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it's had been a long night for Alex

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it's had been a long night for Alex. He had no clue to where Klaus was taken to and Ben hadn't contacted him since they last talked. In conclusion, he had no Klaus by his side so the night was shitty.

He also didn't know where his other siblings were.

He had no clue as to where Diego, Luther and Five were and Allison was somewhere in the house. Vanya didn't live with them so he assumed that she was at her apartment.

As he was thinking of what to do, suddenly Ben appeared out of nowhere making Alex jump.

"Holy shit!" He screamed, "Holy fucking shit!"

Ben, despite the situation, couldn't help but laugh at his brother.

"Your face-"

Alex rolls his eyes but had a small smile on his face, "yeah, ha ha ha. Real funny."

Then he turned serious.

"How's he?"

Ben sobered up, "he's currently in the closet."

Alex got confused, "I thought he came out of it?"

Ben looked at him with wide eyes, "what? No! He's literally locked in a closet."

Now it was Alex turn to widen his eyes, "you know he's claustrophobic, why are you here then?"

"Just wanted to tell you the name of the motel, oh and there might be back up." He said the motels name and left quickly.

"What backup?"

Alex got there as soon as he could, meaning a short time.

He was walking around when he saw a familiar face walking out of the reception room.


He knew the detective from when Diego was still dating her and he was still in the academy.
Diego was crazy about her, couldn't stop talking about her to Klaus and Alex would sit with them and tried to help Diego through Klaus. And he was there to see how heartbroken Diego was when they broke up.

Alex made himself visible and walked up to her, "Eudora?"

She turned around and went pale when she saw Alex standing in front of her. She had seen him from the pictures that Diego had with him.

Alex took a step closer, "I don't know if you know-"

"Alex?" She asked uncertainly.

He blinked in surprise.

"Umm, yeah. Woah." He stuttered.

Eudora looked at him suspiciously, "Am I hallucinating?"

"No. I'm actually here. Hi." He said with a wave and rocked on his hills.

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