Episode 54 : Grab A Friend

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Still at the home of Mason, Henry and Sam, Henry, Sam, Stevie and Jameson were having a conversation together at the hallway of the home......

Henry: (enters the room) (feels silent)
*Jameson, Sam and Stevie notices Henry*
Jameson: (taps Sam's shoulder)
Sam: huh? (looks at Jameson) (sadly looks back at Henry) ugh... (cough) Henry??
Henry: (about to walk up the stairs) (hears Sam) ugh Sam... hey! what are you guys even doing here at the hallway??? (approaches everyone)
Sam: um... (looks at Stevie and Jameson) we are just.... concerned if you and Mason are completely not okay??
Henry: (nods) oh... about that... (looks down sadly) I mean, I have no hard feelings for Mason because for me.... he is now my little brother that I have to understand genuinely.... but yeah, I am not okay about how we are..... but I cannot do anything about it because it may trigger something in him..... (looks at Sam) how about you Sam? I bet Mason will listen to you so much..... and I do not wanna demand but can you ask him if it is fine for us to talk and get things fine between us because.... (feels guilty) I love that little man so much....
Sam: I genuinely would love to help... we both love Mason.... and sure... I will do everything that I could do... for all of us......
Henry: for all of us! (smiles)
Stevie: well... we really better okay because..... a party will not be fun if there are beefs and feuds....
Henry: but I will consider beef as food.....
Stevie: oh it is Kyler... you will get junk foods for sure... (rolls her eyes)
Jameson: (shrugs)
*Stevie's phone rings*
Jameson: ugh Stevie.... your phone seems to be... ringing...
Stevie: yeah it is and I better see who's it.... (notices an incoming call from Gail) (looks confused)
Jameson: (notices Stevie confused) what is wrong Stevie? who is it from????
Stevie: should I answer Gail's call???
Henry: (looks at Jameson and Sam)
Jameson: (looks sadly at Sam)
Sam: (nods seriously at Jameson) it is her call.... not ours.....
Stevie: (looks unsure at Jameson and Henry) (looks at the incoming call from Gail)

Somewhere at the streets of the city, Gail is stuck at a morning traffic with her secret sugar daddy Mr. Marlon...... in Marlon's car.....

Gail: (patiently waits for Stevie to pick up the call)
Mr. Marlon: (patiently waits for the traffic to end) sweetie... who are you calling again???
Gail: I am really considering the party later and I need my best friend to be with me in that party.....
Mr. Marlon: what if you just bring me instead.....
Gail: (eyes widens at Mr. Marlon) you know we cannot do that?! are you going crazy?????
Mr. Marlon: why not? you are being hated in school and I do not want you to hate me for just having me!! (turns and seriously looks at Gail) are you even ashamed on having me? after all I gave????
Gail: (looks frightened at Mr. Marlon)
Stevie: (answers the call) (on the line) hello Gail???
Gail: long time no call bestie hahahaha... (still looks frightened at Mr. Marlon)
Mr. Marlon: (looks seriously at Gail)
Stevie: ugh Gail.... I am busy so.... please hurry up.....
Gail: (nods) I bet you are busy for the party and I wanna tell you that I am going too.... and I wanna go there with you again like old times right????
Stevie: I even barely see you and you have bee hiding yourself from me Gail...... where are you???
Gail: where am I??? (looks at Mr. Marlon)
Marlon: just tell her honestly about where you are... I bet she.....
Gail: (cuts off Marlon) (sushes Marlon) shhhhhh!!! would you please be quiet... (feels nervous)
Stevie: wait.. what is with the traffic noise? where are you even??? and who are you with???
Gail: (sweats nervously) I am with.... I am with Clint and....
Mr. Marlon: what?!! (shouts angrily)
Gail: (notices the cars in front moving forward) keep your eyes on the road would you!! (shouts angrily)
Mr. Marlon: oh I will... (aggressively drives)
Gail: (feels alarmed and worried at Mr. Marlon)
Stevie: (worriedly shouts at Gail) Gail?? what is happening? do you have signal???
Gail: no Stevie.... (feels intensely nervous) you aren't seem to be interested so.... I better be with Clint anyway... who else right? I better go now... see you!! (ends call) (shouts at Mr. Marlon) Marlon!! do you want to kill us? (holds on her seat)
Mr. Marlon: oh I won't for now.. and I will give what you want... but we will be going circles for a while... (angrily drives) for a while.....
Gail: (in her mind) (feels creeped out) for now???

Back at Sam, Henry and Mason's home....... at the small hallway.....

Stevie: (looks serious at Jameson) I do know who anymore what is going on with her life.....
Sam: to be honest, we have been not caring too much about her.... shouldn't we be worried???
Jameson: (holds Sam's hand) I do not care fully about her and I do not have conscience about her so....
*Henry's phone buzzes*
Henry: (feels his phone buzzing) (opens and notices a message from Baron in his phone)

Messenger: Baron - Henry

Baron: I will go there by the afternoon....
Henry: so you are coming in the party???
Baron: I think it would be fun for the both of us....
Henry: what do you mean?


Henry: (feels worried about Baron) (in his mind) maybe it was a bad idea after all......
Jameson: (looks confused at Henry) ugh what is wrong Henry?
Sam: who texted you? (looks confused at Henry)
Mason: (walks down the stairs slowly) (stops and hears Jameson, Henry, Sam and Stevie talking) (listens carefully)
Henry: it was Baron and he will join the party later....
Jameson: wow... he texted you this time instead of me......
Henry: (shrugs) I do not know.....
Stevie: maybe Baron likes you... (smiles)
Henry: (blushes) I don't think so.... I know Baron so much... it is impossible...
Stevie: oh Henry... you and him had a night I heard....
Henry: what do you mean? (blushes at Stevie)
Mason: (jealously listens) (looks down sadly) (tears fall on his face) (runs back up the stairs) (left)
Henry: (feels guilty deep inside) (in his mind) I better discipline Baron....

6 final episodes and the party is just about to start... tune in!

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