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[last chapter of season 2]


Lila rose into the air and glowed, and then she released a powerful wave of her energy.

The wave through everyone back. Luther landed in the house —where Five was—Vanya got thrown at the barn, Allison was thrown in a sack of hay, Alex landed on the snow, and Klaus—

"Catch me! Catch me! Catch me!"

Alex looked up and saw Klaus falling and if his math was right he would land on top of Alex.

The invisible boy opened his mouth to scream, Klaus would land right about now-


Alex opened his eyes slowly —when did he close them?— and found Klaus being held by two cowboys.

Diego got nearly squished by the red tractor. But the good news is that he only got his leg stuck under it.

small mercies.

Lila calmed down and went back to normal.

Alex could hear the handler laughing.

"Klaus," His husband looked at him, "Are we fucked or are we fucked?"

Before Klaus could say anything, they heard a crash. Apparently, Luthe was thrown out of the house causing a large hole.

Alex thought about all the repairs that had to be done after this fight and winced, 'Sorry Sissy.'

Allison ran towards him, but then Lila called her, getting her attention.

"We should- We should help," Klaus said watching as Lila said something causing Allison to go lax.

"Let's go-"

Allison was dying, and Luther was giving her mouth to mouth.

Before they could reach them, however, Allison started breathing again, and Diego called for help.

Everyone —not Five because he was fighting Lila—ran to help the dude with a red tractor on his leg.

"What took you so long?" Diego shouted.

"Were here now if you'd like to stop complaining?" Luther went to the red tractor and got ready to lift it up.

"Or if you prefer we could just leave you here," Klaus said receiving an elbow to his ribs.

"Yeah what he said," Allison voiced her agreement.

"Does everything in this family have to be a discussion?"

"Good point Vanya, and yes. If we don't discuss we're not us, we're aliens who are pretending to be us," Alex said and then went to help Luther and Klaus to lift up the red tractor.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now