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CHAPTER TWENTY! Wow, I never thought I would come this far when I first started this book

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CHAPTER TWENTY! Wow, I never thought I would come this far when I first started this book. It's all thanks to you for giving me the inspiration and motivation to start this.
So I dedicate this chapter to all of you❤️

Alex and Klaus were having a lazy day, which meant that they weren't moving from where they sat on the floor of the bathroom. they were too lazy to go back to bed and be comfy.

Alex was about to doze off and dream the rest of the dream that he was having for the last week, there was a knock on the door which made Alex panic and hide himself from all eyes and that made Klaus panic because what if all of this was just a dream.

"Busy!" Klaus shouted as he reached out with his hand to try and find Alex. that made Alex confused because what was his lover doing?

Luther, not caring about privacy opened the door, "Oh good. You're up," He looked around the bathroom before asking, "Where's Alex?"

Explaining how Alex was alive was made on their way back home and Diego couldn't stop laughing as he remembered Luther's face. It was a fun ride.

Once he understood what was going on he made himself visible making Klaus sigh in relief.


"We need to talk. You, me and the others, So meet me in the living room like now-ish."

"Yeah, I would like to scold you all for your recent behavior and scare the hell out of Allison and Vanya but you see, I have a date with my dream aka Mr.Ice Cream-"

Luther interrupted Alex, " Yeah, no time for that. The world's ending in three days."

Alex whistled, "I forgot about that."


So that's how they found themselves down in where I like to call 'We-come-here-when-we-have-to-talk' room or simply the living room. but that sounds boring and we don't do boring.

Alex was invisible and only Luther, Diego and Klaus could see him, they thought it would be better if they slowly explained to her how he was alive.

"Three days?" Allison asked as she handed a coffee cup to Luther. Everyone had their own cup except for Alex.

He pouted when he was handed none. 

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it," Klaus said from where he was sitting on the floor and Alex was lying down with his head on Klaus's lap. "He just left out the part about how soon."

Alex hummed.

"But can we trust him? I don't know if you've noticed but five's a little," Allison did a 'crazy' hand thing and whistled.

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now