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"Let me get this straight, you stole these?!"
"I might have."
"I bloody love you."

•1 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞•

Klaus woke up feeling happy.

He had spent the last night out on a date with Alex. He had taken him to fancy restaurant. Both wearing their best Suit, meaning Klaus was underdressed.

But that's not what got them kicked out.

Of course they got kicked out over Klaus pouring his Wine over a homophobic old lady who couldn't see with how her head was far up her ass.

So yes, Klaus poured his wine all over her and got them kicked out.

He looked like a kicked puppy and Alex couldn't help but laugh at his lover.

So they went to a park near the restaurant-still in their 'best' suits- and got some pie from a nearby bakery and ate it all in the park.

And after some pranks-involving Alex going invisible and scaring the crap out of a couple on the other side of where they sat- and some kisses under the moon, they finally went back home.

So it's safe to say that Klaus was hyped that night.

The next morning, He got out of his and Alex bed —because why not— quietly, not wanting to wake up Alex. Who passed out when they arrived.

He wore Allison's skirt and and throw on a random shirt and went downstairs.

"Good morning motherfuckers!" He announced his presence cheerfully.

There were some groans and some "good mornings." And a special "sup dickhead." From Diego.

It wasn't even morning. It was like 1 am. Why were they in the kitchen having coffee?

He sat next to Five who was sipping his coffee, and began to whistle happily.

"Well someone's in a good mood." Luther eyed him.

Klaus stopped pouring tea and grinned at Luther, "Well not all of us are miserable fucks."

Five and Diego snorted.

"So how was the valentine day?" Alison asked curiously.

Klaus paused, a toast halfway in his mouth, "de wot?"

Everyone paused, even Five stopped sipping his coffee.

"Valentine." Alison said.

Klaus swallowed, "and when is valentine exactly?"

This time Diego answered, "Tomorrow."

Klaus paled.

"Fuck my life."


Klaus was nervous.

Today was valentine and he had no idea what to do.

Should he take Alex out on a date again? No he did that already.

Flowers? Maybe.

Chocolate? Definitely.

He was going out of his mind, trying to get Alex a decent gift.

Everything was either simple or too flashy.

And Alex was a not a flashy kind of guy.

Klaus even went to Allison for help!

Bloody Allison!

INVISIBLE ☂︎ Klaus HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now