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"AH! Shane, did you hear that?"
"Calm down, it's just the wind."

The Umbrella Academy did not have many visitors, Back when the kids would run around in uniforms trying to save the world, there would be people, fans, and paparazzi waiting for the children. But after they disbanded there were fewer and fewer until rarely any person would come to visit the building. There would be a tourist here and there but that was it. And none had ever entered the building, only behind the fences.

That would soon change. For the first time in years, The umbrella Academy was going to open its doors to others.

    It all started with a video.

After Buzzfeed Unsolved released the video about the Umbrella Academy it was like everyone was suddenly remembering it existed. They got calls from every magazine you could imagine and all Phone calls were answered by none other than Alex himself.

At first, it was because he was bored. Klaus was off with his science buddies trying to see if it was possible for someone to smoke eggs and Ben was doing ghostly stuff. (Sneaking into Girl's showers possibly)

(Ben was peacefully reading in his room.)

Alex didn't even know Where Klaus got his science bros. They just appeared one day and Klaus jumped on the opportunity to find out the answer to his most asked question.

Back to the calls, At first, it was because he was bored but then it was fun!

Alex would answer the phone calls very seriously-

("Hello, is this The Umbrella Academy?"

"No this is Patrick!")

-He would kindly tell them that the Members were in mourning-



-So he had to kindly decline their generous offer-


"Sorry Karen, but fuck off!")

-And would end the call.


"Hi! You reached the We-Don't-Want-Your-Weed's Household, Unfourtenetly we're all smoking crack at the moment so please leave a cocaine. Bye!")

At that point, It had become obvious that whoever was answering the phones wouldn't let anyone say anything before saying something weird and then hanging up, It was quiet rude if you asked the magazines' opinion. But since no one asked, it was okay.

So When Alex got a phone call, he was ready to scare them off with his usual attitude but was instead surprised.

The phone call went like this:

"Dancing Queen-"


"...Go on, I'm listening."

"Wow, that actually worked. Hi, I'm Ryan-"

And then Alex agreed to talk business with them.

Pogo blamed himself, cause he should have seen this coming but did nothing to stop Alex from causing his usual chaos.

And that was how Pogo found himself opening the doors to Ryan, Shane, and their crew.

"Good evening gentlemen, I'm Pogo the Buttler. If you could please follow me." He then turned his back and trusted that they would follow him.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now