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Finding that the old man in front of you is actually your 15 something-year-old brother from the future was a bit of a shock

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Finding that the old man in front of you is actually your 15 something-year-old brother from the future was a bit of a shock. But Alex was not any person.

If it was any other person, they would faint or cry or just go mad. But all Alex did was grinned and sat down next to old man Five, "Nice!"

He clapped the man on the back, "I'm still the eldest tho, don't get any ideas grandpa."

Old man Five stared at him with teary eyes. He had never thought he would see his brother ever again. Yes. he was planning on going back in time but the possibility of him succeeding was 50-50, there was a chance that he could never see Alex again. But here he was, a beer in his hand and sitting next to him grinning happily.

"So, what you guys talking about?"

He didn't get an answer, the two Fives were staring at each other with dead eyes, so he looked over at Luther who was sipping his beer.

"Ah, isn't this nice? the four of us here together?"

"No," Old man Five said without taking his eyes off of Five, "besides seeing Alex, no. somebody explain to me how I'm here having a pint of beer with my younger self?"

"Older, actually." Young-looking Five said, staring deep into his own old eyes, "I'm you, just 14 days older."

"I have pubic hair smarter than you. How is that possible?"

Alex sipped his beer enjoying this roasting-yourself or whatever it was show.

"I can explain it to you, see, in one hour from now on the grassy knoll, before the president was killed, you break your contract with the commission. I already know that you're thinking about it, all those years in the apocalypse we never stopped worrying about our family."

Alex silently cooed and noted to hug Five some more-- maybe even cuddle him!

"Well, today, you are going to do something about it. Today you are going to attempt to travel forward into 2019. However, you are going to screw up the jump and end up in this twip of a body." Five pointed at himself at the end, "Trapped, forever. small pubescent."

Old-man Five went red and said a little, "hey," before farting.

Alex stared at him in confusion, what?

"Even if I am to believe you what am I supposed to do about it, not jump?

"No, no. I need you to jump. You don't jump, I cease to exist.

Alex leaned closer to Luther and made sure the other two at the table couldn't hear him, "I think old-man Five is stupider than young-but-old Five."

Luther leaned closer as well and tried to whisper as much as physically possible for him, "Yeah, if they're the same person Five shouldn't have to explain this stuff to him, he's only 14 days younger."

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