Baron was there alone in his living room preparing for school......

Baron: (seriously and silently puts his important stuffs in his bag) (takes a deep breath and zips his bag close) (looks around) (in his mind) better keep my self busy and distracted because the alternative doesn't actually make sense for me to feel.... (feels slightly sad) I do not even know why after all these years.... this is still how I feel.....
*the front door suddenly creaks open and shuts*
Baron: huh? (suddenly feels nervous and confused at hearing his door creaking open and shutting) hello??? (nervously looks at the entrance of the living room) anybody there????
Henry: (enters the room worriedly) where are you Baron??? (eyes widens noticing Baron) oh there you are...
Baron: yes and... (keeps looking confused at Henry) here you are as well..... what brings you here anyway???
Henry: ugh.... (looks guilty and nervous at Baron) (in his mind) does he already know???? (speaks slowly) ugh... (looks down) I just wanted to check on you..... wanna see how you are doing??
Baron: (wears his bag) and you always know that I am doing fine so..... anything else that I need to know??? (keeps looking confused at Henry) and why are you suddenly in a hurry finding me though???
Henry: ugh.... (keeps looking guiltily at Baron) (shakes his head) I really just wanted to pick you up because..... Jameson, Mason, Parker and Sam are already leaving to go to school? and it is kinda weird that you are not yet there so I better picked you up as well......
Baron: what?!! (looks at his watch) I do not think this is about me being late because this is usually the time I prepare and I'd still get to hang out with everyone preparing in your home.....
Henry: ugh... (nods and keeps feeling tensed) that is... ugh... (feels slightly uncomfortable) that is the.... the.....
Baron: Henry.... (looks concerned at Henry) are you really fine? because you seem to stutter so much and exhausted.....
Henry: no ugh... that is the point... (smiles at Baron) they are also early as well so better inform you.... (nods awkwardly) (looks around)
Baron: okay then.... let's go then.... (looks around) I just finished preparing..... (about to walk out of the living room)
Henry: but Baron... seriously.... (looks sad at Baron) are you okay????
Baron: (slightly feels guilty) (suddenly stops walking) ugh.... (gulps deeply) I am okay..... thanks for your concern th.....
Henry: (cuts off Baron) heard about.... Mason and Parker?
Baron: (feels emotionally hurt) (nods sadly) yeah of course haha... (fake smiles) and I think we are all happy about them..... right? (looks back at Henry) (walks out of the living room) (left)
Henry: (sadly watches Baron leaving the room) (shakes his head) (in his mind) this is too much to take Baron.... it really is....

After Henry picking up Baron in his home, everyone including Sam, Jameson, Mason and Parker already headed straight to the school.... at the main hallway....

*Sam, Jameson, Baron, Henry, Mason and Parker enters the main hallway*
*everyone starts looking at the boys*
Henry: (looks concerned and nervous at Jameson)
Jameson: (notices Henry looking at him) (feels nervous) (looks concerned at Sam)
*the 6 boys keep continuing to walk in the hallway silently*
Mason: (confusedly notices everyone looking at them)
*the other students start whispering to each other about Sam and the others*
Sam: (looks nervous and uncomfortable noticing some students looking and talking about them)
Parker: (notices everyone watching and talking about them) ugh.... (gulps deeply) can I ask.... (looks at his friends) (whispers) do you all notice that everyone is whispering since we got here?
Sam: they seem to be looking at us... (looks confused and concerned at everyone) like what is happening? what did we miss? not to assume though....
Baron: (silently looks and listens to everyone)
*Jameson and Henry nervously looks at each other*
Mason: ugh... (keeps looking at the other students looking and whispering at them) I think we should just ignore for now and let's just continue walking......
Sam: but why are they talking about us? (suddenly feels stressed) I do not like the feeling of this....
Baron: (looks concerned at Sam)
Jameson: babe... (holds Sam's hand) Mason is right... we should continue walking..... (feels guilty and nervous)
Henry: (nods and sadly looks at Baron)
Baron: (notices Henry looking at him) what??
Desiree: (enters the hallway nervously and seriously) (eyes widens noticing Sam, Jameson, Mason, Baron, Parker and Henry) oh guys.... here you all are.....
Sam: (notices Desiree) ugh Desiree.... is there an event or something today?? because people seems to be discussing something......
Desiree: ugh... (looks at all the other students seriously) (shouts) would you all please lower down your chatters and get to your class already!!!
*the other students around the hallway stops whispering and looking at Sam and the others*
Sam: (nods and looks at everyone at the hallway) what is their deal??
Mason: yeah... (looks confused at everyone)
Desiree: I think you all should do what I said as well.... just go straight to your locker then classes okay??
*Sam and the others nod*
Henry: (keeps looking concerned at Jameson)
Jameson: (sadly and nervously looks at Desiree)
Desiree: (nervously looks at Jameson) (in her mind) he probably knows as well... (sadly looks at Sam) Sam doesn't deserve to experience this again...
Sam: (uncomfortably looks down)

It is now recess and at the girls' bathroom, Gail was there fixing her make up before eating in the cafeteria.......

Gail: (silently puts eyeliner) (focuses and stares at herself in the mirror)
*2 girls walk out of a toilet cubicle*
Student #1: girl hahaha..... (looks at her classmate) as much us feminism is a must.... it is true and it's funny that probably all her riches came from that man.......
Gail: (suddenly notices and feels slightly familiar about the conversation of the 2 girls) (listens carefully)
Student #2: well..... as you can see in the video.... (rolls her eyes) she gives hardcore in exchange of privileges.... 
Student #1: or probably.... she is more luckier than that because haha... she gets sex and riches.... like damn girl..... (rolls her eyes) she is ready to risk it all.....
Gail: (suddenly feels nervous listening to the 2 girls)
Student #2: so true hahahaha! (suddenly notices Gail putting eyeliner at the mirror) ugh... (suddenly feels nervous) (holds her classmate) I think we should go.....
Student #1: (notices Gail) yeah.... I think we should..... (smiles awkwardly) you are pretty though Gail.... keep slaying.....
Student #2: slaying men hahahahahaha!
*the 2 girls walk away and left the rest room*
Gail: (tears fall on her face and feels extremely nervous and panics) oh God.... (covers her mouth) (looks around) what is happening???

After a whole day of everyone whispering and talking about the boys and Gail, Gail went straight to Clint's home to confront and ask Clint about 
something..... at the front porch.....

Gail: (knocks stressfully on Clint's front door) Clint.... please!!! just for once!!!! talk to me because I gotta ask something.... please!!! (cries nervously) (stares at a clip of her getting raped by her sugardaddy) Clint!!!! (keeps punching and knocking the front door)
*the door suddenly opens with her knocking and punching*
Gail: Clint? (looks confused at the door opening and not locked) Clint?? (enters the house slowly and confusedly) Clint... I am going in okay? your door is not locked but jammed......

At the main hallway of the house......

Gail: (enters and slowly walks at the main hallway) Clint..... I am inside now..... please talk to me... (passes and notices something in the living room) ugh Clint??? are you here?? (enters the living room) Cl... (eyes widens and looks frightened at Clint hanging from the ceiling with his wrist bleeding) Clint????!!! (shouts and cries loudly) oh my God!!!! Clint!!!! (walks closer and notices the dried blood on the floor) this cannot be happening... no Clint... no!!!!!
Clint: (hanging dead with his head tied on a rope to the ceiling) (wrist are filled with dried up blood)
Gail: Clint!!! (keeps crying and stares at Clint dead hanging on the ceiling) I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!!!! (holds Clint's hand filled with dry blood) Clint!!!

This was a very suspicious day and it ended with some painful and sad news..... how will this affect everyone more?? especially if not everyone knows about what the rest of the school is talking about.....

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