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Alex followed Blaus to the main door while yelling about how this is unfair to Klaus and he can be responsible

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Alex followed Blaus to the main door while yelling about how this is unfair to Klaus and he can be responsible. This was non-consensual possession, and Alex said that because he could see Klaus trying to kick Ben out of his body and Ben resisting.

"Hey, Prophet, Faithful! Where you going ?" Keechie said after he ran to catch up to them.

Blaus panicked, "Ahh, Quick vision quest, be back in a few... years. Maybe" And then started to run again.

"Wait! Wait! Who will bless the pool water?"

"You can do it Keechie! You can do everything from now on!"

Alex watched this like it was a tennis match.

"No prophet, I can't."

This sounded like a really bad school play.

"Keechie, bless the water, bless the air, bless the sex swing for all I care-"

"We had a sex swing?" Alex shouted disappointed. the things they could've done with that swing-

"-Would you just do me one favor?"

"Yes of course prophet, anything."

Alex felt like a third wheel.

"Tell jill, That rolling in the dirt was the greatest moment of my life."

Alex pointed a finger at Keechie, "No, don't."

Keechie looked between them before they started running again, and stopped them once more, "Prophet! wait! Any last words of wisdom?"

Blaus turned around, "Oh my God we're back again, Brothers, sisters, everybody sing
We're gonna bring the flavor show you how, " And then started running.

Alex looked at Blaus while running, "Backstreet's back alright!"

Blaus was fighting himself.

One moment it was Klaus, another it was Ben.

They finally got to the alley they were supposed to meet.

"We made it!"

Blaus started struggling for real and Alex stepped back and a moment later, Klaus vomited food and Ben.

Alex took a look at Klaus and then he vomited as well.

Luther and Five looked at them, "I can't believe you're here!"

"Shut up Luther! your voice makes me wanna barf again!"

"We got a minute left!" Luther said and slammed his moneky hand on top of a Garbage thing.

Klaus was still laying on the floor, "What's going on? are we going somewhere?"

"It was a simple task! A simple task!" Five angsted, "All they had to do was be here! didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no! An army of mutants? Nein!"

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